burningTyger 5 gadi atpakaļ
99 mainītis faili ar 19676 papildinājumiem un 0 dzēšanām
  1. 159 0
  2. 1 0
  3. 27 0
  4. 1254 0
  5. 21 0
  6. 124 0
  7. 9 0
  8. 10599 0
  9. 0 0
  10. 0 0
  11. 78 0
  12. BIN
  13. 5 0
  14. 142 0
  15. 281 0
  16. 85 0
  17. 15 0
  18. 75 0
  19. 79 0
  20. 81 0
  21. 77 0
  22. 39 0
  23. 48 0
  24. 57 0
  25. 87 0
  26. 113 0
  27. 443 0
  28. 149 0
  29. 103 0
  30. 151 0
  31. 15 0
  32. 24 0
  33. 305 0
  34. 23 0
  35. 155 0
  36. 1 0
  37. 21 0
  38. 69 0
  39. 35 0
  40. 39 0
  41. 67 0
  42. 127 0
  43. 121 0
  44. 70 0
  45. 8 0
  46. 21 0
  47. 180 0
  48. 60 0
  49. 85 0
  50. 55 0
  51. 205 0
  52. 4 0
  53. 504 0
  54. 34 0
  55. 5 0
  56. 9 0
  57. 143 0
  58. 13 0
  59. 8 0
  60. 5 0
  61. 50 0
  62. 85 0
  63. 62 0
  64. 76 0
  65. 261 0
  66. 13 0
  67. 14 0
  68. 24 0
  69. 1 0
  70. 29 0
  71. 131 0
  72. 19 0
  73. 189 0
  74. 17 0
  75. 318 0
  76. 6 0
  77. 0 0
  78. 0 0
  79. 318 0
  80. 0 0
  81. 339 0
  82. 0 0
  83. 324 0
  84. 97 0
  85. 8 0
  86. 8 0
  87. 91 0
  88. 43 0
  89. 44 0
  90. 54 0
  91. 39 0
  92. 39 0
  93. 49 0
  94. 36 0
  95. 40 0
  96. 36 0
  97. 18 0
  98. 15 0
  99. 70 0

+ 159 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+{#each Object.entries(schueler) as [klasse, schueler]}
+  <h3 class="title">{klasse}</h3>
+  <table class="table is-striped">
+    <thead>
+      <tr>
+        <th><abbr title="hashid">ID</abbr></th>
+        <th>Name</th>
+        <th>Vorname</th>
+        <th>Projektwahl</th>
+      </tr>
+    </thead>
+    <tbody>
+      {#each schueler as s}
+        <tr>
+          <td>{s.hashid}</td>
+          <td>{s.Name}</td>
+          <td>{s.Vorname}</td>
+          <td class={'has-background-'+wahl(s)} on:click={() => modalset(s)} style="cursor: pointer">
+            {`Woche: ${s.woche || '–'} Mo/Di: ${s.mo_di || '–'} Mi/Do ${s.mi_do || '–'}`}
+          </td>
+        </tr>
+      {/each}
+    </tbody>
+  </table>
+{#if modal_s}
+  <div class="modal" class:is-active={modal}>
+    <div class="modal-background"></div>
+    <div class="modal-card">
+      <header class="modal-card-head">
+        <p class="modal-card-title">{modal_s.Vorname} {modal_s.Name}</p>
+        <button class="delete" aria-label="close" on:click={() => modal = !modal}></button>
+      </header>
+      <section class="modal-card-body">
+        <div class="field is-horizontal">
+          <div class="field-label is-normal">
+            <label class="label">Woche</label>
+          </div>
+          <div class="field-body">
+            <div class="field is-narrow">
+              <div class="control">
+                <div class="select is-fullwidth">
+                  <select bind:value={selected_woche} on:change={wahl_aendern}>
+                    <option value={null}>Kein Projekt gewählt</option>
+                    {#each projekte.filter(p => p.woche) as p}
+                      <option value={p.id} selected={modal_s.woche}>{`${p.titel} – ${p.leitung} (${p.gewaehlt_woche}/${p.max_teilnehmer}`})</option>
+                    {/each}
+                    <option value={0} selected={modal_s.woche === 0}>Krank/Beurlaubt</option>
+                  </select>
+                </div>
+              </div>
+            </div>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div class="field is-horizontal">
+          <div class="field-label is-normal">
+            <label class="label">Mo/Di</label>
+          </div>
+          <div class="field-body">
+            <div class="field is-narrow">
+              <div class="control">
+                <div class="select is-fullwidth">
+                  <select bind:value={selected_mo_di} on:change={wahl_aendern}>
+                    <option value={null}>Kein Projekt gewählt</option>
+                    {#each projekte.filter(p => p.mo_di) as p}
+                      <option value={p.id} selected={modal_s.mo_di}>{`${p.titel} – ${p.leitung} (${p.gewaehlt_mo_di}/${p.max_teilnehmer}`})</option>
+                    {/each}
+                    <option value={0} selected={modal_s.mo_di === 0}>Krank/Beurlaubt</option>
+                  </select>
+                </div>
+              </div>
+            </div>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+        <div class="field is-horizontal">
+          <div class="field-label is-normal">
+            <label class="label">Mi/Do</label>
+          </div>
