const Promise = require('bluebird'); const DependencyGraph = require('./DependencyGraph'); const TableInsertion = require('./TableInsertion'); const { uniqBy } = require('../../utils/objectUtils'); class GraphInserter { constructor(args) { this.allowedRelations = args.allowedRelations || null; this.queryContext = args.queryContext; this.modelClass = args.modelClass; this.models = args.models; this.knex = args.knex; this.opt = args.opt; this.graph = this._buildDependencyGraph(); } execute(inserter) { return Promise.try(() => this._executeNormalBatches(inserter)) .then(() => this._executeJoinRowBatch(inserter)) .then(() => this._finalize()); } _buildDependencyGraph() { const graph = new DependencyGraph(this.opt, this.allowedRelations);, this.models); return graph; } _executeNormalBatches(inserter) { return this._executeNextBatch(inserter); } _executeNextBatch(inserter) { const batch = this._nextBatch(); if (!batch) { // No more normal batches to execute. return null; } // Since we are not performing the inserts using relation.insert() // we need to explicitly run the beforeInsert hooks here. return this._beforeInsertBatch(batch, 'executeBeforeInsert') .then(() => { // Insert the batch one table at a time. return Object.keys(batch), tableName => { const tableInsertion = batch[tableName]; // We need to omit the uid properties so that they don't get inserted // into the database. this._omitUids(tableInsertion); return inserter(tableInsertion).then(() => { // Resolve dependencies to the inserted objects. return this._resolveDepsForInsertion(tableInsertion); }); }, { concurrency: this.modelClass.concurrency } ); }) .then(() => { return this._executeNextBatch(inserter); }); } _nextBatch() { const batch = this._createBatch(); if (batch) { // Mark the batch as inserted now even though the its is not yet inserted. // It is the very next thing we are going to do. We need to do this here // because the uid gets removed before insert. this._markBatchInserted(batch); } return batch; } _createBatch() { const batch = Object.create(null); const nodes = this.graph.nodes; let empty = true; for (let n = 0, ln = nodes.length; n < ln; ++n) { const node = nodes[n]; if (!node.handled && !node.hasUnresolvedDependencies) { let tableInsertion = batch[node.modelClass.getTableName()]; if (!tableInsertion) { tableInsertion = new TableInsertion(node.modelClass, false); batch[node.modelClass.getTableName()] = tableInsertion; } tableInsertion.items.push({ model: node.model, relation: node.relation, node }); empty = false; } } if (empty) { return null; } else { return batch; } } _beforeInsertBatch(batch, executorMethod) { const tableNames = Object.keys(batch); const modelsByRelation = new Map(); for (let t = 0, lt = tableNames.length; t < lt; ++t) { const tableName = tableNames[t]; const tableInsertion = batch[tableName]; for (let i = 0, li = tableInsertion.items.length; i < li; ++i) { const item = tableInsertion.items[i]; const model = item.model; const relation = item.relation; if (relation) { let relModels = modelsByRelation.get(relation); if (relModels === undefined) { relModels = []; modelsByRelation.set(relation, relModels); } relModels.push(model); } } } return Array.from(modelsByRelation.keys()), relation => { const models = modelsByRelation.get(relation); return relation[executorMethod](models, this.queryContext, null); }, { concurrency: this.modelClass.concurrency } ); } _markBatchInserted(batch) { const tableNames = Object.keys(batch); for (let t = 0, lt = tableNames.length; t < lt; ++t) { const tableInsertion = batch[tableNames[t]]; const modelClass = tableInsertion.modelClass; const items = tableInsertion.items; for (let i = 0, li = items.length; i < li; ++i) { items[i].node.markAsInserted(); } } } _executeJoinRowBatch(inserter) { const batch = this._createJoinRowBatch(); // Since we are not performing the inserts using