const Validator = require('./Validator'); const { Type: ValidationErrorType } = require('../model/ValidationError'); const { isObject, once, cloneDeep: lodashCloneDeep, omit } = require('../utils/objectUtils'); const getAjv = once(() => { try { return require('ajv'); } catch (err) { throw new Error('Optional ajv dependency not installed. Please run `npm install ajv --save`'); } }); class AjvValidator extends Validator { constructor(conf) { super(); this.ajvOptions = Object.assign({ errorDataPath: 'property' }, conf.options, { allErrors: true }); // Create a normal Ajv instance. this.ajv = new getAjv()( Object.assign( { useDefaults: true }, this.ajvOptions ) ); // Create an instance that doesn't set default values. We need this one // to validate `patch` objects (objects that have a subset of properties). this.ajvNoDefaults = new getAjv()( Object.assign({}, this.ajvOptions, { useDefaults: false }) ); // A cache for the compiled validator functions. this.cache = new Map(); conf.onCreateAjv(this.ajv); conf.onCreateAjv(this.ajvNoDefaults); } beforeValidate({ json, model, options, ctx }) { ctx.jsonSchema = model.constructor.getJsonSchema(); // Objection model's have a `$beforeValidate` hook that is allowed to modify the schema. // We need to clone the schema in case the function modifies it. We only do this in the // rare case that the given model has implemented the hook. if (model.$beforeValidate !== model.$objectionModelClass.prototype.$beforeValidate) { ctx.jsonSchema = cloneDeep(ctx.jsonSchema); const ret = model.$beforeValidate(ctx.jsonSchema, json, options); if (ret !== undefined) { ctx.jsonSchema = ret; } } } validate({ json, model, options, ctx }) { if (!ctx.jsonSchema) { return json; } const modelClass = model.constructor; const validator = this.getValidator(modelClass, ctx.jsonSchema, !!options.patch); // We need to clone the input json if we are about to set default values. if (!options.mutable && !options.patch && setsDefaultValues(ctx.jsonSchema)) { json = cloneDeep(json); }, json); const error = parseValidationError(validator.errors, modelClass, options); if (error) { throw error; } return json; } getValidator(ModelClass, jsonSchema, isPatchObject) { // Use the AJV custom serializer if provided. const createCacheKey = this.ajvOptions.serialize || JSON.stringify; // Optimization for the common case where jsonSchema is never modified. // In that case we don't need to call the costly createCacheKey function. const cacheKey = jsonSchema === ModelClass.getJsonSchema() ? ModelClass.uniqueTag() : createCacheKey(jsonSchema); let validators = this.cache.get(cacheKey); let validator = null; if (!validators) { validators = { // Validator created for the schema object without `required` properties // using the AJV instance that doesn't set default values. patchValidator: null, // Validator created for the unmodified schema. normalValidator: null }; this.cache.set(cacheKey, validators); } if (isPatchObject) { validator = validators.patchValidator; if (!validator) { validator = this.compilePatchValidator(jsonSchema); validators.patchValidator = validator; } } else { validator = validators.normalValidator; if (!validator) { validator = this.compileNormalValidator(jsonSchema); validators.normalValidator = validator; } } return validator; } compilePatchValidator(jsonSchema) { jsonSchema = jsonSchemaWithoutRequired(jsonSchema); // We need to use the ajv instance that doesn't set the default values. return this.ajvNoDefaults.compile(jsonSchema); } compileNormalValidator(jsonSchema) { return this.ajv.compile(jsonSchema); } } function parseValidationError(errors, modelClass, options) { if (!errors) { return null; } let relations = modelClass.getRelations(); let errorHash = {}; let numErrors = 0; for (let i = 0; i < errors.length; ++i) { const error = errors[i]; const dataPath = `${options.dataPath || ''}${error.dataPath}`; // If additionalProperties = false, relations can pop up as additionalProperty // errors. Skip those. if ( error.params && error.params.additionalProperty && relations[error.params.additionalProperty] ) { continue; } // Unknown properties are reported in `['propertyName']` notation, // so replace those with dot-notation, see: // const key = dataPath.replace(/\['([^' ]*)'\]/g, '.$1').substring(1); // More than one error can occur for the same key in Ajv, merge them in the array: const array = errorHash[key] || (errorHash[key] = []); // Use unshift instead of push so that the last error ends up at [0], // preserving previous behavior where only the last error was stored. array.unshift({ message: error.message, keyword: error.keyword, params: error.params }); ++numErrors; } if (numErrors === 0) { return null; } return modelClass.createValidationError({ type: ValidationErrorType.ModelValidation, data: errorHash }); } function cloneDeep(obj) { if (isObject(obj) && obj.$isObjectionModel) { return obj.$clone(); } else { return lodashCloneDeep(obj); } } function setsDefaultValues(jsonSchema) { return jsonSchema && && hasDefaults(; } function hasDefaults(obj) { if (Array.isArray(obj)) { return arrayHasDefaults(obj); } else { return objectHasDefaults(obj); } } function arrayHasDefaults(arr) { for (let i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; ++i) { const val = arr[i]; if (isObject(val) && hasDefaults(val)) { return true; } } return false; } function objectHasDefaults(obj) { const keys = Object.keys(obj); for (let i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; ++i) { const key = keys[i]; if (key === 'default') { return true; } else { const val = obj[key]; if (isObject(val) && hasDefaults(val)) { return true; } } } return false; } function jsonSchemaWithoutRequired(jsonSchema) { const subSchemaProps = ['anyOf', 'oneOf', 'allOf', 'not', 'then', 'else']; return Object.assign( omit(jsonSchema, ['required', ...subSchemaProps]), => subSchemaWithoutRequired(jsonSchema, prop)) ); } function subSchemaWithoutRequired(jsonSchema, prop) { if (jsonSchema[prop]) { if (Array.isArray(jsonSchema[prop])) { const schemaArray = jsonSchemaArrayWithoutRequired(jsonSchema[prop]); if (schemaArray.length !== 0) { return { [prop]: schemaArray }; } else { return {}; } } else { return { [prop]: jsonSchemaWithoutRequired(jsonSchema[prop]) }; } } else { return {}; } } function jsonSchemaArrayWithoutRequired(jsonSchemaArray) { return; } function isNotEmptyObject(obj) { return Object.keys(obj).length !== 0; } module.exports = AjvValidator;