+          <div class="field-body">
+            <div class="field is-narrow">
+              <div class="control">
+                <div class="select is-fullwidth">
+                  <select bind:value={selected_mi_do} on:change={wahl_aendern}>
+                    <option value={null}>Kein Projekt gewählt</option>
+                    {#each projekte.filter(p => p.mi_do) as p}
+                      <option value={p.id} selected={modal_s.mi_do}>
+                        {`${p.titel} – ${p.leitung} (${p.gewaehlt_mi_do}/${p.max_teilnehmer}`})
+                      </option>
+                    {/each}
+                    <option value={0} selected={modal_s.mi_do === 0}>Krank/Beurlaubt</option>
+                  </select>
+                </div>
+              </div>
+            </div>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </section>
+      <footer class="modal-card-foot background-is-info">
+        Änderungen sind sofort wirksam
+      </footer>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  export let schueler, klasse, privat
+  let projekte = [], klassen = [], modal = false, modal_s, selected_woche, selected_mo_di, selected_mi_do
+  const modalset = s => {
+    modal = true
+    modal_s=s
+  }
+  $: console.log(modal_s)
+  const { Pool } = R('pg')
+  const pool = new Pool({ connectionString: privat.mein_bk_db})
+  import { onMount, onDestroy } from 'svelte';
+	onMount(_ => {
+    pool.query(`SELECT id, titel, leitung, woche, mo_di, mi_do, max_teilnehmer,
+                  (SELECT COUNT(*)
+                    FROM wahlen
+                    WHERE projekte.id = wahlen.woche
+                  ) as gewaehlt_woche,
+                  (SELECT COUNT(*)
+                    FROM wahlen
+                    WHERE projekte.id = wahlen.mo_di
+                  ) as gewaehlt_mo_di,
+                  (SELECT COUNT(*)
+                    FROM wahlen
+                    WHERE projekte.id = wahlen.mi_do
+                  ) as gewaehlt_mi_do
+                FROM projekte`,
+      (err, resp) => projekte = resp.rows)
+    pool.query(`SELECT * FROM klassen`,
+      (err, resp) => klassen = resp.rows)
+  })
+  onDestroy(_ => {
+    pool.end()
+  })
+  function wahl (s) {
+    if (s.woche === s.mo_di && s.woche === s.mi_do) return 'danger'
+    else if (typeof(s.mo_di) !== typeof(s.mi_do)) return 'warning'
+    else if ([s.mo_di, s.mi_do, s.woche].includes(0)) return 'info'
+    else return 'success'
+  }
+  const wahl_aendern = async e => {
+    const text = `INSERT INTO wahlen(schueler_hashid, woche, mo_di, mi_do)
+                    VALUES($1, $2, $3, $4)
+                  ON CONFLICT (schueler_hashid) DO
+                    UPDATE SET woche=$2, mo_di=$3, mi_do=$4
+                  RETURNING *`
+    const values = [modal_s.hashid, selected_woche, selected_mo_di, selected_mi_do]
+    try {
+      const res = await pool.query(text, values)
+      modal_s = Object.assign(modal_s, res.rows[0])
+      console.log('modal_s ändert sich:', modal_s)
+    } catch(err) {
+      console.log(err.stack)
+    }
+  }

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 27 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+{#each Object.entries(schueler) as [klasse, schueler]}
+  <h3 class="title">{klasse}</h3>
+  <table class="table is-striped">
+    <thead>
+      <tr>
+        <th><abbr title="hashid">ID</abbr></th>
+        <th>Name</th>
+        <th>Vorname</th>
+        <th>Voucher</th>
+      </tr>
+    </thead>
+    <tbody>
+      {#each schueler as s}
+        <tr>
+          <td>{s.hashid}</td>
+          <td>{s.Name}</td>
+          <td>{s.Vorname}</td>
+          <td><span class={s.voucher && "tag is-info is-medium"}>{s.voucher || ''}</span></td>
+        </tr>
+      {/each}
+    </tbody>
+  </table>
+  export let schueler, klasse

+ 1254 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1254 @@
+# Bulma Changelog
+## Upcoming release
+### Deprecation warning
+The `form.sass` file is **deprecated**. It has moved into its own `/form` folder. If you were importing `form.sass`, please import `sass/form/_all.sass` now.
+If you were simply importing the whole of Bulma with `@import "~/bulma/bulma.sass"` or similar, you won't have to change anything, and everything will work as bbefore.
+### New features
+#### Support for overriding the `font-family`
