const Promise = require('bluebird'); const Selection = require('../select/Selection'); const { uniqBy, values } = require('../../../utils/objectUtils'); const { Type: ValidationErrorType } = require('../../../model/ValidationError'); const ID_LENGTH_LIMIT = 63; const RELATION_RECURSION_LIMIT = 64; class RelationJoinBuilder { constructor({ modelClass, expression, filters = Object.create(null) }) { this.rootModelClass = modelClass; this.expression = expression; this.filters = filters; this.allRelations = null; this.pathInfo = new Map(); this.encodings = new Map(); this.decodings = new Map(); this.encIdx = 0; this.opt = { minimize: false, separator: ':', aliases: {} }; } setOptions(opt) { this.opt = Object.assign(this.opt, opt); } /** * Fetches the column information needed for building the select clauses. * This must be called before calling `build`. `buildJoinOnly` can be called * without this since it doesn't build selects. */ fetchColumnInfo(builder) { const allModelClasses = findAllModels(this.expression, this.rootModelClass); return allModelClasses, ModelClass => ModelClass.fetchTableMetadata({ parentBuilder: builder }), { concurrency: this.rootModelClass.concurrency } ); } buildJoinOnly(builder) { this.doBuild({ expr: this.expression, builder, modelClass: builder.modelClass(), joinOperation: this.opt.joinOperation || 'leftJoin', parentInfo: null, relation: null, noSelects: true, path: '' }); } build(builder) { const tableName = builder.tableNameFor(this.rootModelClass); const tableAlias = builder.tableRefFor(this.rootModelClass); if (tableName === tableAlias) { builder.table(tableName); } else { builder.table(`${tableName} as ${tableAlias}`); } this.doBuild({ expr: this.expression, builder, modelClass: builder.modelClass(), joinOperation: this.opt.joinOperation || 'leftJoin', selectFilterQuery: builder.clone(), parentInfo: null, relation: null, path: '' }); } rowsToTree(rows) { if (!Array.isArray(rows) || rows.length === 0) { return rows; } const keyInfoByPath = this.createKeyInfo(rows); const pathInfo = Array.from(this.pathInfo.values()); const tree = Object.create(null); const stack = new Map(); for (let i = 0, lr = rows.length; i < lr; ++i) { const row = rows[i]; let curBranch = tree; for (let j = 0, lp = pathInfo.length; j < lp; ++j) { const pInfo = pathInfo[j]; const id = pInfo.idGetter(row); let model; if (id === null) { continue; } if (pInfo.relation) { const parentModel = stack.get(pInfo.encParentPath); curBranch = pInfo.getBranch(parentModel); if (!curBranch) { curBranch = pInfo.createBranch(parentModel); } } model = pInfo.getModelFromBranch(curBranch, id); if (!model) { model = createModel(row, pInfo, keyInfoByPath); pInfo.setModelToBranch(curBranch, id, model); } stack.set(pInfo.encPath, model); } } return this.finalize(pathInfo[0], values(tree)); } createKeyInfo(rows) { const keys = Object.keys(rows[0]); const keyInfo = new Map(); for (let i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; ++i) { const key = keys[i]; const sepIdx = key.lastIndexOf(this.sep); let col, pInfo; if (sepIdx === -1) { pInfo = this.pathInfo.get(''); col = key; } else { const encPath = key.substr(0, sepIdx); const path = this.decode(encPath); col = key.substr(sepIdx + this.sep.length); pInfo = this.pathInfo.get(path); } if (!pInfo.omitCols.has(col)) { let infoArr = keyInfo.get(pInfo.encPath); if (!infoArr) { infoArr = []; keyInfo.set(pInfo.encPath, infoArr); } infoArr.push({ pInfo, key, col }); } } return keyInfo; } finalize(pInfo, models) { const relNames = Array.from(pInfo.children.keys()); if (Array.isArray(models)) { for (let m = 0, lm = models.length; m < lm; ++m) { this.finalizeOne(pInfo, relNames, models[m]); } } else if (models) { this.finalizeOne(pInfo, relNames, models); } return models; } finalizeOne(pInfo, relNames, model) { for (let r = 0, lr = relNames.length; r < lr; ++r) { const