const { appendDataPath } = require('../../utils/dataPath'); const { Type: ValidationErrorType } = require('../../model/ValidationError'); const { isObject, last } = require('../../utils/objectUtils'); const HasManyRelation = require('../../relations/hasMany/HasManyRelation'); const RelationExpression = require('../RelationExpression'); const ManyToManyRelation = require('../../relations/manyToMany/ManyToManyRelation'); const BelongsToOneRelation = require('../../relations/belongsToOne/BelongsToOneRelation'); const DependencyNode = require('./DependencyNode'); const HasManyDependency = require('./HasManyDependency'); const ManyToManyConnection = require('./ManyToManyConnection'); const ReplaceValueDependency = require('./ReplaceValueDependency'); const BelongsToOneDependency = require('./BelongsToOneDependency'); const InterpolateValueDependency = require('./InterpolateValueDependency'); class DependencyGraph { constructor(opt, allowedRelations) { this.allowedRelations = allowedRelations; this.nodesById = new Map(); this.nodes = []; this.uid = 0; this.opt = opt || Object.create(null); } build(modelClass, models) { this.nodesById = new Map(); this.nodes = []; if (Array.isArray(models)) { for (let i = 0, l = models.length; i < l; ++i) { this.buildForModel({ modelClass, model: models[i], parentModel: null, allowedRelations: this.allowedRelations, dataPath: null, rel: null }); } } else { this.buildForModel({ modelClass, model: models, parentModel: null, allowedRelations: this.allowedRelations, dataPath: null, rel: null }); } this.solveReferences(); this.createNonRelationDeps(); if (this.isCyclic(this.nodes)) { throw modelClass.createValidationError({ type: ValidationErrorType.InvalidGraph, message: 'the object graph contains cyclic references' }); } return this.nodes; } buildForModel({ modelClass, model, parentNode, rel, allowedRelations, dataPath }) { if (!model || !model.$isObjectionModel) { throw modelClass.createValidationError({ type: ValidationErrorType.InvalidGraph, message: 'not a model' }); } if (!model[modelClass.uidProp]) { model[modelClass.uidProp] = this.createUid(); } const node = new DependencyNode({ parentNode, model, modelClass, relation: rel, dataPath }); const isRelate = this.isRelate({ modelClass, model, parentNode, rel }); const dbRef = model[modelClass.dbRefProp]; this.nodesById.set(, node); this.nodes.push(node); if (isRelate && dbRef) { const isComposite = Array.isArray(dbRef); for (let i = 0; i < rel.relatedProp.size; ++i) { rel.relatedProp.setProp(model, i, isComposite ? dbRef[i] : dbRef); } } if (rel) { if (rel instanceof HasManyRelation) { node.needs.push(new HasManyDependency(parentNode, rel)); parentNode.isNeededBy.push(new HasManyDependency(node, rel)); if (isRelate) { throw new Error( `You cannot relate HasManyRelation or HasOneRelation using insertGraph, because those require update operations. Consider using upsertGraph instead.` ); } } else if (rel instanceof BelongsToOneRelation) { node.isNeededBy.push(new BelongsToOneDependency(parentNode, rel)); parentNode.needs.push(new BelongsToOneDependency(node, rel)); if (isRelate) { // We can resolve the node immediately if we are relating since // `model` already has the foreign key. last(node.isNeededBy).resolve(model); } } else if (rel instanceof ManyToManyRelation) { // ManyToManyRelations create no dependencies since we can create the // join table rows after everything else has been inserted. parentNode.manyToManyConnections.push(new ManyToManyConnection(node, rel)); } } if (isRelate) { // If the node is a relate node, it already exists in the database. // Mark it as inserted. node.markAsInserted(); } this.buildForRelations({ modelClass, node, allowedRelations, dataPath }); } buildForRelations({ modelClass, node, allowedRelations, dataPath }) { const model = node.model; const relations = modelClass.getRelationArray(); for (let i = 0, l = relations.length; i < l; ++i) { const rel = relations[i]; const relModels = model[]; let nextAllowed = null; if (relModels) { if (isObject(allowedRelations) && allowedRelations.isObjectionRelationExpression) { nextAllowed = allowedRelations.childExpression(; if (!nextAllowed) { throw modelClass.createValidationError({ type: ValidationErrorType.UnallowedRelation, message: 'trying to insert an unallowed relation' }); } } const relPath = appendDataPath(dataPath, rel); if (Array.isArray(relModels)) { for (let i = 0, l = relModels.length; i < l; ++i) { this.buildForModel({ modelClass: rel.relatedModelClass, model: relModels[i], parentNode: node, rel, allowedRelations: nextAllowed, dataPath: appendDataPath(relPath, i) }); } } else { this.buildForModel({ model: relModels, modelClass: rel.relatedModelClass, parentNode: node, allowedRelations: nextAllowed, dataPath: relPath, rel }); } } } } isRelate({ modelClass, model, parentNode, rel }) { if (!rel) { return false; } if (model[modelClass.dbRefProp]) { return true; } return rel.hasRelateProp(model) && this.hasOption('relate', relationPath(parentNode, rel)); } hasOption(option, relationPath) { const opt = this.opt[option]; if (Array.isArray(opt)) { return opt.indexOf(relationPath) !