relation.insert() // we need to explicitly run the beforeInsert hooks here. return this._beforeInsertBatch(batch, 'executeJoinTableBeforeInsert').then(() => { // Insert the batch one table at a time. return, tableName => inserter(batch[tableName]), { concurrency: this.modelClass.concurrency }); }); } _createJoinRowBatch() { const batch = Object.create(null); for (let n = 0, ln = this.graph.nodes.length; n < ln; ++n) { const node = this.graph.nodes[n]; for (let m = 0, lm = node.manyToManyConnections.length; m < lm; ++m) { const conn = node.manyToManyConnections[m]; let tableInsertion = batch[conn.relation.joinTable]; const ownerProp = conn.relation.ownerProp.getProps(node.model); const modelClass = conn.relation.getJoinModelClass(this.knex); let joinModel = conn.relation.createJoinModels(ownerProp, [conn.node.model])[0]; if (conn.refNode) { // Also take extra properties from the referring model, it there was one. for (let k = 0, lk = conn.relation.joinTableExtras.length; k < lk; ++k) { const extra = conn.relation.joinTableExtras[k]; if (conn.refNode.model[extra.aliasProp] !== undefined) { joinModel[extra.joinTableProp] = conn.refNode.model[extra.aliasProp]; } } } joinModel = modelClass.fromJson(joinModel); if (!tableInsertion) { tableInsertion = new TableInsertion(modelClass, true); batch[modelClass.getTableName()] = tableInsertion; } tableInsertion.items.push({ model: joinModel, relation: conn.relation, node: conn.node }); } } return this._removeJoinRowDuplicatesFromBatch(batch); } _removeJoinRowDuplicatesFromBatch(batch) { const tableNames = Object.keys(batch); for (let t = 0, lt = tableNames.length; t < lt; ++t) { const tableName = tableNames[t]; const tableInsertion = batch[tableName]; if (tableInsertion.items.length) { const items = tableInsertion.items; const keySet = new Set(); const keys = []; for (let i = 0, li = items.length; i < li; ++i) { const item = items[i]; const model = item.model; const modelKeys = Object.keys(model); for (let k = 0, lk = modelKeys.length; k < lk; ++k) { const key = modelKeys[k]; if (!keySet.has(key)) { keySet.add(modelKeys[k]); keys.push(key); } } } tableInsertion.items = uniqBy(items, item => item.model.$propKey(keys)); } } return batch; } _omitUids(tableInsertion) { const modelClass = tableInsertion.modelClass; const uidProp = modelClass.uidProp; for (let i = 0, li = tableInsertion.items.length; i < li; ++i) { const item = tableInsertion.items[i]; const model = item.model; modelClass.omitImpl(model, uidProp); } } _resolveDepsForInsertion(tableInsertion) { for (let i = 0, li = tableInsertion.items.length; i < li; ++i) { const node = tableInsertion.items[i].node; const model = tableInsertion.items[i].model; for (let d = 0, ld = node.isNeededBy.length; d < ld; ++d) { node.isNeededBy[d].resolve(model); } } } _finalize() { for (let n = 0, ln = this.graph.nodes.length; n < ln; ++n) { const refNode = this.graph.nodes[n]; const modelClass = refNode.modelClass; const ref = refNode.model[modelClass.uidRefProp]; if (ref) { // Copy all the properties to the reference nodes. const actualNode = this.graph.nodesById.get(ref); const relations = actualNode.modelClass.getRelations(); const keys = Object.keys(actualNode.model); for (let i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; ++i) { const key = keys[i]; const value = actualNode.model[key]; if (!relations[key] && typeof value !== 'function') { refNode.model[key] = value; } } modelClass.omitImpl(refNode.model, modelClass.uidProp); modelClass.omitImpl(refNode.model, modelClass.uidRefProp); modelClass.omitImpl(refNode.model, modelClass.dbRefProp); } else if (refNode.model[modelClass.uidProp]) { // Make sure the model no longer has an uid. modelClass.omitImpl(refNode.model, modelClass.uidProp); modelClass.omitImpl(refNode.model, modelClass.dbRefProp); } } return Promise.resolve(this.models); } } module.exports = GraphInserter;