const Promise = require('bluebird'); const { raw } = require('./RawBuilder'); const { Type: ValidationErrorType } = require('../model/ValidationError'); const { isObject, isString, isFunction, last, upperFirst } = require('../utils/objectUtils'); const QueryBuilderContext = require('./QueryBuilderContext'); const RelationExpression = require('./RelationExpression'); const QueryBuilderBase = require('./QueryBuilderBase'); const FindOperation = require('./operations/FindOperation'); const DeleteOperation = require('./operations/DeleteOperation'); const UpdateOperation = require('./operations/UpdateOperation'); const InsertOperation = require('./operations/InsertOperation'); const RelateOperation = require('./operations/RelateOperation'); const UnrelateOperation = require('./operations/UnrelateOperation'); const InsertGraphAndFetchOperation = require('./operations/InsertGraphAndFetchOperation'); const UpsertGraphAndFetchOperation = require('./operations/UpsertGraphAndFetchOperation'); const InsertAndFetchOperation = require('./operations/InsertAndFetchOperation'); const UpdateAndFetchOperation = require('./operations/UpdateAndFetchOperation'); const QueryBuilderOperation = require('./operations/QueryBuilderOperation'); const JoinRelationOperation = require('./operations/JoinRelationOperation'); const OnBuildKnexOperation = require('./operations/OnBuildKnexOperation'); const InsertGraphOperation = require('./operations/InsertGraphOperation'); const UpsertGraphOperation = require('./operations/UpsertGraphOperation'); const DeleteByIdOperation = require('./operations/DeleteByIdOperation'); const RunBeforeOperation = require('./operations/RunBeforeOperation'); const RunAfterOperation = require('./operations/RunAfterOperation'); const FindByIdOperation = require('./operations/FindByIdOperation'); const FindByIdsOperation = require('./operations/FindByIdsOperation'); const OnBuildOperation = require('./operations/OnBuildOperation'); const OnErrorOperation = require('./operations/OnErrorOperation'); const SelectOperation = require('./operations/select/SelectOperation'); const EagerOperation = require('./operations/eager/EagerOperation'); const RangeOperation = require('./operations/RangeOperation'); const FirstOperation = require('./operations/FirstOperation'); const FromOperation = require('./operations/FromOperation'); const KnexOperation = require('./operations/KnexOperation'); class QueryBuilder extends QueryBuilderBase { constructor(modelClass) { super(modelClass.knex()); this._modelClass = modelClass; this._resultModelClass = null; this._explicitRejectValue = null; this._explicitResolveValue = null; this._eagerExpression = null; this._eagerFilters = null; this._eagerFiltersAtPath = []; this._allowedEagerExpression = null; this._allowedUpsertExpression = null; this._findOperationOptions = modelClass.defaultFindOptions; this._eagerOperationOptions = modelClass.defaultEagerOptions; this._findOperationFactory = findOperationFactory; this._insertOperationFactory = insertOperationFactory; this._updateOperationFactory = updateOperationFactory; this._patchOperationFactory = patchOperationFactory; this._relateOperationFactory = relateOperationFactory; this._unrelateOperationFactory = unrelateOperationFactory; this._deleteOperationFactory = deleteOperationFactory; this._eagerOperationFactory = modelClass.defaultEagerAlgorithm; } static forClass(modelClass) { return new this(modelClass); } static get QueryBuilderContext() { return QueryBuilderContext; } tableNameFor(modelClass, tableName) { const ctx = this.internalContext(); const tableMap = ctx.tableMap; if (isString(tableName)) { ctx.tableMap = tableMap || new Map(); ctx.tableMap.set(modelClass.getTableName(), tableName); return this; } else { return (tableMap && tableMap.get(modelClass.getTableName())) || modelClass.getTableName(); } } aliasFor(modelClass, alias) { const ctx = this.internalContext(); const aliasMap = ctx.aliasMap; if (isString(alias)) { ctx.aliasMap = aliasMap || new Map(); ctx.aliasMap.set(modelClass.getTableName(), alias); return this; } else { return (aliasMap && aliasMap.get(modelClass.getTableName())) || null; } } alias(alias) { return