== -1; } else { return !!opt; } } solveReferences() { const refMap = new Map(); // First merge all reference nodes into the actual node. this.mergeReferences(refMap); // Replace all reference nodes with the actual nodes. this.replaceReferenceNodes(refMap); } mergeReferences(refMap) { for (let n = 0, ln = this.nodes.length; n < ln; ++n) { const refNode = this.nodes[n]; let ref; if (refNode.handled) { continue; } ref = refNode.model[refNode.modelClass.uidRefProp]; if (ref) { const actualNode = this.nodesById.get(ref); if (!actualNode) { throw refNode.modelClass.createValidationError({ type: ValidationErrorType.InvalidGraph, message: `could not resolve reference "${ref}"` }); } for (let d = 0, ld = refNode.needs.length; d < ld; ++d) { actualNode.needs.push(refNode.needs[d]); } for (let d = 0, ld = refNode.isNeededBy.length; d < ld; ++d) { actualNode.isNeededBy.push(refNode.isNeededBy[d]); } for (let m = 0, lm = refNode.manyToManyConnections.length; m < lm; ++m) { actualNode.manyToManyConnections.push(refNode.manyToManyConnections[m]); } refMap.set(, actualNode); refNode.handled = true; } } } replaceReferenceNodes(refMap) { for (let n = 0, ln = this.nodes.length; n < ln; ++n) { const node = this.nodes[n]; let d, ld, dep, actualNode; for (d = 0, ld = node.needs.length; d < ld; ++d) { dep = node.needs[d]; actualNode = refMap.get(; if (actualNode) { dep.node = actualNode; } } for (d = 0, ld = node.isNeededBy.length; d < ld; ++d) { dep = node.isNeededBy[d]; actualNode = refMap.get(; if (actualNode) { dep.node = actualNode; } } for (let m = 0, lm = node.manyToManyConnections.length; m < lm; ++m) { const conn = node.manyToManyConnections[m]; actualNode = refMap.get(; if (actualNode) { conn.refNode = conn.node; conn.node = actualNode; } } } } createNonRelationDeps() { for (let n = 0, ln = this.nodes.length; n < ln; ++n) { const node = this.nodes[n]; if (!node.handled) { this.createNonRelationDepsForObject(node.model, node, []); } } } createNonRelationDepsForObject(obj, node, path) { const propRefRegex = node.modelClass.propRefRegex; const relations = node.modelClass.getRelations(); const isModel = obj && obj.$isObjectionModel; const keys = Object.keys(obj); for (let i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; ++i) { const key = keys[i]; const value = obj[key]; if (isModel && relations[key]) { // Don't traverse the relations of model instances. return; } path.push(key); if (typeof value === 'string') { allMatches(propRefRegex, value, matchResult => { const [match, refId, refProp] = matchResult; const refNode = this.nodesById.get(refId); if (!refNode) { throw node.modelClass.createValidationError({ type: ValidationErrorType.InvalidGraph, message: `could not resolve reference "${value}"` }); } if (value === match) { // If the match is the whole string, replace the value with the resolved value. // This means that the value will have the same type as the resolved value // (date, number, etc). node.needs.push(new ReplaceValueDependency(refNode, path, refProp, false)); refNode.isNeededBy.push(new ReplaceValueDependency(node, path, refProp, true)); } else { // If the match is inside a string, replace the reference inside the string with // the resolved value. node.needs.push(new InterpolateValueDependency(refNode, path, refProp, match, false)); refNode.isNeededBy.push( new InterpolateValueDependency(node, path, refProp, match, true) ); } }); } else if (isObject(value)) { this.createNonRelationDepsForObject(value, node, path); } path.pop(); } } isCyclic(nodes) { let isCyclic = false; for (let n = 0, ln = nodes.length; n < ln; ++n) { let node = nodes[n]; if (node.handled) { continue; } if (this.isCyclicNode(node)) { isCyclic = true; break; } } this.clearFlags(this.nodes); return isCyclic; } isCyclicNode(node) { if (!node.visited) { node.visited = true; node.recursion = true; for (let d = 0, ld = node.needs.length; d < ld; ++d) { let dep = node.needs[d]; if (!dep.node.visited && this.isCyclicNode(dep.node)) { return true; } else if (dep.node.recursion) { return true; } } } node.recursion = false; return false; } clearFlags(nodes) { for (let n = 0, ln = nodes.length; n < ln; ++n) { let node = nodes[n]; node.visited = false; node.recursion = false; } } createUid() { return `__objection_uid(${++this.uid})__`; } } function allMatches(regex, str, cb) { let matchResult = regex.exec(str); while (matchResult) { cb(matchResult); matchResult = regex.exec(str); } } function relationPath(parentNode, rel) { let path = ''; while (parentNode !== null && parentNode.relation !== null) { path = + (path ? '.' : '') + path; parentNode = parentNode.parentNode; } return path + (path ? '.' : '') + (rel ? : ''); } module.exports = DependencyGraph;