+You can now specify a different `font-family` for the `.title`, `.subtitle` and `.button` by using the variables `$title-family`, `$subtitle-family` and `$button-family` respectively.
+Simply set a value when importing Bulma:
+$title-family: "Georgia", serif;
+* #2375 Add `.is-relative` helper
+* #2321 Make `.navbar` focus behave like hover for the navigation
+* #2290 Fix #1186 -> Reset the offset on columns
+* #2231 Add `.has-text-weight-medium` helper
+* #2224 Add customizable border radius to progress bar
+* #2480 Add `$footer-color` variable
+### Improvements
+* #2396 Update docs with webpack 4 example
+* #2381 Make centered buttons have equal margin
+* Fix #2297 -> Remove `.container` fixed width values, use `flex-grow`
+* #2478 Move form.sass into its own folder
+### Bug fixes
+* #2420 Fix #2414 -> Fix `align` attribute in `td/th` being ignored
+* #2463 Remove duplicate `.has-addons` in `tag.sass`
+* #2253 Fix `$gap` variable default value
+* #2273 Fix #2258 -> Fix Indeterminate Progress Bar animation in Firefox
+* #2175 Proper aligning for `.tabs` within `.content`
+* #2476 Fix #2441 -> Correct active pagination link text colour on hero
+Fix #1979 -> Correct loading spinner color when a button is:
+* outlined and hovered/focused
+* outlined, inverted and hovered/focused
+### New variables
+#### Initial variables
+* `$block-spacing`
+#### Base
+* `$body-font-size`
+* `$small-font-size`
+* `$pre-font-size`
+* `$pre-padding`
+* `$pre-code-font-size`
+#### Components
+* `$card-header-padding`
+* `$card-content-padding`
+* `$card-media-margin`
+* `$dropdown-menu-min-width`
+* `$dropdown-content-padding-bottom`
+* `$dropdown-content-padding-top`
+* `$level-item-spacing`
+* `$menu-list-line-height`
+* `$menu-list-link-padding`
+* `$menu-nested-list-margin`
+* `$menu-nested-list-padding-left`
+* `$menu-label-font-size`
+* `$menu-label-letter-spacing`
+* `$menu-label-spacing`
+* `$pagination-item-font-size`
+* `$pagination-item-margin`
+* `$pagination-item-padding-left`
+* `$pagination-item-padding-right`
+* `$panel-margin`
+* `$panel-tabs-font-size`
+#### Elements
+* `$container-offset`
+#### Grid
+* `$tile-spacing`
+## 0.7.3
+### New features
+* #2145 Fix #372 -> New indeterminate progress bars
+* #2206 Fix #2046 -> New variables `$table-head-background-color`, `$table-body-background-color` and `$table-foot-background-color` for the `.table` element
+* #592 -> Give arbitrary elements access to the image/ratio classes
+* #1682 Fix #1681 -> Adds disabled styles for `<fieldset disabled>`
+* #2201 Fix #1875 -> `.buttons` and `.tags` group sizing (`.are-small`, `.are-medium`, `.are-large`)
+### Improvements
+* #1978 Fix #1696 -> Force `box-sizing: border-box` on `details` element
+* #2167 Fix #1878 -> New `$footer-padding` variable
+* #2168 -> New `$input-placeholder-color` and `$input-disabled-placeholder-color` variables
+### Bug fixes
+* #2157 Fix #1656 -> Allow border radius if only one `.control` in `.field`
+* #2091 Fix #2091 -> Remove CSS rule which causes `.tag.has-addons` to not work correctly
+* #2186 Fix #1130 -> Prevent `.dropdown` links underlining in `.message` component
+* Fix #2154 -> Move `.hero.is-fullheight-with-navbar` to `navbar.sass` file
+### Deprecation
+* `.control.has-icon` deprecated in favor of `.control.has-icons`
+## 0.7.2
+### New features
+* #1884 New `$navbar-burger-color` variable
+* #1679 Add breakpoint based column gaps
+* #1905 Fix `modal` for IE11 #1902
+* #1919 New `is-arrowless` class for navbar items
+* #1949 New `is-fullheight-with-navbar` class for heros
+* #1764 New `.is-sr-only` helper
+* #2109 Add and use `$navbar-breakpoint` variable
+* New variables `$control-height`, `$control-line-height`, `$pagination-min-width`, `$input-height`
+* #1720 Add list element feature
+* #2123 Add `.content ol` types: `.is-lower-roman`, `.is-upper-roman`, `.is-lower-alpha`, `.is-upper-alpha`, and support for the `type=` HTML attribute
+### Improvements
+* #1964 Allow `.notification` to have a `.dropdown-item`
+* #1999 Change `$border` to `$grey-lighter` in mixins
+* #2085 `.media-content` will allow scrolling horizontally if the content is too wide
+* #1744 Fix #1710 by using `$table-striped-row-even-hover-background-color` only for even rows
+* #2074 Allow `<button>` as `.dropdown-item`
+### Bug fixes
+* #1749 Fix icons floating out of input area
+* #1993 Fixes #1992 Prevent disabled form elements hover state from overlapping, if control has add-ons elements
+* #1909 Fix Modal card in IE11