this.aliasFor(this._modelClass, alias); } tableRefFor(modelClass) { return this.aliasFor(modelClass) || this.tableNameFor(modelClass); } subqueryOf(query) { const ctx = this.internalContext(); // Merge alias and table name maps for subqueries. ctx.aliasMap = mergeMaps(query.internalContext().aliasMap, ctx.aliasMap); ctx.tableMap = mergeMaps(query.internalContext().tableMap, ctx.tableMap); return super.subqueryOf(query); } fullIdColumnFor(modelClass) { const tableName = this.tableRefFor(modelClass); const idColumn = modelClass.getIdColumn(); if (Array.isArray(idColumn)) { const id = new Array(idColumn.length); for (let i = 0, l = idColumn.length; i < l; ++i) { id[i] = `${tableName}.${idColumn[i]}`; } return id; } else { return `${tableName}.${idColumn}`; } } applyFilter() { const namedFilters = this._modelClass.namedFilters; for (let i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; ++i) { const name = arguments[i]; const filter = namedFilters[name]; if (typeof filter !== 'function') { throw new Error(`Could not find filter "${name}".`); } filter(this); } return this; } modify() { return isString(arguments[0]) ? this.applyFilter.apply(this, arguments) : super.modify.apply(this, arguments); } reject(error) { this._explicitRejectValue = error; return this; } resolve(value) { this._explicitResolveValue = value; return this; } isExecutable() { const hasExecutor = !!findQueryExecutorOperation(this); return !this._explicitRejectValue && !this._explicitResolveValue && !hasExecutor; } findOperationFactory(factory) { this._findOperationFactory = factory; return this; } insertOperationFactory(factory) { this._insertOperationFactory = factory; return this; } updateOperationFactory(factory) { this._updateOperationFactory = factory; return this; } patchOperationFactory(factory) { this._patchOperationFactory = factory; return this; } deleteOperationFactory(factory) { this._deleteOperationFactory = factory; return this; } relateOperationFactory(factory) { this._relateOperationFactory = factory; return this; } unrelateOperationFactory(factory) { this._unrelateOperationFactory = factory; return this; } eagerOperationFactory(factory) { if (arguments.length) { this._eagerOperationFactory = factory; return this; } else { return this._eagerOperationFactory; } } eagerAlgorithm(algorithm, eagerOptions) { this.eagerOperationFactory(algorithm); if (eagerOptions) { this.eagerOptions(eagerOptions); } return this; } eager(exp, filters) { this._eagerExpression = parseRelationExpression(this._modelClass, exp); this._eagerFilters = filters; checkEager(this); return this; } joinEager(exp, filters) { return this.eagerAlgorithm(this._modelClass.JoinEagerAlgorithm).eager(exp, filters); } naiveEager(exp, filters) { return this.eagerAlgorithm(this._modelClass.NaiveEagerAlgorithm).eager(exp, filters); } mergeEager(exp, filters) { if (!this._eagerExpression) { return this.eager(exp, filters); } this._eagerExpression = this._eagerExpression.merge( parseRelationExpression(this._modelClass, exp) ); this._eagerFilters = Object.assign({}, this._eagerFilters, filters); checkEager(this); return this; } mergeJoinEager(exp, filters) { return this.eagerAlgorithm(this._modelClass.JoinEagerAlgorithm).mergeEager(exp, filters); } mergeNaiveEager(exp, filters) { return this.eagerAlgorithm(this._modelClass.NaiveEagerAlgorithm).mergeEager(exp, filters); } allowEager(exp) { this._allowedEagerExpression = parseRelationExpression(this._modelClass, exp); checkEager(this); return this; } allowedEagerExpression() { return this._allowedEagerExpression; } mergeAllowEager(exp) { if (!this._allowedEagerExpression) { return this.allowEager(exp); } this._allowedEagerExpression = this._allowedEagerExpression.merge( parseRelationExpression(this._modelClass, exp) ); checkEager(this); return this; } modifyEager(path, filter) { this._eagerFiltersAtPath.push({ path, filter }); return this; } filterEager() { return this.modifyEager.apply(this, arguments); } allowUpsert(exp) { this._allowedUpsertExpression = exp || null; if (isString(this._allowedUpsertExpression)) { this._allowedUpsertExpression = parseRelationExpression( this._modelClass, this._allowedUpsertExpression ); } return this; } allowedUpsertExpression() { return this._allowedUpsertExpression; } allowInsert(exp) { return this.allowUpsert(exp); } eagerOptions(opt) { if (arguments.length !