const getModel = () => require('../../model/Model'); const Relation = require('../Relation'); const RelationProperty = require('../RelationProperty'); const { ref } = require('../../queryBuilder/ReferenceBuilder'); const { isSqlite, isMySql } = require('../../utils/knexUtils'); const { inheritModel } = require('../../model/inheritModel'); const { resolveModel } = require('../../utils/resolveModel'); const { mapAfterAllReturn } = require('../../utils/promiseUtils'); const ManyToManyFindOperation = require('./find/ManyToManyFindOperation'); const ManyToManyInsertOperation = require('./insert/ManyToManyInsertOperation'); const ManyToManyRelateOperation = require('./relate/ManyToManyRelateOperation'); const ManyToManyUnrelateOperation = require('./unrelate/ManyToManyUnrelateOperation'); const ManyToManyUnrelateMySqlOperation = require('./unrelate/ManyToManyUnrelateMySqlOperation'); const ManyToManyUnrelateSqliteOperation = require('./unrelate/ManyToManyUnrelateSqliteOperation'); const ManyToManyUpdateOperation = require('./update/ManyToManyUpdateOperation'); const ManyToManyUpdateMySqlOperation = require('./update/ManyToManyUpdateMySqlOperation'); const ManyToManyUpdateSqliteOperation = require('./update/ManyToManyUpdateSqliteOperation'); const ManyToManyDeleteOperation = require('./delete/ManyToManyDeleteOperation'); const ManyToManyDeleteMySqlOperation = require('./delete/ManyToManyDeleteMySqlOperation'); const ManyToManyDeleteSqliteOperation = require('./delete/ManyToManyDeleteSqliteOperation'); class ManyToManyRelation extends Relation { setMapping(mapping) { const retVal = super.setMapping(mapping); let ctx = { mapping, ownerModelClass: this.ownerModelClass, relatedModelClass: this.relatedModelClass, ownerProp: this.ownerProp, relatedProp: this.relatedProp, joinTableModelClass: null, joinTableOwnerProp: null, joinTableRelatedProp: null, joinTableBeforeInsert: null, joinTableExtras: [], createError: msg => this.createError(msg) }; ctx = checkThroughObject(ctx); ctx = resolveJoinModelClassIfDefined(ctx); ctx = createJoinProperties(ctx); ctx = parseExtras(ctx); ctx = parseBeforeInsert(ctx); ctx = finalizeJoinModelClass(ctx); this.joinTableExtras = ctx.joinTableExtras; this.joinTableModelClass = ctx.joinTableModelClass; this.joinTableOwnerProp = ctx.joinTableOwnerProp; this.joinTableRelatedProp = ctx.joinTableRelatedProp; this.joinTableBeforeInsert = ctx.joinTableBeforeInsert; return retVal; } get forbiddenMappingProperties() { return []; } joinTableAlias(builder) { const table = builder.tableRefFor(this.joinTableModelClass); return `${table}_rel_${}`; } findQuery(builder, opt) { const joinTableOwnerRefs = this.joinTableOwnerProp.refs(builder); builder.join(this.joinTable, join => { for (let i = 0, l = this.relatedProp.size; i < l; ++i) { const relatedRef = this.relatedProp.ref(builder, i); const joinTableRelatedRef = this.joinTableRelatedProp.ref(builder, i); join.on(relatedRef, joinTableRelatedRef); } }); if (opt.isColumnRef) { for (let i = 0, l = joinTableOwnerRefs.length; i < l; ++i) { builder.where(joinTableOwnerRefs[i], ref(opt.ownerIds[i])); } } else if (containsNonNull(opt.ownerIds)) { builder.whereInComposite(joinTableOwnerRefs, opt.ownerIds); } else { builder.resolve([]); } return builder.modify(this.modify); } join( builder, { joinOperation = 'join', relatedTableAlias = this.relatedTableAlias(builder), relatedJoinSelectQuery = this.relatedModelClass.query().childQueryOf(builder), relatedTable = builder.tableNameFor(this.relatedModelClass), ownerTable = builder.tableRefFor(this.ownerModelClass), joinTableAlias = `${relatedTableAlias}_join` } = {} ) { const joinTableAsAlias = `${this.joinTable} as ${joinTableAlias}`; let relatedJoinSelect = relatedJoinSelectQuery.modify(this.modify).as(relatedTableAlias); if (relatedJoinSelect.isSelectAll()) { // No need to join a subquery if the query is `select * from "RelatedTable"`. relatedJoinSelect = `${relatedTable} as ${relatedTableAlias}`; } return builder[joinOperation](joinTableAsAlias, join => { const ownerProp = this.ownerProp; const