+* #1908 Fix IE11 when textarea doesn't listen to `size=""`
+* Fix #1991 The last button in list of full-width buttons has longer width
+* #1982 Fix navbar-burger color when color modifier is used
+* #1819 Fix #1137 error message for required file
+* Fix #1904 and #1969: hide native file input in Chrome
+* #2059 Remove unnecessary right margin from last level-item (level.is-mobile)
+## 0.7.1
+### Improvements
+* #1789 Add all shades to `has-background-*` helpers
+### Bug fixes
+* #1796 #1806 Remove navbar `box-shadow` by default
+## 0.7.0
+### New features
+* New variables `$widescreen-enabled` and `$fullhd-enabled`: you can set them to `false` to disable each breakpoint
+* New variables `$control-border-width` and `$button-border-width`
+* 🎉 #1624 Add some common photography aspect ratios and portrait ratios
+* 🎉 #1747 New `$custom-colors` and `$custom-shades` variable for adding your own colors and shades to Bulma's `$colors` and `$shades` maps respectively
+### Improvements
+* #1619 Add `$card-header-background-color`, `$card-content-background-color` and `$card-footer-background-color` to allow different background customization for card elements
+* #1669 Add `.is-expanded` modifier to `.buttons.has-addons`
+* #1628 Add `.has-background` helpers for block background colors, like `.has-text`
+* #1767 Added minified bundle with cleancss
+### Bug fixes
+* #1778 Fix `is-text-right` precedence over `is-text-left-mobile`
+* #1571 Fix position of delete button on `.tag`
+* #1549 Implementing a simple version of the native sass percentage function
+* #1707 Disable table hover in `.content` by default
+* #1428 Fix `media-content` overflow
+### Variable changes
+#### Updated default values
+<table class="table is-bordered">
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+      <th class="is-light" colspan="3">
+        File
+        <code>sass/utilities/initial-variables.sass</code>
+      </th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <th>Variable</th>
+      <th>From</th>
+      <th>To</th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$gap</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>32px</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>64px</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$radius</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>3px</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>4px</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$radius-large</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>5px</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>6px</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+  </tbody>
+<table class="table is-bordered">
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+      <th class="is-light" colspan="3">
+        File
+        <code>sass/base/generic.sass</code>
+      </th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <th>Variable</th>
+      <th>From</th>
+      <th>To</th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$hr-background-color</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>$border</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>$background</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$hr-height</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>1px</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>2px</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+  </tbody>
+<table class="table is-bordered">
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+      <th class="is-light" colspan="3">
+        File
+        <code>sass/elements/content.sass</code>
+      </th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <th>Variable</th>
+      <th>From</th>
+      <th>To</th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$content-heading-weight</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>$weight-normal</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>$weight-semibold</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+  </tbody>
+<table class="table is-bordered">
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+      <th class="is-light" colspan="3">
+        File
+        <code>sass/components/message.sass</code>
+      </th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <th>Variable</th>
+      <th>From</th>