== 0) { this._eagerOperationOptions = Object.assign({}, this._eagerOperationOptions, opt); return this; } else { return this._eagerOperationOptions; } } findOptions(opt) { if (arguments.length !== 0) { this._findOperationOptions = Object.assign({}, this._findOperationOptions, opt); return this; } else { return this._findOperationOptions; } } modelClass() { return this._modelClass; } resultModelClass() { return this._resultModelClass || this.modelClass(); } isFind() { return !( this.isInsert() || this.isUpdate() || this.isDelete() || this.isRelate() || this.isUnrelate() ); } isInsert() { return this.has(InsertOperation); } isUpdate() { return this.has(UpdateOperation); } isDelete() { return this.has(DeleteOperation); } isRelate() { return this.has(RelateOperation); } isUnrelate() { return this.has(UnrelateOperation); } hasWheres() { return this.has(QueryBuilderBase.WhereSelector); } hasSelects() { return this.has(QueryBuilderBase.SelectSelector); } hasEager() { return !!this._eagerExpression; } isSelectAll() { if (this._operations.length === 0) { return true; } const tableRef = this.tableRefFor(this.modelClass()); const tableName = this.tableNameFor(this.modelClass()); return this._operations.every(op => { if (op.constructor === SelectOperation) { // SelectOperations with zero selections are the ones that only have // raw items or other non-trivial selections. return ( op.selections.length > 0 && op.selections.every(select => { return (!select.table || select.table === tableRef) && select.column === '*'; }) ); } else if (op.constructor === FromOperation) { return op.table === tableName; } else if ( === 'as') { return true; } else { return false; } }); } isFindQuery() { console.warn( `isFindQuery is deprecated. Use isFind instead. This method will be removed in version 2.0` ); return this.isFind(); } isEagerQuery() { console.warn( `isEagerQuery is deprecated. Use hasEager instead. This method will be removed in version 2.0` ); return this.hasEager(); } toString() { try { return; } catch (err) { return `This query cannot be built synchronously. Consider using debug() method instead.`; } } toSql() { return this.toString(); } clone() { const builder = new this.constructor(this._modelClass); // Call the super class's clone implementation. this.baseCloneInto(builder); builder._resultModelClass = this._resultModelClass; builder._explicitRejectValue = this._explicitRejectValue; builder._explicitResolveValue = this._explicitResolveValue; builder._eagerExpression = this._eagerExpression; builder._eagerFilters = this._eagerFilters; builder._eagerFiltersAtPath = this._eagerFiltersAtPath.slice(); builder._allowedEagerExpression = this._allowedEagerExpression; builder._allowedUpsertExpression = this._allowedUpsertExpression; builder._findOperationOptions = this._findOperationOptions; builder._eagerOperationOptions = this._eagerOperationOptions; builder._findOperationFactory = this._findOperationFactory; builder._insertOperationFactory = this._insertOperationFactory; builder._updateOperationFactory = this._updateOperationFactory; builder._patchOperationFactory = this._patchOperationFactory; builder._relateOperationFactory = this._relateOperationFactory; builder._unrelateOperationFactory = this._unrelateOperationFactory; builder._deleteOperationFactory = this._deleteOperationFactory; builder._eagerOperationFactory = this._eagerOperationFactory; return builder; } clearEager() { this._eagerExpression = null; this._eagerFilters = null; this._eagerFiltersAtPath = []; return this; } clearReject() { this._explicitRejectValue = null; return this; } clearResolve() { this._explicitResolveValue = null; return this; } castTo(modelClass) { this._resultModelClass = modelClass; return this; } then(successHandler, errorHandler) { const promise = this.execute(); return promise.then.apply(promise, arguments); } map(mapper) { const promise = this.execute(); return, arguments); } reduce(reducer, initialValue) { const promise = this.execute(); return promise.reduce.apply(promise, arguments); } catch(errorHandler) { const promise = this.execute(); return promise.catch.apply(promise, arguments); } return(returnValue) { const promise = this.execute(); return promise.return.apply(promise, arguments); } reflect() { const promise = this.execute(); return promise.reflect(); } bind(context) { const promise = this.execute(); return promise.bind.apply(promise, arguments); } asCallback(callback) { const promise = this.execute(); return promise.asCallback.apply(promise, arguments); } nodeify(callback) { const promise = this.execute(); return promise.nodeify.apply(promise, arguments); } resultSize() { const knex = this.knex(); const builder = this.clone().clear(/orderBy|offset|limit/); const countQuery = knex.count('* as count').from(knexBuilder => {'temp'); }); if (this.internalOptions().debug) { countQuery.debug(); } return countQuery.then(result => (result[0] ? result[0].count : 0)); } build(knexBuilder) { // Take a clone so that we don't modify this instance during build. const builder = this.clone(); if (builder.isFind()) { // If no write operations have been called at this point this query is a // find query and we need to call the custom find implementation. addFindOperation(builder); } if (builder.hasEager()) { // If the query is an eager query, add the eager operation only at // this point of the query execution. addEagerFetchOperation(builder); } // We need to build the builder even if a query executor operation // has been called so that the onBuild hooks get called. knexBuilder = buildInto(builder, knexBuilder || builder.knex().queryBuilder()); const queryExecutorOperation = findQueryExecutorOperation(builder); if (queryExecutorOperation) { // If the query executor is set, we build the builder that it returns. return queryExecutorOperation.queryExecutor(builder).build(); } else { return knexBuilder; } } execute() { // Take a clone so that we don't modify this instance during execution. const builder = this.clone(); return Promise.try(() => beforeExecute(builder)) .then(() => doExecute(builder)) .then(result => afterExecute(builder, result)) .catch(error => handleExecuteError(builder, error)); } pluck(propertyName) { return this.runAfter(result => { if (Array.isArray(result)) { return => it && it[propertyName]); } else { return result; } }); } throwIfNotFound() { return this.runAfter((result, builder) => { if ( (Array.isArray(result) && result.length === 0) || result === null || result === undefined || result === 0 ) { throw this._modelClass.createNotFoundError(builder.context()); } else { return result; } }); } findSelection(selection, explicit) { explicit = explicit == null ? false : explicit; const table = this.tableRefFor(this._modelClass); let noSelectStatements = true; for (let i = 0, l = this._operations.length; i < l; ++i) { const op = this._operations[i]; if (op.constructor === SelectOperation) { const selectionObj = op.findSelection(selection, table); noSelectStatements = false; if (selectionObj) { return selectionObj; } } } if (noSelectStatements && !explicit) { return SelectOperation.Selection.SelectAll; } else { return null; } } findAllSelections() { return this._operations .filter(op => .reduce((selects, op) => selects.concat(op.selections), []); } hasSelection(selection, explicit) { return this.findSelection(selection, explicit) !== null; } hasSelectionAs(selection, alias, explicit) { const select = this.findSelection(selection, explicit); return select !== null && (select.column === '*' || === alias); } traverse(modelClass, traverser) { if (typeof traverser === 'undefined') { traverser = modelClass; modelClass = null; } return this.runAfter(result => { this.resultModelClass().traverse(modelClass, result, traverser); return result; }); } pick(modelClass, properties) { if (typeof properties === 'undefined') { properties = modelClass; modelClass = null; } // Turn the properties into a hash for performance. properties = properties.reduce((obj, prop) => { obj[prop] = true; return obj; }, {}); return this.traverse(modelClass, model => { model.$pick(properties); }); } omit(modelClass, properties) { if (typeof properties === 'undefined') { properties = modelClass; modelClass = null; } // Turn the properties into a hash for performance. properties = properties.reduce((obj, prop) => { obj[prop] = true; return obj; }, {}); return this.traverse(modelClass, model => { model.