const parser = require('./parsers/relationExpressionParser'); const { isObject, cloneDeep, values, union } = require('../utils/objectUtils'); class RelationExpression { constructor(node = {}, recursionDepth = 0) { this.$name = node.$name || null; this.$relation = node.$relation || null; this.$modify = node.$modify || []; this.$recursive = node.$recursive || false; this.$allRecursive = node.$allRecursive || false; const childNames = getChildNames(node); for (let i = 0, l = childNames.length; i < l; ++i) { const childName = childNames[i]; this[childName] = node[childName]; } // These are non-enumerable so that the enumerable interface of this // class instance is the same as the result from relationExpressionParser. Object.defineProperties(this, { recursionDepth: { enumerable: false, value: recursionDepth }, childNames: { enumerable: false, value: childNames }, rawNode: { enumerable: false, value: node } }); } // Create a relation expression from a string, a pojo or another // RelationExpression instance. static create(expr) { if (isObject(expr)) { if (expr.isObjectionRelationExpression) { return expr; } else { return new RelationExpression(normalizeNode(expr)); } } else if (typeof expr === 'string') { if (expr.trim().length === 0) { return new RelationExpression(); } else { return new RelationExpression(parser.parse(expr)); } } else { return new RelationExpression(); } } // Create a relation expression from a model graph. static fromModelGraph(graph) { if (!graph) { return new RelationExpression(); } else { return new RelationExpression(modelGraphToNode(graph, newNode())); } } get numChildren() { return this.childNames.length; } get maxRecursionDepth() { if (typeof this.$recursive === 'number') { return this.$recursive; } else { return this.$recursive ? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : 0; } } get isAllRecursive() { return this.$allRecursive; } // Merges this relation expression with another. `expr` can be a string, // a pojo, or a RelationExpression instance. merge(expr) { return new RelationExpression(mergeNodes(this, RelationExpression.create(expr))); } // Returns true if `expr` is contained by this expression. For example // `a.b` is contained by `a.[b, c]`. isSubExpression(expr) { expr = RelationExpression.create(expr); if (this.isAllRecursive) { return true; } if (expr.isAllRecursive) { return this.isAllRecursive; } if (this.$relation !== expr.$relation) { return false; } const maxRecursionDepth = expr.maxRecursionDepth; if (maxRecursionDepth > 0) { return this.isAllRecursive || this.maxRecursionDepth >= maxRecursionDepth; } for (let i = 0, l = expr.childNames.length; i < l; ++i) { const childName = expr.childNames[i]; const ownSubExpression = this.childExpression(childName); const subExpression = expr.childExpression(childName); if (!ownSubExpression || !ownSubExpression.isSubExpression(subExpression)) { return false; } } return true; } // Returns a RelationExpression for a child node or null if there // is no child with the given name `childName`. childExpression(childName) { if ( this.isAllRecursive || (childName === this.$name && this.recursionDepth < this.maxRecursionDepth - 1) ) { return new RelationExpression(this, this.recursionDepth + 1); } const child = this[childName]; if (child) { return new RelationExpression(child, 0); } else { return null; } } // Loops throught all first level children. `allRelations` must be // the return value of `Model.getRelations()` where `Model` is the // root model of the expression. forEachChildExpression(allRelations, cb) { const maxRecursionDepth = this.maxRecursionDepth; if (this.isAllRecursive) { const relationNames = Object.keys(allRelations); for (let i = 0, l = relationNames.length; i < l; ++i) { const relationName = relationNames[i]; const node = newNode(relationName, true); const relation = allRelations[relationName]; const childExpr = new RelationExpression(node, 0); cb(childExpr, relation); } } else if (this.recursionDepth < maxRecursionDepth - 1) { const relation = allRelations[this.$name] || null; const childExpr = new RelationExpression(this, this.recursionDepth + 1); cb(childExpr, relation); } else if (maxRecursionDepth === 0) { const childNames = this.childNames; for (let i = 0, l = childNames.length; i < l; ++i) { const childName = childNames[i]; const node = this[childName]; const relation = allRelations[node.$relation] || null; const childExpr = new RelationExpression(node, 0); cb(childExpr, relation); } } } expressionsAtPath(path) { return findExpressionsAtPath(this, RelationExpression.create(path), []); } clone() { const node = { $name: this.$name, $relation: this.$relation, $modify: this.$modify.slice(), $recursive: this.$recursive, $allRecursive: this.