+      <th>To</th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$message-header-padding</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>0.5em 0.75em</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>0.75em 1em</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$message-body-padding</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>1em 1.25em</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>1.25em 1.5em</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+  </tbody>
+<table class="table is-bordered">
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+      <th class="is-light" colspan="3">
+        File
+        <code>sass/components/navbar.sass</code>
+      </th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <th>Variable</th>
+      <th>From</th>
+      <th>To</th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$navbar-item-hover-background-color</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>$background</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>$white-bis</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$navbar-dropdown-border-top</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>1px solid $border</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>2px solid $border</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$navbar-divider-background-color</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>$border</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>$background</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+  </tbody>
+<table class="table is-bordered">
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+      <th class="is-light" colspan="3">
+        File
+        <code>sass/layout/footer.sass</code>
+      </th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <th>Variable</th>
+      <th>From</th>
+      <th>To</th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$footer-background-color</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>$background</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>$white-bis</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+  </tbody>
+#### New variables
+<table class="table is-bordered">
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+      <th class="is-light" colspan="2">
+        File
+        <code>sass/components/breadcrumb.sass</code>
+      </th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <th>Name</th>
+      <th>Value</th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$breadcrumb-item-padding-vertical</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>0</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$breadcrumb-item-padding-horizontal</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>0.75em</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+  </tbody>
+<table class="table is-bordered">
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+      <th class="is-light" colspan="2">
+        File
+        <code>sass/components/message.sass</code>
+      </th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <th>Name</th>
+      <th>Value</th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$message-body-border-color</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>$border</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$message-body-border-width</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>0 0 0 4px</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$message-header-weight</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>$weight-bold</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$message-header-body-border-width</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>0</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+  </tbody>
+<table class="table is-bordered">
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+      <th class="is-light" colspan="2">
+        File
+        <code>sass/components/navbar.sass</code>
+      </th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <th>Name</th>
+      <th>Value</th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$navbar-box-shadow-size</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>0 2px 0 0</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$navbar-box-shadow-color</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>$background</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$navbar-padding-vertical</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>1rem</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$navbar-padding-horizontal</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>2rem</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$navbar-z</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>30</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+  </tbody>