relName = relNames[r]; const branch = model[relName]; const childPathInfo = pInfo.children.get(relName); const finalized = childPathInfo.finalizeBranch(branch, model); this.finalize(childPathInfo, finalized); } } doBuild({ expr, builder, relation, modelClass, selectFilterQuery, joinOperation, parentInfo, noSelects, path }) { if (!this.allRelations) { this.allRelations = findAllRelations(this.expression, this.rootModelClass); } const info = this.createPathInfo({ modelClass, path, expr, relation, parentInfo }); this.pathInfo.set(path, info); if (!noSelects) { this.buildSelects({ builder, selectFilterQuery, modelClass, relation, info }); } forEachExpr(expr, modelClass, (childExpr, relation) => { const nextPath = this.joinPath(path, childExpr.$name); const encNextPath = this.encode(nextPath); const encJoinTablePath = relation.joinTable ? this.encode(joinTableForPath(nextPath)) : null; const ownerTable = info.encPath || undefined; const filterQuery = createFilterQuery({ builder, modelClass, relation, expr: childExpr, filters: this.filters }); const relatedJoinSelectQuery = createRelatedJoinFromQuery({ filterQuery, relation, allRelations: this.allRelations }); relation.join(builder, { ownerTable, joinOperation, relatedTableAlias: encNextPath, joinTableAlias: encJoinTablePath, relatedJoinSelectQuery }); // Apply relation.modify since it may also contains selections. Don't move this // to the createFilterQuery function because relatedJoinSelectQuery is cloned // from the return value of that function and we don't want relation.modify // to be called twice for it. filterQuery.modify(relation.modify); this.doBuild({ expr: childExpr, builder, modelClass: relation.relatedModelClass, joinOperation, relation, parentInfo: info, noSelects, path: nextPath, selectFilterQuery: filterQuery }); }); } createPathInfo({ modelClass, path, expr, relation, parentInfo }) { const encPath = this.encode(path); let info; if (relation && relation.isOneToOne()) { info = new OneToOnePathInfo(); } else { info = new PathInfo(); } info.path = path; info.encPath = encPath; info.parentPath = parentInfo && parentInfo.path; info.encParentPath = parentInfo && parentInfo.encPath; info.modelClass = modelClass; info.relation = relation; info.idGetter = this.createIdGetter(modelClass, encPath); info.relationAlias = expr.$name; if (parentInfo) { parentInfo.children.set(expr.$name, info); } return info; } buildSelects({ builder, selectFilterQuery, modelClass, relation, info }) { const selects = []; const idCols = modelClass.getIdColumnArray(); const rootTable = builder.tableRefFor(this.rootModelClass); const isSelectFilterQuerySubQuery = !!info.encPath; let selections = selectFilterQuery.findAllSelections(); const selectAllIndex = selections.findIndex(isSelectAll); // If there are no explicit selects, or there is a `select *` item, // we need to select all columns using the schema information // in `modelClass.tableMetadata()`. if (selections.length === 0 || selectAllIndex !== -1) { const table = builder.tableNameFor(modelClass); selections.splice(selectAllIndex, 1); selections = modelClass .tableMetadata({ table }) => new Selection(null, it)) .concat(selections); } // Id columns always need to be selected so that we are able to construct // the tree structure from the flat columns. for (let i = 0, l = idCols.length; i < l; ++i) { const idCol = idCols[i]; if (!selections.some(it => === idCol)) { info.omitCols.add(idCol); selections.unshift(new Selection(null, idCol)); } } for (let i = 0, l = selections.length; i < l; ++i) { const selection = selections[i]; // If `selections` come from a subquery, we need to use the possible alias instead // of the column name because that's what the root query sees instead of the real // column name. const col = isSelectFilterQuerySubQuery ? : selection.column; const name =; const fullCol = `${info.encPath || rootTable}.