const { clone } = require('./modelClone'); const { asArray } = require('../utils/objectUtils'); const { bindKnex } = require('./modelBindKnex'); const { validate } = require('./modelValidate'); const { isPromise } = require('../utils/promiseUtils'); const { omit, pick } = require('./modelFilter'); const { visitModels } = require('./modelVisitor'); const { hasId, getSetId } = require('./modelId'); const { toJson, toDatabaseJson } = require('./modelToJson'); const { values, propKey, hasProps } = require('./modelValues'); const { defineNonEnumerableProperty } = require('./modelUtils'); const { parseRelationsIntoModelInstances } = require('./modelParseRelations'); const { fetchTableMetadata, tableMetadata } = require('./modelTableMetadata'); const { setJson, setFast, setRelated, appendRelated, setDatabaseJson } = require('./modelSet'); const { getJsonAttributes, parseJsonAttributes, formatJsonAttributes } = require('./modelJsonAttributes'); const { idColumnToIdProperty, columnNameToPropertyName, propertyNameToColumnName } = require('./modelColPropMap'); const AjvValidator = require('./AjvValidator'); const QueryBuilder = require('../queryBuilder/QueryBuilder'); const NotFoundError = require('./NotFoundError'); const ValidationError = require('./ValidationError'); const RelationProperty = require('../relations/RelationProperty'); const Relation = require('../relations/Relation'); const HasOneRelation = require('../relations/hasOne/HasOneRelation'); const HasManyRelation = require('../relations/hasMany/HasManyRelation'); const ManyToManyRelation = require('../relations/manyToMany/ManyToManyRelation'); const BelongsToOneRelation = require('../relations/belongsToOne/BelongsToOneRelation'); const HasOneThroughRelation = require('../relations/hasOneThrough/HasOneThroughRelation'); const InstanceFindOperation = require('../queryBuilder/operations/InstanceFindOperation'); const InstanceInsertOperation = require('../queryBuilder/operations/InstanceInsertOperation'); const InstanceUpdateOperation = require('../queryBuilder/operations/InstanceUpdateOperation'); const InstanceDeleteOperation = require('../queryBuilder/operations/InstanceDeleteOperation'); const JoinEagerOperation = require('../queryBuilder/operations/eager/JoinEagerOperation'); const NaiveEagerOperation = require('../queryBuilder/operations/eager/NaiveEagerOperation'); const WhereInEagerOperation = require('../queryBuilder/operations/eager/WhereInEagerOperation'); const JoinEagerAlgorithm = () => { return new JoinEagerOperation('eager'); }; const NaiveEagerAlgorithm = () => { return new NaiveEagerOperation('eager'); }; const WhereInEagerAlgorithm = () => { return new WhereInEagerOperation('eager'); }; class Model { $id(maybeId) { return getSetId(this, maybeId); } $hasId() { return hasId(this); } $hasProps(props) { return hasProps(this, props); } $query(trx) { const ModelClass = this.constructor; return ModelClass.query(trx) .findOperationFactory(() => { return new InstanceFindOperation('find', { instance: this }); }) .insertOperationFactory(() => { return new InstanceInsertOperation('insert', { instance: this }); }) .updateOperationFactory(() => { return new InstanceUpdateOperation('update', { instance: this }); }) .patchOperationFactory(() => { return new InstanceUpdateOperation('patch', { instance: this, modelOptions: { patch: true } }); }) .deleteOperationFactory(() => { return new InstanceDeleteOperation('delete', { instance: this }); }) .relateOperationFactory(() => { throw new Error('`relate` makes no sense in this context'); }) .unrelateOperationFactory(() => { throw new Error('`unrelate` makes no sense in this context'); }); } $relatedQuery(relationName, trx) { const ModelClass = this.constructor; const relation = ModelClass.getRelation(relationName); const RelatedModelClass = relation.relatedModelClass; return RelatedModelClass.query(trx) .findOperationFactory(builder => { const operation = relation.find(builder, [this]); operation.assignResultToOwner = this.constructor.relatedFindQueryMutates; return operation; }) .insertOperationFactory(builder => { const operation = relation.insert(builder, this); operation.assignResultToOwner = this.constructor.relatedInsertQueryMutates; return operation; }) .updateOperationFactory(builder => { return relation.update(builder, this); }) .patchOperationFactory(builder => { return relation.patch(builder, this); }) .deleteOperationFactory(builder => { return relation.delete(builder, this); }) .relateOperationFactory(builder => { return relation.relate(builder, this); }) .unrelateOperationFactory(builder => { return relation.unrelate(builder, this); }); } $loadRelated(relationExpression, filters, trx) { return this.constructor.loadRelated(this, relationExpression, filters, trx); } $beforeValidate(jsonSchema, json, options) { /* istanbul ignore next */ return jsonSchema; } $validate(json, options) { return validate(this, json, options); } $afterValidate(json, options) { // Do nothing by default. } $parseDatabaseJson(json) { const columnNameMappers = this.constructor.getColumnNameMappers(); if (columnNameMappers) { json = columnNameMappers.parse(json); } return parseJsonAttributes(json, this.constructor); } $formatDatabaseJson(json) { const columnNameMappers = this.constructor.getColumnNameMappers(); json = formatJsonAttributes(json, this.constructor); if (columnNameMappers) { json = columnNameMappers.format(json); } return json; } $parseJson(json, options) { return json; } $formatJson(json) { return json; } $setJson(json, options) { return setJson(this, json, options); } $setDatabaseJson(json) { return setDatabaseJson(this, json); } $set(obj) { return setFast(this, obj); } $setRelated(relation, models) { return setRelated(this, relation, models); } $appendRelated(relation, models) { return appendRelated(this, relation, models); } $toJson(opt) { return toJson(this, opt); } toJSON(opt) { return this.$toJson(opt); } $toDatabaseJson(knex) { return toDatabaseJson(this, knex); } $beforeInsert(queryContext) { // Do nothing by default. } $afterInsert(queryContext) { // Do nothing by default. } $beforeUpdate(opt, queryContext) { // Do nothing by default. } $afterUpdate(opt, queryContext) { // Do nothing by default. } $afterGet(queryContext) { // Do nothing by default. } $beforeDelete(queryContext) { // Do nothing by default. } $afterDelete(queryContext) { // Do nothing by default. } $omit() { return omit(this, arguments); } $pick() { return pick(this, arguments); } $values(props) { return values(this, props); } $propKey(props) { return propKey(this, props); } $clone(opt) { return clone(this, !!(opt && opt.shallow), false); } $traverse(filterConstructor, callback) { if (callback === undefined) { callback = filterConstructor; filterConstructor = null; } this.constructor.traverse(filterConstructor, this, callback); return this; } $omitFromJson(props) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this.$$omitFromJson; } else { if (!this.hasOwnProperty('$$omitFromJson')) { defineNonEnumerableProperty(this, '$$omitFromJson', props); } else { this.$$omitFromJson = this.$$omitFromJson.concat(props); } } } $omitFromDatabaseJson(props) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this.$$omitFromDatabaseJson; } else { if (!this.hasOwnProperty('$$omitFromDatabaseJson')) { defineNonEnumerableProperty(this, '$$omitFromDatabaseJson', props); } else { this.$$omitFromDatabaseJson = this.$$omitFromDatabaseJson.concat(props); } } } $knex() { return this.constructor.knex(); } $transaction() { return this.constructor.transaction(); } static get objectionModelClass() { return Model; } static fromJson(json, options) { const model = new this(); model.$setJson(json || {}, options); return model; } static fromDatabaseJson(json) { const model = new this(); model.$setDatabaseJson(json || {}); return model; } static omitImpl(obj, prop) { delete obj[prop]; } static createValidator() { return new AjvValidator({ onCreateAjv: ajv => { /* Do Nothing by default */ }, options: { allErrors: true, validateSchema: false, ownProperties: true, v5: true } }); } static createNotFoundError(ctx) { return new this.NotFoundError(); } static createValidationError(props) { return new this.ValidationError(props); } static getTableName() { let tableName = this.tableName; if (typeof tableName === 'function') { tableName = this.tableName(); } if (typeof tableName !== 'string') { throw new Error(`Model ${} must have a static property tableName`); } return tableName; } static getIdColumn() { let idColumn = this.idColumn; if (typeof idColumn === 'function') { idColumn = this.idColumn(); } return idColumn; } static getValidator() { // Memoize the validator but only for this class. The hasOwnProperty check // will fail for subclasses and the validator gets recreated. if (!this.hasOwnProperty('$$validator')) { defineNonEnumerableProperty(this, '$$validator', this.createValidator()); } return this.