joinTableOwnerProp = this.joinTableOwnerProp; for (let i = 0, l = ownerProp.size; i < l; ++i) { const joinTableOwnerRef = joinTableOwnerProp.ref(builder, i).table(joinTableAlias); const ownerRef = ownerProp.ref(builder, i).table(ownerTable); join.on(joinTableOwnerRef, ownerRef); } })[joinOperation](relatedJoinSelect, join => { const relatedProp = this.relatedProp; const joinTableRelatedProp = this.joinTableRelatedProp; for (let i = 0, l = relatedProp.size; i < l; ++i) { const joinTableRelatedRef = joinTableRelatedProp.ref(builder, i).table(joinTableAlias); const relatedRef = relatedProp.ref(builder, i).table(relatedTableAlias); join.on(joinTableRelatedRef, relatedRef); } }); } find(builder, owners) { return new ManyToManyFindOperation('find', { relation: this, owners: owners }); } insert(builder, owner) { return new ManyToManyInsertOperation('insert', { relation: this, owner: owner }); } update(builder, owner) { if (isSqlite(builder.knex())) { return new ManyToManyUpdateSqliteOperation('update', { relation: this, owner: owner }); } else if (isMySql(builder.knex())) { return new ManyToManyUpdateMySqlOperation('update', { relation: this, owner: owner }); } else { return new ManyToManyUpdateOperation('update', { relation: this, owner: owner }); } } patch(builder, owner) { if (isSqlite(builder.knex())) { return new ManyToManyUpdateSqliteOperation('patch', { modelOptions: { patch: true }, relation: this, owner: owner }); } else if (isMySql(builder.knex())) { return new ManyToManyUpdateMySqlOperation('patch', { modelOptions: { patch: true }, relation: this, owner: owner }); } else { return new ManyToManyUpdateOperation('patch', { modelOptions: { patch: true }, relation: this, owner: owner }); } } delete(builder, owner) { if (isSqlite(builder.knex())) { return new ManyToManyDeleteSqliteOperation('delete', { relation: this, owner: owner }); } else if (isMySql(builder.knex())) { return new ManyToManyDeleteMySqlOperation('delete', { relation: this, owner: owner }); } else { return new ManyToManyDeleteOperation('delete', { relation: this, owner: owner }); } } relate(builder, owner) { return new ManyToManyRelateOperation('relate', { relation: this, owner: owner }); } unrelate(builder, owner) { if (isSqlite(builder.knex())) { return new ManyToManyUnrelateSqliteOperation('unrelate', { relation: this, owner: owner }); } else if (isMySql(builder.knex())) { return new ManyToManyUnrelateMySqlOperation('unrelate', { relation: this, owner: owner }); } else { return new ManyToManyUnrelateOperation('unrelate', { relation: this, owner: owner }); } } createJoinModels(ownerId, related) { const joinModels = new Array(related.length); for (let i = 0, lr = related.length; i < lr; ++i) { const rel = related[i]; let joinModel = {}; for (let j = 0, lp = this.joinTableOwnerProp.size; j < lp; ++j) { this.joinTableOwnerProp.setProp(joinModel, j, ownerId[j]); } for (let j = 0, lp = this.joinTableRelatedProp.size; j < lp; ++j) { this.joinTableRelatedProp.setProp(joinModel, j, this.relatedProp.getProp(rel, j)); } for (let j = 0, lp = this.joinTableExtras.length; j < lp; ++j) { const extra = this.joinTableExtras[j]; const extraValue = rel[extra.aliasProp]; if (extraValue !== undefined) { joinModel[extra.joinTableProp] = extraValue; } } joinModels[i] = joinModel; } return joinModels; } omitExtraProps(models) { if (this.joinTableExtras && this.joinTableExtras.length) { const props = => extra.aliasProp); for (let i = 0, l = models.length; i < l; ++i) { const queryProps = models[i].$$queryProps; // Omit extra properties instead of deleting them from the models so that they can // be used in the `$before` and `$after` hooks. models[i].$omitFromDatabaseJson(props); if (queryProps) { // We can delete the query properties since they shouldn't be used by anything // other than `$toDatabaseJson()`. for (let j = 0; j < props.length; ++j) { const prop = props[j]; if (prop in queryProps) { delete queryProps[prop]; } } } } } } executeJoinTableBeforeInsert(models, queryContext, result) { return mapAfterAllReturn( models, model => this.joinTableBeforeInsert(model, queryContext), result ); } } function checkThroughObject(ctx) { const mapping = ctx.mapping; if (!mapping.join.through || typeof mapping.join.through !