${col}`; const alias = this.joinPath(info.encPath, name); if (!builder.hasSelectionAs(fullCol, alias, true)) { checkAliasLength(modelClass, alias); selects.push(`${fullCol} as ${alias}`); } } if (relation && relation.joinTableExtras) { const joinTable = this.encode(joinTableForPath(info.path)); for (let i = 0, l = relation.joinTableExtras.length; i < l; ++i) { const extra = relation.joinTableExtras[i]; const filterPassed = selectFilterQuery.hasSelection(extra.joinTableCol); if (filterPassed) { const fullCol = `${joinTable}.${extra.joinTableCol}`; if (!builder.hasSelection(fullCol, true)) { const alias = this.joinPath(info.encPath, extra.aliasCol); checkAliasLength(modelClass, alias); selects.push(`${fullCol} as ${alias}`); } } } }; } encode(path) { if (!this.opt.minimize) { let encPath = this.encodings.get(path); if (!encPath) { const parts = path.split(this.sep); // Don't encode the root. if (!path) { encPath = path; } else { encPath = => this.opt.aliases[part] || part).join(this.sep); } this.encodings.set(path, encPath); this.decodings.set(encPath, path); } return encPath; } else { let encPath = this.encodings.get(path); if (!encPath) { // Don't encode the root. if (!path) { encPath = path; } else { encPath = this.nextEncodedPath(); } this.encodings.set(path, encPath); this.decodings.set(encPath, path); } return encPath; } } decode(path) { return this.decodings.get(path); } nextEncodedPath() { return `_t${++this.encIdx}`; } createIdGetter(modelClass, path) { const idCols = modelClass.getIdColumnArray().map(col => this.joinPath(path, col)); if (idCols.length === 1) { return createSingleIdGetter(idCols); } else if (idCols.length === 2) { return createTwoIdGetter(idCols); } else if (idCols.length === 3) { return createThreeIdGetter(idCols); } else { return createNIdGetter(idCols); } } get sep() { return this.opt.separator; } joinPath(path, nextPart) { if (path) { return `${path}${this.sep}${nextPart}`; } else { return nextPart; } } } function findAllModels(expr, modelClass) { const modelClasses = []; findAllModelsImpl(expr, modelClass, modelClasses); return uniqBy(modelClasses, getTableName); } function getTableName(modelClass) { return modelClass.getTableName(); } function findAllModelsImpl(expr, modelClass, models) { models.push(modelClass); forEachExpr(expr, modelClass, (childExpr, relation) => { findAllModelsImpl(childExpr, relation.relatedModelClass, models); }); } function findAllRelations(expr, modelClass) { const relations = []; findAllRelationsImpl(expr, modelClass, relations); return uniqBy(relations); } function strictEqual(lhs, rhs) { return lhs === rhs; } function findAllRelationsImpl(expr, modelClass, relations) { forEachExpr(expr, modelClass, (childExpr, relation) => { relations.push(relation); findAllRelationsImpl(childExpr, relation.relatedModelClass, relations); }); } function forEachExpr(expr, modelClass, callback) { const relations = modelClass.getRelations(); if (expr.isAllRecursive || expr.maxRecursionDepth > RELATION_RECURSION_LIMIT) { throw modelClass.createValidationError({ type: ValidationErrorType.RelationExpression, message: `recursion depth of eager expression ${expr.toString()} too big for JoinEagerAlgorithm` }); } expr.forEachChildExpression(relations, callback); } function createSingleIdGetter(idCols) { const idCol = idCols[0]; return row => { const val = row[idCol]; if (isNullOrUndefined(val)) { return null; } else { return `id:${val}`; } }; } function createTwoIdGetter(idCols) { const idCol1 = idCols[0]; const idCol2 = idCols[1]; return row => { const val1 = row[idCol1]; const val2 = row[idCol2]; if (isNullOrUndefined(val1) || isNullOrUndefined(val2)) { return null; } else { return `id:${val1},${val2}`; } }; } function createThreeIdGetter(idCols) { const idCol1 = idCols[0]; const idCol2 = idCols[1]; const idCol3 = idCols[2]; return row => { const val1 = row[idCol1]; const val2 = row[idCol2]; const val3 = row[idCol3]; if (isNullOrUndefined(val1) || isNullOrUndefined(val2) || isNullOrUndefined(val3)) { return null; } else { return `id:${val1},${val2},${val3}`; } }; } function createNIdGetter(idCols) { return row => { let id = 'id:'; for (let i = 0, l = idCols.length; i < l; ++i) { const val = row[idCols[i]]; if (isNullOrUndefined(val)) { return null; } id += (i > 0 ? ',' : '') + val; } return id; }; } function isNullOrUndefined(val) { return val === null || val === undefined; } function createFilterQuery({ builder, modelClass, expr, filters, relation }) { const modelNamedFilters = relation.relatedModelClass.namedFilters || {}; const filterQuery = relation.relatedModelClass.query().childQueryOf(builder); for (let i = 0, l = expr.$modify.length; i < l; ++i) { const filterName = expr.$modify[i]; const filter = filters[filterName] || modelNamedFilters[filterName]; if (typeof filter !== 'function') { throw modelClass.createValidationError({ type: ValidationErrorType.RelationExpression, message: `could not find filter "${filterName}" for relation "${}"` }); } filter(filterQuery); } return filterQuery; } function createRelatedJoinFromQuery({ filterQuery, relation, allRelations }) { const relatedJoinFromQuery = filterQuery.clone(); const tableRef = filterQuery.tableRefFor(relation.relatedModelClass); const allForeignKeys = findAllForeignKeysForModel({ modelClass: relation.relatedModelClass, allRelations }); return allForeignKeys .filter(col => { return !relatedJoinFromQuery.hasSelectionAs(col, col); }) .map(col => { return `${tableRef}.${col}`; }) ); } function findAllForeignKeysForModel({ modelClass, allRelations }) { const foreignKeys = modelClass.getIdColumnArray().slice(); allRelations.forEach(rel => { if (rel.relatedModelClass === modelClass) { rel.relatedProp.cols.forEach(col => foreignKeys.push(col)); } if (rel.ownerModelClass === modelClass) { rel.ownerProp.cols.forEach(col => foreignKeys.push(col)); } }); return uniqBy(foreignKeys); } function createModel(row, pInfo, keyInfoByPath) { const keyInfo = keyInfoByPath.get(pInfo.encPath); const json = {}; for (let k = 0, lk = keyInfo.length; k < lk; ++k) { const kInfo = keyInfo[k]; json[kInfo.col] = row[kInfo.key]; } return pInfo.modelClass.fromDatabaseJson(json); } function joinTableForPath(path) { return path + '_join'; } function checkAliasLength(modelClass, alias) { if (alias.length > ID_LENGTH_LIMIT) { throw modelClass.createValidationError({ type: ValidationErrorType.RelationExpression, message: `identifier ${alias} is over ${ID_LENGTH_LIMIT} characters long and would be truncated by the database engine.` }); } } function isSelectAll(selection) { return selection.column === '*'; } class PathInfo { constructor() { this.path = null; this.encPath = null; this.encParentPath = null; this.modelClass = null; this.relation = null; this.omitCols = new Set(); this.children = new Map(); this.idGetter = null; this.relationAlias = null; } createBranch(parentModel) { const branch = Object.create(null); parentModel[this.relationAlias] = branch; return branch; } getBranch(parentModel) { return parentModel[this.relationAlias]; } getModelFromBranch(branch, id) { return branch[id]; } setModelToBranch(branch, id, model) { branch[id] = model; } finalizeBranch(branch, parentModel) { const relModels = values(branch); parentModel[this.relationAlias] = relModels; return relModels; } } class OneToOnePathInfo extends PathInfo { createBranch(parentModel) { return parentModel; } getBranch(parentModel) { return parentModel; } getModelFromBranch(branch, id) { return branch[this.relationAlias]; } setModelToBranch(branch, id, model) { branch[this.relationAlias] = model; } finalizeBranch(branch, parentModel) { parentModel[this.relationAlias] = branch || null; return branch || null; } } module.exports = RelationJoinBuilder;