$omit(properties); }); } page(page, pageSize) { return this.range(page * pageSize, (page + 1) * pageSize - 1); } columnInfo({ table = null } = {}) { table = table || this.tableNameFor(this.modelClass()); const knex = this.knex(); const tableParts = table.split('.'); const columnInfoQuery = knex(last(tableParts)).columnInfo(); if (tableParts.length > 1) { columnInfoQuery.withSchema(tableParts[0]); } if (this.internalOptions().debug) { columnInfoQuery.debug(); } return columnInfoQuery; } withSchema(schema) { this.internalContext().onBuild.push(builder => { if (!builder.has(/withSchema/)) { // Need to push this operation to the front because knex doesn't use the // schema for operations called before `withSchema`. builder.addOperationToFront(new KnexOperation('withSchema'), [schema]); } }); return this; } debug /* istanbul ignore next */() { this.internalOptions().debug = true; this.internalContext().onBuild.push(builder => { builder.addOperation(new KnexOperation('debug'), []); }); return this; } insert(modelsOrObjects) { return writeOperation(this, () => { const insertOperation = this._insertOperationFactory(this); this.addOperation(insertOperation, [modelsOrObjects]); }); } insertAndFetch(modelsOrObjects) { return writeOperation(this, () => { const insertOperation = this._insertOperationFactory(this); const insertAndFetchOperation = new InsertAndFetchOperation('insertAndFetch', { delegate: insertOperation }); this.addOperation(insertAndFetchOperation, [modelsOrObjects]); }); } insertGraph(modelsOrObjects, opt) { return writeOperation(this, () => { const insertOperation = this._insertOperationFactory(this); const insertGraphOperation = new InsertGraphOperation('insertGraph', { delegate: insertOperation, opt }); this.addOperation(insertGraphOperation, [modelsOrObjects]); }); } insertWithRelated() { return this.insertGraph.apply(this, arguments); } insertGraphAndFetch(modelsOrObjects, opt) { return writeOperation(this, () => { const insertOperation = this._insertOperationFactory(this); const insertGraphOperation = new InsertGraphOperation('insertGraph', { delegate: insertOperation, opt }); const insertGraphAndFetchOperation = new InsertGraphAndFetchOperation('insertGraphAndFetch', { delegate: insertGraphOperation }); return this.addOperation(insertGraphAndFetchOperation, [modelsOrObjects]); }); } insertWithRelatedAndFetch() { return this.insertGraphAndFetch.apply(this, arguments); } update(modelOrObject) { return writeOperation(this, () => { const updateOperation = this._updateOperationFactory(this); this.addOperation(updateOperation, [modelOrObject]); }); } updateAndFetch(modelOrObject) { return writeOperation(this, () => { const updateOperation = this._updateOperationFactory(this); if (!(updateOperation.instance instanceof this._modelClass)) { throw new Error('updateAndFetch can only be called for instance operations'); } const updateAndFetch = new UpdateAndFetchOperation('updateAndFetch', { delegate: updateOperation }); // patchOperation is an instance update operation that already adds the // required "where id = $" clause. updateAndFetch.skipIdWhere = true; this.addOperation(updateAndFetch, [updateOperation.instance.$id(), modelOrObject]); }); } updateAndFetchById(id, modelOrObject) { return writeOperation(this, () => { const updateOperation = this._updateOperationFactory(this); const updateAndFetch = new UpdateAndFetchOperation('updateAndFetch', { delegate: updateOperation }); this.addOperation(updateAndFetch, [id, modelOrObject]); }); } upsertGraph(modelsOrObjects, opt) { return writeOperation(this, () => { const insertOperation = this._insertOperationFactory(this); const upsertGraphOperation = new UpsertGraphOperation('upsertGraph', { delegate: insertOperation, opt }); this.addOperation(upsertGraphOperation, [modelsOrObjects]); }); } upsertGraphAndFetch(modelsOrObjects, opt) { return writeOperation(this, () => { const insertOperation = this._insertOperationFactory(this); const upsertGraphOperation = new UpsertGraphOperation('upsertGraph', { delegate: insertOperation, opt }); const upsertGraphAndFetchOperation = new UpsertGraphAndFetchOperation('upsertGraphAndFetch', { delegate: upsertGraphOperation }); return this.addOperation(upsertGraphAndFetchOperation, [modelsOrObjects]); }); } patch(modelOrObject) { return writeOperation(this, () => { const patchOperation = this._patchOperationFactory(this); this.addOperation(patchOperation, [modelOrObject]); }); } patchAndFetch(modelOrObject) { return writeOperation(this, () => { const patchOperation = this._patchOperationFactory(this); if (!