== 'object') { throw ctx.createError('join must have a `through` object that describes the join table.'); } if (!mapping.join.through.from || ! { throw ctx.createError( 'join.through must be an object that describes the join table. For example: {from: "JoinTable.someId", to: "JoinTable.someOtherId"}' ); } return ctx; } function resolveJoinModelClassIfDefined(ctx) { let joinTableModelClass = null; if (ctx.mapping.join.through.modelClass) { try { joinTableModelClass = resolveModel( ctx.mapping.join.through.modelClass, ctx.ownerModelClass.modelPaths, 'join.through.modelClass' ); } catch (err) { throw ctx.createError(err.message); } } return Object.assign(ctx, { joinTableModelClass }); } function createJoinProperties(ctx) { let ret; let fromProp; let toProp; let relatedProp; let ownerProp; ret = createRelationProperty(ctx, ctx.mapping.join.through.from, 'join.through.from'); fromProp = ret.prop; ctx = ret.ctx; ret = createRelationProperty(ctx,, ''); toProp = ret.prop; ctx = ret.ctx; if (fromProp.modelClass.getTableName() !== toProp.modelClass.getTableName()) { throw ctx.createError('join.through `from` and `to` must point to the same join table.'); } if (ctx.relatedProp.modelClass.getTableName() === fromProp.modelClass.getTableName()) { relatedProp = fromProp; ownerProp = toProp; } else { relatedProp = toProp; ownerProp = fromProp; } return Object.assign(ctx, { joinTableOwnerProp: ownerProp, joinTableRelatedProp: relatedProp }); } function createRelationProperty(ctx, refString, messagePrefix) { let prop = null; let joinTableModelClass = ctx.joinTableModelClass; const resolveModelClass = table => { if (joinTableModelClass === null) { joinTableModelClass = inheritModel(getModel()); joinTableModelClass.tableName = table; joinTableModelClass.idColumn = null; joinTableModelClass.concurrency = 1; } if (joinTableModelClass.getTableName() === table) { return joinTableModelClass; } else { return null; } }; try { prop = new RelationProperty(refString, resolveModelClass); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof RelationProperty.ModelNotFoundError) { throw ctx.createError('join.through `from` and `to` must point to the same join table.'); } else { throw ctx.createError( `${messagePrefix} must have format JoinTable.columnName. For example "JoinTable.someId" or in case of composite key ["JoinTable.a", "JoinTable.b"].` ); } } return { ctx: Object.assign(ctx, { joinTableModelClass }), prop }; } function parseExtras(ctx) { let extraDef = ctx.mapping.join.through.extra; if (!extraDef) { return ctx; } if (Array.isArray(extraDef)) { extraDef = extraDef.reduce((extraDef, col) => { extraDef[col] = col; return extraDef; }, {}); } const joinTableExtras = Object.keys(extraDef).map(key => { const val = extraDef[key]; return { joinTableCol: val, joinTableProp: ctx.joinTableModelClass.columnNameToPropertyName(val), aliasCol: key, aliasProp: ctx.joinTableModelClass.columnNameToPropertyName(key) }; }); return Object.assign(ctx, { joinTableExtras }); } function parseBeforeInsert(ctx) { let joinTableBeforeInsert; if (typeof ctx.mapping.join.through.beforeInsert === 'function') { joinTableBeforeInsert = ctx.mapping.join.through.beforeInsert; } else { joinTableBeforeInsert = model => model; } return Object.assign(ctx, { joinTableBeforeInsert }); } function finalizeJoinModelClass(ctx) { if (ctx.joinTableModelClass.getIdColumn() === null) { // We cannot know if the join table has a primary key. Therefore we set some // known column as the idColumn so that inserts will work. ctx.joinTableModelClass.idColumn = ctx.joinTableRelatedProp.cols; } return ctx; } function containsNonNull(arr) { for (let i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; ++i) { const val = arr[i]; if (Array.isArray(val) && containsNonNull(val)) { return true; } else if (val !== null && val !== undefined) { return true; } } return false; } module.exports = ManyToManyRelation;