# CHANGELOG **1.2.2**: - another issue https://github.com/ivanakimov/hashids.js/issues/56 **1.2.1** (do not use): - fixes a bug issue https://github.com/ivanakimov/hashids.js/issues/54 **1.2.0** (do not use): - drop unsupported node versions (6 and above is still supported) - drop support for browsers with global market share < 0.5% - upgrade to babel 7 and update other `devDependencies` - expose both as a default and a commonjs export (fixes TypeScript typings) - add support for `.mjs` - `package.json` updates - `.gitattributes` marks `package-lock.json` as binary - path of the source file changed from `dist/hashids.min.map` to `dist/hashids.min.js.map` - minor regex cleanup - precommit hook to run lint and test **1.1.4**: - looks like some bad input could generate negative numbers, which when passed to `_encode` would crash because it can't handle those *NOTE:* do not use `1.1.3`, it wasn't re-built **1.1.2**: - fixed issue with sourceMappingURL in hashids.min.js ([PR #38](https://github.com/ivanakimov/hashids.js/pull/38)) - added `package-lock.json` **1.1.1**: - Enforce stricter integer parsing on encode function ([PR #24](https://github.com/ivanakimov/hashids.js/pull/24)) - Moved source from `hashids.js` to `lib/hashids.js` - Minor `README.md` cleanup **1.1.0**: - ES6 source; ES5 dist - UMD support ([Node.js repo](https://github.com/ivanakimov/hashids.node.js) is merging into this one) - Added Eslint (npm run lint) - Added Mocha (npm run test) - Added Coveralls (npm run coverage) - Added build script (npm run build) - Moved CHANGELOG out of `README.md` - `README.md` completely updated - `examples/` folder removed; all examples are now in the README - [Bug fix](https://github.com/ivanakimov/hashids.node.js/issues/26): escaping regex - Improvement: relaxed parameter checks to `encode()`. All of these are allowed: ```javascript var hashids = new Hashids(); hashids.encode(1, 2, 3); // o2fXhV hashids.encode([1, 2, 3]); // o2fXhV hashids.encode('1', '2', '3'); // o2fXhV hashids.encode(['1', '2', '3']); // o2fXhV ``` **1.0.2**: - Support for older browsers (using `charAt`) by [@tauanz](https://github.com/tauanz): **1.0.1**: - *require.js* support by [@nleclerc](https://github.com/nleclerc): **1.0.0**: - Several public functions are renamed to be more appropriate: - Function `encrypt()` changed to `encode()` - Function `decrypt()` changed to `decode()` - Function `encryptHex()` changed to `encodeHex()` - Function `decryptHex()` changed to `decodeHex()` Hashids was designed to encode integers, primary ids at most. We've had several requests to encrypt sensitive data with Hashids and this is the wrong algorithm for that. So to encourage more appropriate use, `encrypt/decrypt` is being "downgraded" to `encode/decode`. - Version tag added: `1.0` - `README.md` updated **0.3.0**: **PRODUCED HASHES IN THIS VERSION ARE DIFFERENT THAN IN 0.1.4, DO NOT UPDATE IF YOU NEED THEM TO KEEP WORKING:** - Same algorithm as [PHP](https://github.com/ivanakimov/hashids.php) and [Node.js](https://github.com/ivanakimov/hashids.node.js) versions now - Overall approximately **4x** faster - Consistent shuffle function uses slightly modified version of [Fisher–Yates algorithm](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle#The_modern_algorithm) - Generate large hash strings faster (where _minHashLength_ is more than 1000 chars) - When using _minHashLength_, hash character disorder has been improved - Basic English curse words will now be avoided even with custom alphabet - _encrypt_ function now also accepts array of integers as input - Passing JSLint now - Support for [Bower](http://bower.io/) package manager **0.1.4**: - Global var leak for hashSplit (thanks to [@BryanDonovan](https://github.com/BryanDonovan)) - Class capitalization (thanks to [@BryanDonovan](https://github.com/BryanDonovan)) **0.1.3**: Warning: If you are using 0.1.2 or below, updating to this version will change your hashes. - Updated default alphabet (thanks to [@speps](https://github.com/speps)) - Constructor removes duplicate characters for default alphabet as well (thanks to [@speps](https://github.com/speps)) **0.1.2**: Warning: If you are using 0.1.1 or below, updating to this version will change your hashes. - Minimum hash length can now be specified - Added more randomness to hashes - Added unit tests - Added example files - Changed warnings that can be thrown - Renamed `encode/decode` to `encrypt/decrypt` - Consistent shuffle does not depend on md5 anymore - Speed improvements **0.1.1**: - Speed improvements - Bug fixes **0.1.0**: - First commit