'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _isArray2 = require('lodash/isArray'); var _isArray3 = _interopRequireDefault(_isArray2); var _assign2 = require('lodash/assign'); var _assign3 = _interopRequireDefault(_assign2); var _bluebird = require('bluebird'); var _bluebird2 = _interopRequireDefault(_bluebird); var _helpers = require('./helpers'); var helpers = _interopRequireWildcard(_helpers); function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } newObj.default = obj; return newObj; } } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var PassThrough = void 0; // The "Runner" constructor takes a "builder" (query, schema, or raw) // and runs through each of the query statements, calling any additional // "output" method provided alongside the query and bindings. function Runner(client, builder) { this.client = client; this.builder = builder; this.queries = []; // The "connection" object is set on the runner when // "run" is called. this.connection = void 0; } (0, _assign3.default)(Runner.prototype, { // "Run" the target, calling "toSQL" on the builder, returning // an object or array of queries to run, each of which are run on // a single connection. run: function run() { var runner = this; return _bluebird2.default.using(this.ensureConnection(), function (connection) { runner.connection = connection; runner.client.emit('start', runner.builder); runner.builder.emit('start', runner.builder); var sql = runner.builder.toSQL(); if (runner.builder._debug) { helpers.debugLog(sql); } if ((0, _isArray3.default)(sql)) { return runner.queryArray(sql); } return runner.query(sql); }) // If there are any "error" listeners, we fire an error event // and then re-throw the error to be eventually handled by // the promise chain. Useful if you're wrapping in a custom `Promise`. .catch(function (err) { if (runner.builder._events && runner.builder._events.error) { runner.builder.emit('error', err); } throw err; }) // Fire a single "end" event on the builder when // all queries have successfully completed. .tap(function () { runner.builder.emit('end'); }); }, // Stream the result set, by passing through to the dialect's streaming // capabilities. If the options are stream: function stream(options, handler) { // If we specify stream(handler).then(... if (arguments.length === 1) { if (typeof options === 'function') { handler = options; options = {}; } } // Determines whether we emit an error or throw here. var hasHandler = typeof handler === 'function'; // Lazy-load the "PassThrough" dependency. PassThrough = PassThrough || require('readable-stream').PassThrough; var runner = this; var stream = new PassThrough({ objectMode: true }); var hasConnection = false; var promise = _bluebird2.default.using(this.ensureConnection(), function (connection) { hasConnection = true; runner.connection = connection; var sql = runner.builder.toSQL(); var err = new Error('The stream may only be used with a single query statement.'); if ((0, _isArray3.default)(sql)) { if (hasHandler) throw err; stream.emit('error', err); } return runner.client.stream(runner.connection, sql, stream, options); }); // If a function is passed to handle the stream, send the stream // there and return the promise, otherwise just return the stream // and the promise will take care of itsself. if (hasHandler) { handler(stream); return promise; } // Emit errors on the stream if the error occurred before a connection // could be acquired. // If the connection was acquired, assume the error occured in the client // code and has already been emitted on the stream. Don't emit it twice. promise.catch(function (err) { if (!hasConnection) stream.emit('error', err); }); return stream; }, // Allow you to pipe the stream to a writable stream. pipe: function pipe(writable, options) { return this.stream(options).pipe(writable); }, // "Runs" a query, returning a promise. All queries specified by the builder are guaranteed // to run in sequence, and on the same connection, especially helpful when schema building // and dealing with foreign key constraints, etc. query: _bluebird2.default.method(function (obj) { var _this = this; var _connection = this.connection, __knexUid = _connection.__knexUid, __knexTxId = _connection.__knexTxId; this.builder.emit('query', (0, _assign3.default)({ __knexUid: __knexUid, __knexTxId: __knexTxId }, obj)); var runner = this; var queryPromise = this.client.query(this.connection, obj); if (obj.timeout) { queryPromise = queryPromise.timeout(obj.timeout); } return queryPromise.then(function (resp) { var processedResponse = _this.client.processResponse(resp, runner); var queryContext = _this.builder.queryContext(); var postProcessedResponse = _this.client.postProcessResponse(processedResponse, queryContext); _this.builder.emit('query-response', postProcessedResponse, (0, _assign3.default)({ __knexUid: _this.connection.__knexUid }, obj), _this.builder); _this.client.emit('query-response', postProcessedResponse, (0, _assign3.default)({ __knexUid: _this.connection.__knexUid }, obj), _this.builder); return postProcessedResponse; }).catch(_bluebird2.default.TimeoutError, function (error) { var timeout = obj.timeout, sql = obj.sql, bindings = obj.bindings; var cancelQuery = void 0; if (obj.cancelOnTimeout) { cancelQuery = _this.client.cancelQuery(_this.connection); } else { // If we don't cancel the query, we need to mark the connection as disposed so that // it gets destroyed by the pool and is never used again. If we don't do this and // return the connection to the pool, it will be useless until the current operation // that timed out, finally finishes. _this.connection.__knex__disposed = error; cancelQuery = _bluebird2.default.resolve(); } return cancelQuery.catch(function (cancelError) { // If the cancellation failed, we need to mark the connection as disposed so that // it gets destroyed by the pool and is never used again. If we don't do this and // return the connection to the pool, it will be useless until the current operation // that timed out, finally finishes. _this.connection.__knex__disposed = error; // cancellation failed throw (0, _assign3.default)(cancelError, { message: 'After query timeout of ' + timeout + 'ms exceeded, cancelling of query failed.', sql: sql, bindings: bindings, timeout: timeout }); }).then(function () { // cancellation succeeded, rethrow timeout error throw (0, _assign3.default)(error, { message: 'Defined query timeout of ' + timeout + 'ms exceeded when running query.', sql: sql, bindings: bindings, timeout: timeout }); }); }).catch(function (error) { _this.builder.emit('query-error', error, (0, _assign3.default)({ __knexUid: _this.connection.__knexUid }, obj)); throw error; }); }), // In the case of the "schema builder" we call `queryArray`, which runs each // of the queries in sequence. queryArray: function queryArray(queries) { return queries.length === 1 ? this.query(queries[0]) : _bluebird2.default.bind(this).return(queries).reduce(function (memo, query) { return this.query(query).then(function (resp) { memo.push(resp); return memo; }); }, []); }, // Check whether there's a transaction flag, and that it has a connection. ensureConnection: function ensureConnection() { var _this2 = this; if (this.connection) { return _bluebird2.default.resolve(this.connection); } return this.client.acquireConnection().catch(_bluebird2.default.TimeoutError, function (error) { if (_this2.builder) { error.sql = _this2.builder.sql; error.bindings = _this2.builder.bindings; } throw error; }).disposer(function () { // need to return promise or null from handler to prevent warning from bluebird return _this2.client.releaseConnection(_this2.connection); }); } }); exports.default = Runner; module.exports = exports['default'];