(patchOperation.instance instanceof this._modelClass)) { throw new Error('patchAndFetch can only be called for instance operations'); } const patchAndFetch = new UpdateAndFetchOperation('patchAndFetch', { delegate: patchOperation }); // patchOperation is an instance update operation that already adds the // required "where id = $" clause. patchAndFetch.skipIdWhere = true; this.addOperation(patchAndFetch, [patchOperation.instance.$id(), modelOrObject]); }); } patchAndFetchById(id, modelOrObject) { return writeOperation(this, () => { const patchOperation = this._patchOperationFactory(this); const patchAndFetch = new UpdateAndFetchOperation('patchAndFetch', { delegate: patchOperation }); this.addOperation(patchAndFetch, [id, modelOrObject]); }); } delete() { return writeOperation(this, () => { if (arguments.length) { throw new Error( `Don't pass arguments to delete(). You should use it like this: delete().where('foo', 'bar').andWhere(...)` ); } const deleteOperation = this._deleteOperationFactory(this); this.addOperation(deleteOperation, arguments); }); } del() { return this.delete.apply(this, arguments); } relate() { return writeOperation(this, () => { const relateOperation = this._relateOperationFactory(this); this.addOperation(relateOperation, arguments); }); } unrelate() { return writeOperation(this, () => { if (arguments.length) { throw new Error( `Don't pass arguments to unrelate(). You should use it like this: unrelate().where('foo', 'bar').andWhere(...)` ); } const unrelateOperation = this._unrelateOperationFactory(this); this.addOperation(unrelateOperation, arguments); }); } increment(propertyName, howMuch) { const columnName = this.modelClass().propertyNameToColumnName(propertyName); return this.patch({ [columnName]: raw('?? + ?', [columnName, howMuch]) }); } decrement(propertyName, howMuch) { const columnName = this.modelClass().propertyNameToColumnName(propertyName); return this.patch({ [columnName]: raw('?? - ?', [columnName, howMuch]) }); } findOne() { return this.where.apply(this, arguments).first(); } range() { return this.addOperation(new RangeOperation('range'), arguments); } first() { return this.addOperation(new FirstOperation('first'), arguments); } joinRelation() { return this.addOperation( new JoinRelationOperation('joinRelation', { joinOperation: 'join' }), arguments ); } innerJoinRelation() { return this.addOperation( new JoinRelationOperation('innerJoinRelation', { joinOperation: 'innerJoin' }), arguments ); } outerJoinRelation() { return this.addOperation( new JoinRelationOperation('outerJoinRelation', { joinOperation: 'outerJoin' }), arguments ); } leftJoinRelation() { return this.addOperation( new JoinRelationOperation('leftJoinRelation', { joinOperation: 'leftJoin' }), arguments ); } leftOuterJoinRelation() { return this.addOperation( new JoinRelationOperation('leftOuterJoinRelation', { joinOperation: 'leftOuterJoin' }), arguments ); } rightJoinRelation() { return this.addOperation( new JoinRelationOperation('rightJoinRelation', { joinOperation: 'rightJoin' }), arguments ); } rightOuterJoinRelation() { return this.addOperation( new JoinRelationOperation('rightOuterJoinRelation', { joinOperation: 'rightOuterJoin' }), arguments ); } fullOuterJoinRelation() { return this.addOperation( new JoinRelationOperation('fullOuterJoinRelation', { joinOperation: 'fullOuterJoin' }), arguments ); } deleteById() { return this.addOperation(new DeleteByIdOperation('deleteById'), arguments); } findById() { return this.addOperation(new FindByIdOperation('findById'), arguments); } findByIds() { return this.addOperation(new FindByIdsOperation('findByIds'), arguments); } runBefore() { return this.addOperation(new