$$validator; } static getJsonSchema() { // Memoize the jsonSchema but only for this class. The hasOwnProperty check // will fail for subclasses and the value gets recreated. if (!this.hasOwnProperty('$$jsonSchema')) { // this.jsonSchema is often a getter that returns a new object each time. We need // memoize it to make sure we get the same instance each time. defineNonEnumerableProperty(this, '$$jsonSchema', this.jsonSchema); } return this.$$jsonSchema; } static getJsonAttributes() { // Memoize the jsonAttributes but only for this class. The hasOwnProperty check // will fail for subclasses and the value gets recreated. if (!this.hasOwnProperty('$$jsonAttributes')) { defineNonEnumerableProperty(this, '$$jsonAttributes', getJsonAttributes(this)); } return this.$$jsonAttributes; } static getColumnNameMappers() { // Memoize the columnNameMappers but only for this class. The hasOwnProperty check // will fail for subclasses and the value gets recreated. if (!this.hasOwnProperty('$$columnNameMappers')) { defineNonEnumerableProperty(this, '$$columnNameMappers', this.columnNameMappers); } return this.$$columnNameMappers; } static columnNameToPropertyName(columnName) { // Memoize the converted names but only for this class. The hasOwnProperty check // will fail for subclasses and the value gets recreated. if (!this.hasOwnProperty('$$colToProp')) { defineNonEnumerableProperty(this, '$$colToProp', new Map()); } let propertyName = this.$$colToProp.get(columnName); if (!propertyName) { propertyName = columnNameToPropertyName(this, columnName); this.$$colToProp.set(columnName, propertyName); } return propertyName; } static propertyNameToColumnName(propertyName) { // Memoize the converted names but only for this class. The hasOwnProperty check // will fail for subclasses and the value gets recreated. if (!this.hasOwnProperty('$$propToCol')) { defineNonEnumerableProperty(this, '$$propToCol', new Map()); } let columnName = this.$$propToCol.get(propertyName); if (!columnName) { columnName = propertyNameToColumnName(this, propertyName); this.$$propToCol.set(propertyName, columnName); } return columnName; } static getReadOnlyVirtualAttributes() { // Memoize getReadOnlyVirtualAttributes but only for this class. The hasOwnProperty check // will fail for subclasses and the value gets recreated. if (!this.hasOwnProperty('$$readOnlyVirtualAttributes')) { defineNonEnumerableProperty( this, '$$readOnlyVirtualAttributes', getReadOnlyVirtualAttributes(this) ); } return this.$$readOnlyVirtualAttributes; } static getIdRelationProperty() { // Memoize getIdRelationProperty but only for this class. The hasOwnProperty check // will fail for subclasses and the value gets recreated. if (!this.hasOwnProperty('$$idRelationProperty')) { defineNonEnumerableProperty(this, '$$idRelationProperty', getIdRelationProperty(this)); } return this.$$idRelationProperty; } static getIdColumnArray() { return this.getIdRelationProperty().cols; } static getIdPropertyArray() { return this.getIdRelationProperty().props; } static getIdProperty() { const idProps = this.getIdPropertyArray(); if (idProps.length === 1) { return idProps[0]; } else { return idProps; } } static getRelations() { // Memoize relations but only for this class. The hasOwnProperty check // will fail for subclasses and the value gets recreated. if (!this.hasOwnProperty('$$relations')) { let relationMappings = this.relationMappings; if (typeof relationMappings === 'function') { relationMappings =; } const relations = Object.keys(relationMappings || {}).reduce((relations, relationName) => { const mapping = relationMappings[relationName]; relations[relationName] = new mapping.relation(relationName, this); relations[relationName].setMapping(mapping); return relations; }, Object.create(null)); defineNonEnumerableProperty(this, '$$relations', relations); } return this.$$relations; } static getRelationArray() { // Memoize relation array but only for this class. The hasOwnProperty check // will fail for subclasses and the value gets recreated. if (!this.hasOwnProperty('$$relationArray')) { defineNonEnumerableProperty(this, '$$relationArray', getRelationArray(this)); } return this.$$relationArray; } static query(trx) { return this.QueryBuilder.forClass(this).transacting(trx); } static relatedQuery(relationName) { const relation = this.getRelation(relationName); const modelClass = relation.relatedModelClass; return modelClass .query() .alias( .findOperationFactory(builder => relation.subQuery(builder)); } static fetchTableMetadata(opt) { return fetchTableMetadata(this, opt); } static tableMetadata(opt) { return tableMetadata(this, opt); } static knex() { if (arguments.length) { defineNonEnumerableProperty(this, '$$knex', arguments[0]); } else { return this.