'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _getIterator2 = require('babel-runtime/core-js/get-iterator'); var _getIterator3 = _interopRequireDefault(_getIterator2); var _has2 = require('lodash/has'); var _has3 = _interopRequireDefault(_has2); var _inherits = require('inherits'); var _inherits2 = _interopRequireDefault(_inherits); var _tablecompiler = require('../../../schema/tablecompiler'); var _tablecompiler2 = _interopRequireDefault(_tablecompiler); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } /* eslint max-len: 0 */ // PostgreSQL Table Builder & Compiler // ------- function TableCompiler_PG() { _tablecompiler2.default.apply(this, arguments); } (0, _inherits2.default)(TableCompiler_PG, _tablecompiler2.default); // Compile a rename column command. TableCompiler_PG.prototype.renameColumn = function (from, to) { return this.pushQuery({ sql: 'alter table ' + this.tableName() + ' rename ' + this.formatter.wrap(from) + ' to ' + this.formatter.wrap(to) }); }; TableCompiler_PG.prototype.compileAdd = function (builder) { var table = this.formatter.wrap(builder); var columns = this.prefixArray('add column', this.getColumns(builder)); return this.pushQuery({ sql: 'alter table ' + table + ' ' + columns.join(', ') }); }; // Adds the "create" query to the query sequence. TableCompiler_PG.prototype.createQuery = function (columns, ifNot) { var createStatement = ifNot ? 'create table if not exists ' : 'create table '; var sql = createStatement + this.tableName() + ' (' + columns.sql.join(', ') + ')'; if (this.single.inherits) sql += ' inherits (' + this.formatter.wrap(this.single.inherits) + ')'; this.pushQuery({ sql: sql, bindings: columns.bindings }); var hasComment = (0, _has3.default)(this.single, 'comment'); if (hasComment) this.comment(this.single.comment); }; TableCompiler_PG.prototype.addColumns = function (columns, prefix, colCompilers) { if (prefix === this.alterColumnsPrefix) { // alter columns for (var _iterator = colCompilers, _isArray = Array.isArray(_iterator), _i = 0, _iterator = _isArray ? _iterator : (0, _getIterator3.default)(_iterator);;) { var _ref; if (_isArray) { if (_i >= _iterator.length) break; _ref = _iterator[_i++]; } else { _i = _iterator.next(); if (_i.done) break; _ref = _i.value; } var col = _ref; var quotedTableName = this.tableName(); var colName = col.getColumnName(); var type = col.getColumnType(); this.pushQuery({ sql: 'alter table ' + quotedTableName + ' alter column "' + colName + '" drop default', bindings: [] }); this.pushQuery({ sql: 'alter table ' + quotedTableName + ' alter column "' + colName + '" drop not null', bindings: [] }); this.pushQuery({ sql: 'alter table ' + quotedTableName + ' alter column "' + colName + '" type ' + type + ' using ("' + colName + '"::' + type + ')', bindings: [] }); var defaultTo = col.modified['defaultTo']; if (defaultTo) { var modifier = col.defaultTo.apply(col, defaultTo); this.pushQuery({ sql: 'alter table ' + quotedTableName + ' alter column "' + colName + '" set ' + modifier, bindings: [] }); } var nullable = col.modified['nullable']; if (nullable && nullable[0] === false) { this.pushQuery({ sql: 'alter table ' + quotedTableName + ' alter column "' + colName + '" set not null', bindings: [] }); } } } else { // base class implementation for normal add _tablecompiler2.default.prototype.addColumns.call(this, columns, prefix); } }; // Compiles the comment on the table. TableCompiler_PG.prototype.comment = function (comment) { this.pushQuery('comment on table ' + this.tableName() + ' is \'' + this.single.comment + '\''); }; // Indexes: // ------- TableCompiler_PG.prototype.primary = function (columns, constraintName) { constraintName = constraintName ? this.formatter.wrap(constraintName) : this.formatter.wrap(this.tableNameRaw + '_pkey'); this.pushQuery('alter table ' + this.tableName() + ' add constraint ' + constraintName + ' primary key (' + this.formatter.columnize(columns) + ')'); }; TableCompiler_PG.prototype.unique = function (columns, indexName) { indexName = indexName ? this.formatter.wrap(indexName) : this._indexCommand('unique', this.tableNameRaw, columns); this.pushQuery('alter table ' + this.tableName() + ' add constraint ' + indexName + ' unique (' + this.formatter.columnize(columns) + ')'); }; TableCompiler_PG.prototype.index = function (columns, indexName, indexType) { indexName = indexName ? this.formatter.wrap(indexName) : this._indexCommand('index', this.tableNameRaw, columns); this.pushQuery('create index ' + indexName + ' on ' + this.tableName() + (indexType && ' using ' + indexType || '') + ' (' + this.formatter.columnize(columns) + ')'); }; TableCompiler_PG.prototype.dropPrimary = function (constraintName) { constraintName = constraintName ? this.formatter.wrap(constraintName) : this.formatter.wrap(this.tableNameRaw + '_pkey'); this.pushQuery('alter table ' + this.tableName() + ' drop constraint ' + constraintName); }; TableCompiler_PG.prototype.dropIndex = function (columns, indexName) { indexName = indexName ? this.formatter.wrap(indexName) : this._indexCommand('index', this.tableNameRaw, columns); indexName = this.schemaNameRaw ? this.formatter.wrap(this.schemaNameRaw) + '.' + indexName : indexName; this.pushQuery('drop index ' + indexName); }; TableCompiler_PG.prototype.dropUnique = function (columns, indexName) { indexName = indexName ? this.formatter.wrap(indexName) : this._indexCommand('unique', this.tableNameRaw, columns); this.pushQuery('alter table ' + this.tableName() + ' drop constraint ' + indexName); }; TableCompiler_PG.prototype.dropForeign = function (columns, indexName) { indexName = indexName ? this.formatter.wrap(indexName) : this._indexCommand('foreign', this.tableNameRaw, columns); this.pushQuery('alter table ' + this.tableName() + ' drop constraint ' + indexName); }; exports.default = TableCompiler_PG; module.exports = exports['default'];