RunBeforeOperation('runBefore'), arguments); } onBuild() { return this.addOperation(new OnBuildOperation('onBuild'), arguments); } onBuildKnex() { return this.addOperation(new OnBuildKnexOperation('onBuildKnex'), arguments); } runAfter() { return this.addOperation(new RunAfterOperation('runAfter'), arguments); } onError() { return this.addOperation(new OnErrorOperation('onError'), arguments); } from() { return this.addOperation(new FromOperation('from'), arguments); } table() { return this.addOperation(new FromOperation('table'), arguments); } } Object.defineProperties(QueryBuilder.prototype, { isObjectionQueryBuilder: { enumerable: false, writable: false, value: true } }); function parseRelationExpression(modelClass, exp) { try { return RelationExpression.create(exp); } catch (err) { throw modelClass.createValidationError({ type: ValidationErrorType.RelationExpression, message: `Invalid relation expression "${exp}"` }); } } function checkEager(builder) { const expr = builder._eagerExpression; const allowedExpr = builder._allowedEagerExpression; if (expr && allowedExpr && !allowedExpr.isSubExpression(expr)) { const modelClass = builder.modelClass(); builder.reject( modelClass.createValidationError({ type: ValidationErrorType.UnallowedRelation, message: 'eager expression not allowed' }) ); } } function findQueryExecutorOperation(builder) { for (let i = 0, l = builder._operations.length; i < l; ++i) { const op = builder._operations[i]; if (op.hasQueryExecutor()) { return op; } } return null; } function beforeExecute(builder) { let promise = Promise.resolve(); if (builder.isFind()) { // If no write operations have been called at this point this query is a // find query and we need to call the custom find implementation. addFindOperation(builder); } if (builder.hasEager()) { // If the query is an eager query, add the eager operation only at // this point of the query execution. addEagerFetchOperation(builder); } // Resolve all before hooks before building and executing the query // and the rest of the hooks. builder._operations.forEach(op => { if (op.hasOnBefore1()) { promise = promise.then(result => op.onBefore1(builder, result)); } }); promise = chainHooks(promise, builder, builder.context().runBefore); promise = chainHooks(promise, builder, builder.internalContext().runBefore); builder._operations.forEach(op => { if (op.hasOnBefore2()) { promise = promise.then(result => op.onBefore2(builder, result)); } }); builder._operations.forEach(op => { if (op.hasOnBefore3()) { promise = promise.then(result => op.onBefore3(builder, result)); } }); return promise; } function doExecute(builder) { let promise = Promise.resolve(); const knexBuilder = buildInto(builder, builder.knex().queryBuilder()); const queryExecutorOperation = findQueryExecutorOperation(builder); const explicitRejectValue = builder._explicitRejectValue; const explicitResolveValue = builder._explicitResolveValue; if (explicitRejectValue !== null) { promise = Promise.reject(explicitRejectValue); } else if (explicitResolveValue !== null) { promise = Promise.resolve(explicitResolveValue); } else if (queryExecutorOperation !== null) { promise = Promise.resolve(queryExecutorOperation.queryExecutor(builder)); } else { promise = Promise.resolve(knexBuilder); builder._operations.forEach(op => { if (op.hasOnRawResult()) { promise = promise.then(result => op.onRawResult(builder, result)); } }); promise = promise.then(result => createModels(result, builder)); } return promise; } function afterExecute(builder, result) { let promise = Promise.resolve(result); builder._operations.forEach(op => { if (op.hasOnAfter1()) { promise = promise.then(result => op.onAfter1(builder, result)); } }); builder._operations.forEach(op => { if (op.hasOnAfter2()) { promise = promise.then(result => op.onAfter2(builder, result)); } }); promise = chainHooks(promise, builder, builder.context().runAfter); promise = chainHooks(promise, builder, builder.internalContext().runAfter); builder._operations.forEach(op => { if (op.hasOnAfter3()) { promise = promise.then(result => op.onAfter3(builder, result)); } }); return promise; } function handleExecuteError(builder, err) { let promise = Promise.reject(err); builder._operations.forEach(op => { if (op.hasOnError()) { promise = promise.catch(err => op.onError(builder, err)); } }); return promise; } function addFindOperation(builder) { if (!builder.has(FindOperation)) { const operation = builder._findOperationFactory(builder); builder.addOperationToFront(operation, []); } } function addEagerFetchOperation(builder) { if (!builder.has(EagerOperation) && builder._eagerExpression) { const operation = builder._eagerOperationFactory(builder); const expression = builder._eagerExpression.clone(); const filters = Object.assign({}, builder._eagerFilters); builder._eagerFiltersAtPath.forEach((filter, i) => { const filterName = `_f${i}_`; expression.expressionsAtPath(filter.path).forEach(expr => { expr.rawNode.$modify.push(filterName); }); filters[filterName] = filter.filter; }); builder.addOperation(operation, [expression, filters]); } } function buildInto(builder, knexBuilder) { callOnBuildHooks(builder, builder.context().onBuild); callOnBuildHooks(builder, builder.internalContext().onBuild); // Call super class build. knexBuilder = builder.buildInto(knexBuilder); const fromOperation = builder.findLastOperation(QueryBuilderBase.FromSelector); const hasSelects = builder.has(QueryBuilderBase.SelectSelector); // Set the table only if it hasn't been explicitly set yet. if (!fromOperation) { setDefaultTable(builder, knexBuilder); } // Only add `table.*` select if there are no explicit selects // and `from` is a table name and not a subquery. if (!hasSelects && (!fromOperation || fromOperation.table)) { setDefaultSelect(builder, knexBuilder); } return knexBuilder; } function callOnBuildHooks(builder, func) { if (isFunction(func)) {, builder); } else if (Array.isArray(func)) { func.forEach(func => callOnBuildHooks(builder, func)); } } function setDefaultTable(builder, knexBuilder) { const table = builder.tableNameFor(builder.modelClass()); const tableRef = builder.tableRefFor(builder.modelClass()); if (table === tableRef) { knexBuilder.table(table); } else { knexBuilder.table(`${table} as ${tableRef}`); } } function setDefaultSelect(builder, knexBuilder) { const tableRef = builder.tableRefFor(builder.modelClass());`${tableRef}.*`); } function chainHooks(promise, builder, func) { if (isFunction(func)) { promise = promise.then(result =>, result, builder)); } else if (Array.isArray(func)) { func.forEach(func => { promise = chainHooks(promise, builder, func); }); } return promise; } function createModels(result, builder) { const modelClass = builder.resultModelClass(); if (result === null || result === undefined) { return null; } if (Array.isArray(result)) { if (result.length && shouldBeConvertedToModel(result[0], modelClass)) { for (let i = 0, l = result.length; i < l; ++i) { result[i] = modelClass.fromDatabaseJson(result[i]); } } } else if (shouldBeConvertedToModel(result, modelClass)) { result = modelClass.fromDatabaseJson(result); } return result; } function shouldBeConvertedToModel(obj, modelClass) { return isObject(obj) && !(obj instanceof modelClass); } function writeOperation(builder, cb) { if (!builder.isFind()) { return builder.reject( new Error( 'Double call to a write method. ' + 'You can only call one of the write methods ' + '(insert, update, patch, delete, relate, unrelate, increment, decrement) ' + 'and only once per query builder.' ) ); } try { cb(); return builder; } catch (err) { return builder.reject(err); } } function mergeMaps(map1, map2) { const map = new Map(); if (map1) { for (let key of map1.keys()) { map.set(key, map1.get(key)); } } if (map2) { for (let key of map2.keys()) { map.set(key, map2.get(key)); } } return map; } function findOperationFactory() { return new FindOperation('find'); } function insertOperationFactory() { return new InsertOperation('insert'); } function updateOperationFactory() { return new UpdateOperation('update'); } function patchOperationFactory() { return new UpdateOperation('patch', { modelOptions: { patch: true } }); } function relateOperationFactory() { return new RelateOperation('relate', {}); } function unrelateOperationFactory() { return new UnrelateOperation('unrelate', {}); } function deleteOperationFactory() { return new DeleteOperation('delete'); } module.exports = QueryBuilder;