#!/usr/bin/env node /* eslint no-console:0, no-var:0 */ var Liftoff = require('liftoff'); var Promise = require('bluebird'); var interpret = require('interpret'); var path = require('path'); var chalk = require('chalk'); var tildify = require('tildify'); var commander = require('commander'); var argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2)); var fs = Promise.promisifyAll(require('fs')); var cliPkg = require('../package'); function exit(text) { if (text instanceof Error) { console.error(chalk.red(text.stack)); } else { console.error(chalk.red(text)); } process.exit(1); } function success(text) { console.log(text); process.exit(0); } function checkLocalModule(env) { if (!env.modulePath) { console.log(chalk.red('No local knex install found in:'), chalk.magenta(tildify(env.cwd))); exit('Try running: npm install knex.'); } } function initKnex(env) { checkLocalModule(env); if (!env.configPath) { exit('No knexfile found in this directory. Specify a path with --knexfile'); } if (process.cwd() !== env.cwd) { process.chdir(env.cwd); console.log('Working directory changed to', chalk.magenta(tildify(env.cwd))); } var environment = commander.env || process.env.NODE_ENV; var defaultEnv = 'development'; var config = require(env.configPath); if (!environment && typeof config[defaultEnv] === 'object') { environment = defaultEnv; } if (environment) { console.log('Using environment:', chalk.magenta(environment)); config = config[environment] || config; } if (!config) { console.log(chalk.red('Warning: unable to read knexfile config')); process.exit(1); } if (argv.debug !== undefined) config.debug = argv.debug; var knex = require(env.modulePath); return knex(config); } function invoke(env) { var filetypes = ['js', 'coffee', 'ts', 'eg', 'ls']; var pending = null; commander .version( chalk.blue('Knex CLI version: ', chalk.green(cliPkg.version)) + '\n' + chalk.blue('Local Knex version: ', chalk.green(env.modulePackage.version)) + '\n' ) .option('--debug', 'Run with debugging.') .option('--knexfile [path]', 'Specify the knexfile path.') .option('--cwd [path]', 'Specify the working directory.') .option('--env [name]', 'environment, default: process.env.NODE_ENV || development'); commander .command('init') .description(' Create a fresh knexfile.') .option(`-x [${filetypes.join('|')}]`, 'Specify the knexfile extension (default js)') .action(function() { var type = (argv.x || 'js').toLowerCase(); if (filetypes.indexOf(type) === -1) { exit(`Invalid filetype specified: ${type}`); } if (env.configPath) { exit(`Error: ${env.configPath} already exists`); } checkLocalModule(env); var stubPath = `./knexfile.${type}`; pending = fs.readFileAsync( path.dirname(env.modulePath) + '/lib/migrate/stub/knexfile-' + type + '.stub' ).then(function(code) { return fs.writeFileAsync(stubPath, code) }).then(function() { success(chalk.green(`Created ${stubPath}`)); }).catch(exit); }); commander .command('migrate:make ') .description(' Create a named migration file.') .option(`-x [${filetypes.join('|')}]`, 'Specify the stub extension (default js)') .action(function(name) { var instance = initKnex(env); var ext = (argv.x || env.configPath.split('.').pop()).toLowerCase(); pending = instance.migrate.make(name, {extension: ext}).then(function(name) { success(chalk.green(`Created Migration: ${name}`)); }).catch(exit); }); commander .command('migrate:latest') .description(' Run all migrations that have not yet been run.') .action(function() { pending = initKnex(env).migrate.latest().spread(function(batchNo, log) { if (log.length === 0) { success(chalk.cyan('Already up to date')); } success( chalk.green(`Batch ${batchNo} run: ${log.length} migrations \n`) + chalk.cyan(log.join('\n')) ); }).catch(exit); }); commander .command('migrate:rollback') .description(' Rollback the last set of migrations performed.') .action(function() { pending = initKnex(env).migrate.rollback().spread(function(batchNo, log) { if (log.length === 0) { success(chalk.cyan('Already at the base migration')); } success( chalk.green(`Batch ${batchNo} rolled back: ${log.length} migrations \n`) + chalk.cyan(log.join('\n')) ); }).catch(exit); }); commander .command('migrate:currentVersion') .description(' View the current version for the migration.') .action(function () { pending = initKnex(env).migrate.currentVersion().then(function(version) { success(chalk.green('Current Version: ') + chalk.blue(version)); }).catch(exit); }); commander .command('seed:make ') .description(' Create a named seed file.') .option(`-x [${filetypes.join('|')}]`, 'Specify the stub extension (default js)') .action(function(name) { var instance = initKnex(env); var ext = (argv.x || env.configPath.split('.').pop()).toLowerCase(); pending = instance.seed.make(name, {extension: ext}).then(function(name) { success(chalk.green(`Created seed file: ${name}`)); }).catch(exit); }); commander .command('seed:run') .description(' Run seed files.') .action(function() { pending = initKnex(env).seed.run().spread(function(log) { if (log.length === 0) { success(chalk.cyan('No seed files exist')); } success(chalk.green(`Ran ${log.length} seed files \n${chalk.cyan(log.join('\n'))}`)); }).catch(exit); }); commander.parse(process.argv); Promise.resolve(pending).then(function() { commander.outputHelp(); exit('Unknown command-line options, exiting'); }); } var cli = new Liftoff({ name: 'knex', extensions: interpret.jsVariants, v8flags: require('v8flags') }); cli.on('require', function(name) { console.log('Requiring external module', chalk.magenta(name)); }); cli.on('requireFail', function(name) { console.log(chalk.red('Failed to load external module'), chalk.magenta(name)); }); cli.launch({ cwd: argv.cwd, configPath: argv.knexfile, require: argv.require, completion: argv.completion }, invoke);