$$knex; } } static transaction() { return this.knex(); } static raw() { const knex = this.knex(); return knex.raw.apply(knex, arguments); } static fn() { const knex = this.knex(); return knex.fn; } static knexQuery() { return this.knex().table(this.getTableName()); } static uniqueTag() { if ( { return `${this.getTableName()}_${}`; } else { return this.getTableName(); } } static bindKnex(knex) { return bindKnex(this, knex); } static bindTransaction(trx) { return bindKnex(this, trx); } static ensureModel(model, options) { const ModelClass = this; if (!model) { return null; } if (model instanceof ModelClass) { return parseRelationsIntoModelInstances(model, model, options); } else { return ModelClass.fromJson(model, options); } } static ensureModelArray(input, options) { if (!input) { return []; } if (Array.isArray(input)) { let models = new Array(input.length); for (let i = 0, l = input.length; i < l; ++i) { models[i] = this.ensureModel(input[i], options); } return models; } else { return [this.ensureModel(input, options)]; } } static getRelation(name) { const relation = this.getRelations()[name]; if (!relation) { throw new Error(`A model class ${} doesn't have relation ${name}`); } return relation; } static loadRelated($models, expression, filters, trx) { return this.query(trx) .resolve(this.ensureModelArray($models)) .findOptions({ dontCallAfterGet: true }) .eager(expression, filters) .runAfter(models => (Array.isArray($models) ? models : models[0])); } static traverse(filterConstructor, models, traverser) { filterConstructor = filterConstructor || null; if (traverser === undefined) { traverser = models; models = filterConstructor; filterConstructor = null; } if (typeof traverser !== 'function') { throw new Error('traverser must be a function'); } if (!models || (Array.isArray(models) && !models.length)) { return this; } const modelClass = Array.isArray(models) ? models[0].constructor : models.constructor; visitModels(models, modelClass, (model, modelClass, parent, relation) => { if (!filterConstructor || model instanceof filterConstructor) { traverser(model, parent, relation &&; } }); return this; } } Object.defineProperties(Model.prototype, { $isObjectionModel: { enumerable: false, writable: false, value: true }, $objectionModelClass: { enumerable: false, writable: false, value: Model } }); Model.QueryBuilder = QueryBuilder; Model.HasOneRelation = HasOneRelation; Model.HasManyRelation = HasManyRelation; Model.ManyToManyRelation = ManyToManyRelation; Model.BelongsToOneRelation = BelongsToOneRelation; Model.HasOneThroughRelation = HasOneThroughRelation; Model.JoinEagerAlgorithm = JoinEagerAlgorithm; Model.NaiveEagerAlgorithm = NaiveEagerAlgorithm; Model.WhereInEagerAlgorithm = WhereInEagerAlgorithm; Model.ValidationError = ValidationError; Model.NotFoundError = NotFoundError; Model.tableName = null; Model.jsonSchema = null; Model.idColumn = 'id'; Model.uidProp = '#id'; Model.uidRefProp = '#ref'; Model.dbRefProp = '#dbRef'; Model.propRefRegex = /#ref{([^\.]+)\.([^}]+)}/g; Model.jsonAttributes = null; Model.virtualAttributes = null; Model.relationMappings = null; Model.modelPaths = []; Model.pickJsonSchemaProperties = false; Model.defaultEagerAlgorithm = WhereInEagerAlgorithm; Model.defaultEagerOptions = Object.freeze({ minimize: false, separator: ':', aliases: {} }); Model.defaultFindOptions = Object.freeze({}); Model.namedFilters = null; Model.useLimitInFirst = false; Model.columnNameMappers = null; Model.relatedFindQueryMutates = true; Model.relatedInsertQueryMutates = true; Model.concurrency = 1; function getIdRelationProperty(ModelClass) { const idColumn = asArray(ModelClass.getIdColumn()); return new RelationProperty( => `${ModelClass.getTableName()}.${idCol}`), () => ModelClass ); } function getReadOnlyVirtualAttributes(ModelClass) { const virtuals = ModelClass.virtualAttributes; if (!Array.isArray(virtuals)) { return null; } return virtuals.filter(virtual => { const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(ModelClass.prototype, virtual); if (!desc) { return false; } return (desc.get && !desc.set) || desc.writable === false || typeof desc.value === 'function'; }); } function getRelationArray(ModelClass) { const relations = ModelClass.getRelations(); return Object.keys(relations).map(key => relations[key]); } module.exports = Model;