123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566 |
- import isObject from './isObject.js';
- import isSymbol from './isSymbol.js';
- /** Used as references for various `Number` constants. */
- var NAN = 0 / 0;
- /** Used to match leading and trailing whitespace. */
- var reTrim = /^\s+|\s+$/g;
- /** Used to detect bad signed hexadecimal string values. */
- var reIsBadHex = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i;
- /** Used to detect binary string values. */
- var reIsBinary = /^0b[01]+$/i;
- /** Used to detect octal string values. */
- var reIsOctal = /^0o[0-7]+$/i;
- /** Built-in method references without a dependency on `root`. */
- var freeParseInt = parseInt;
- /**
- * Converts `value` to a number.
- *
- * @static
- * @memberOf _
- * @since 4.0.0
- * @category Lang
- * @param {*} value The value to process.
- * @returns {number} Returns the number.
- * @example
- *
- * _.toNumber(3.2);
- * // => 3.2
- *
- * _.toNumber(Number.MIN_VALUE);
- * // => 5e-324
- *
- * _.toNumber(Infinity);
- * // => Infinity
- *
- * _.toNumber('3.2');
- * // => 3.2
- */
- function toNumber(value) {
- if (typeof value == 'number') {
- return value;
- }
- if (isSymbol(value)) {
- return NAN;
- }
- if (isObject(value)) {
- var other = typeof value.valueOf == 'function' ? value.valueOf() : value;
- value = isObject(other) ? (other + '') : other;
- }
- if (typeof value != 'string') {
- return value === 0 ? value : +value;
- }
- value = value.replace(reTrim, '');
- var isBinary = reIsBinary.test(value);
- return (isBinary || reIsOctal.test(value))
- ? freeParseInt(value.slice(2), isBinary ? 2 : 8)
- : (reIsBadHex.test(value) ? NAN : +value);
- }
- export default toNumber;