$allRecursive }; for (let i = 0, l = this.childNames.length; i < l; ++i) { const childName = this.childNames[i]; node[childName] = cloneDeep(this[childName]); } return new RelationExpression(node, this.recursionDepth); } toString() { return toString(this); } toJSON() { return toJSON(this); } } // All enumerable properties of a node that don't start with `$` // are child nodes. function getChildNames(node) { const allKeys = Object.keys(node); const childNames = []; for (let i = 0, l = allKeys.length; i < l; ++i) { const key = allKeys[i]; if (key[0] !== '$') { childNames.push(key); } } return childNames; } function toString(node) { const childNames = getChildNames(node); let childExpr = => node[childName]).map(toString); let str = node.$relation; if (node.$recursive) { if (typeof node.$recursive === 'number') { str += '.^' + node.$recursive; } else { str += '.^'; } } else if (node.$allRecursive) { str += '.*'; } if (childExpr.length > 1) { childExpr = `[${childExpr.join(', ')}]`; } else { childExpr = childExpr[0]; } if (node.$modify.length) { str += `(${node.$modify.join(', ')})`; } if (node.$name !== node.$relation) { str += ` as ${node.$name}`; } if (childExpr) { if (str) { return `${str}.${childExpr}`; } else { return childExpr; } } else { return str; } } function toJSON(node, nodeName = null) { const json = {}; if (node.$name && node.$name !== nodeName) { json.$name = node.$name; } if (node.$relation && node.$relation !== nodeName) { json.$relation = node.$relation; } if (!Array.isArray(node.$modify) || node.$modify.length > 0) { json.$modify = node.$modify.slice(); } if (node.$recursive) { json.$recursive = node.$recursive; } if (node.$allRecursive) { json.$allRecursive = node.$allRecursive; } const childNames = getChildNames(node); for (let i = 0, l = childNames.length; i < l; ++i) { const childName = childNames[i]; const childNode = node[childName]; const childJson = toJSON(childNode, childName); if (Object.keys(childJson).length === 0) { json[childName] = true; } else { json[childName] = childJson; } } return json; } function modelGraphToNode(models, node) { if (!models) { return; } if (Array.isArray(models)) { for (let i = 0, l = models.length; i < l; ++i) { modelToNode(models[i], node); } } else { modelToNode(models, node); } return node; } // TODO: recursion check function modelToNode(model, node) { const modelClass = model.constructor; const relations = modelClass.getRelationArray(); for (let r = 0, lr = relations.length; r < lr; ++r) { const relName = relations[r].name; if (model.hasOwnProperty(relName)) { let childNode = node[relName]; if (!childNode) { childNode = newNode(relName); node[relName] = childNode; } modelGraphToNode(model[relName], childNode); } } } function newNode(name, allRecusive = false) { return { $name: name || null, $relation: name || null, $modify: [], $recursive: false, $allRecursive: allRecusive }; } function normalizeNode(node, name = null) { const normalized = { $name: node.$name || name, $relation: node.$relation || name, $modify: node.$modify || [], $recursive: node.$recursive || false, $allRecursive: node.$allRecursive || false }; const childNames = getChildNames(node); for (let i = 0, l = childNames.length; i < l; ++i) { const childName = childNames[i]; const childNode = node[childName]; if (isObject(childNode) || childNode === true) { normalized[childName] = normalizeNode(childNode, childName); } } return normalized; } function findExpressionsAtPath(target, path, results) { if (path.childNames.length == 0) { // Path leaf reached, add target node to result set. results.push(target); } else { for (let i = 0, l = path.childNames.length; i < l; ++i) { const childName = path.childNames[i]; const pathChild = path.childExpression(childName); const targetChild = target.childExpression(childName); if (targetChild) { findExpressionsAtPath(targetChild, pathChild, results); } } } return results; } function mergeNodes(node1, node2) { const node = { $name: node1.$name, $relation: node1.$relation, $modify: union(node1.$modify, node2.$modify), $recursive: mergeRecursion(node1.$recursive, node2.$recursive), $allRecursive: node1.$allRecursive || node2.$allRecursive }; if (!node.$recursive && !node.$allRecursive) { const childNames = union(getChildNames(node1), getChildNames(node2)); for (let i = 0, l = childNames.length; i < l; ++i) { const childName = childNames[i]; const child1 = node1[childName]; const child2 = node2[childName]; if (child1 && child2) { node[childName] = mergeNodes(child1, child2); } else { node[childName] = child1 || child2; } } } return node; } function mergeRecursion(rec1, rec2) { if (rec1 === true || rec2 === true) { return true; } else if (typeof rec1 === 'number' && typeof rec2 === 'number') { return Math.max(rec1, rec2); } else { return rec1 || rec2; } } Object.defineProperties(RelationExpression.prototype, { isObjectionRelationExpression: { enumerable: false, writable: false, value: true } }); module.exports = RelationExpression;