This is barebones svelte native project template created directly from a nativescript core project template # Usage You can get started with this using `degit` ```bash $ degit halfnelson/svelte-native-template myapp ``` # Recreating From Scratch This was created using: Create ns core app ```bash tns create svelte-ns-testapp --appid --ts ``` Install svelte, svelte-native, svelte-loader ```bash $ npm install svelte@beta $ npm install svelte-native $ npm install svelte-loader ``` Append svelte-loader to end module rules ``` { test: /\.svelte$/, exclude: /node_modules/, use: 'svelte-loader' } ``` Remove nativescript files from `app` except for `package.json` and `app.ts` and `app.css` make the following changes to the app folder: add `svelte-components.d.ts`: ```js declare module "*.svelte" { export default SvelteComponent; } ``` change `app.ts` to: ```js import { svelteNative } from "svelte-native"; import App from "./App.svelte"; svelteNative(App, {}); ``` add `App.svelte`: ```html