+<table class="table is-bordered">
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+      <th class="is-light" colspan="2">
+        File
+        <code>sass/elements/title.sass</code>
+      </th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <th>Name</th>
+      <th>Value</th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$title-line-height</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>1.125</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$subtitle-line-height</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>1.25</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>$subtitle-negative-margin</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>-1.25rem</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+  </tbody>
+#### Removed variables
+<table class="table is-bordered">
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+      <th>File</th>
+      <th>Removed</th>
+      <th>Replaced with</th>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td>
+        <code>sass/components/message.sass</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>$message-body-border</code>
+      </td>
+      <td>
+        <code>$message-body-border-color</code>
+        <br>
+        <code>$message-body-border-width</code>
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+  </tbody>
+## 0.6.2
+### New features
+* 🎉 Rounded buttons, inputs, pagination and toggle tabs
+### Improvements
+* #1343 Add `sub` and `sup` title sizes
+* #1452 New `.is-italic` helper
+### Bug fixes
+* #935 Bug dropdown in `hero` (primary) menu items not visible
+* #1456 Fix customize documentation
+* #1190 Add `$variable-columns` to disable `--columnGap`
+* #1518 Fix spacing of the delete button in notification element
+* #1569 Fix missing use of `$pagination-color` variable
+## 0.6.1
+### New features
+* 🎉 [List of buttons](https://bulma.io/documentation/elements/button/#list-of-buttons)
+* 🎉 #1235 Support for five column grid: `.is-one-fifth, .is-two-fifths, .is-three-fifths, .is-four-fifths`
+* 🎉 #1287 New `.is-invisible` helper
+* 🎉 #1255 New `.is-expanded` modifier for `navbar-item`
+* 🎉 #1384 New `.is-centered` and `.is-right` modifiers for `tags`
+* 🎉 #1383 New `.is-empty` modifier for `file`
+* 🎉 #1380 Allow `.is-selected` class on `<td>` and `<th>` tags
+### Improvements
+* #987 Improve `tag > icon` spacing
+* Improve `hamburger` alignment
+### Bug fixes
+* #1358 Fix indentation bug for .is-one-fifth
+* #1356 SASS 3.5+ variable parsing compatibility allows only #{}
+* #1342 Remove black line from progress bar in IE
+* #1334 Fix progress bar colors in IE
+* #1313 Fix Table `is-selected` and `is-hoverable` styling issue
+* #963 Fix Delete Button Bug in iOS Safari
+## 0.6.0
+### Breaking changes
+* The new `$link` color is part of the `$colors` map. As a result, `.button.is-link` is a colored button now. Use `.button.is-text` if you want the underlined button.
+* The deprecated `variables.sass` file has been removed.
+* The deprecated `nav.sass` file has been removed.
+### New features
+* #1236 `.table` hover effect is opt-in, by using the `.is-hoverable` modifier class
+* #1254 `.dropdown` now supports `.is-up` modifier
+### Improvements
+* #1257 Include placeholder mixin in `=input`
+The `$link` color is used instead of `$primary` in the following components:
+  <tr>
+    <th>Variable</th>
+    <th>Old value</th>
+    <th>New value</th>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><code>$dropdown-item-active-color</code></td>
+    <td><code>$primary-invert</code></td>
+    <td><code>$link-invert</code></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><code>$dropdown-item-active-background-color</code></td>
+    <td><code>$primary</code></td>
+    <td><code>$link</code></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><code>$navbar-tab-hover-border-bottom-color</code></td>
+    <td><code>$primary</code></td>
+    <td><code>$link</code></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><code>$navbar-tab-active-color</code></td>
+    <td><code>$primary</code></td>
+    <td><code>$link</code></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><code>$navbar-tab-active-border-bottom-color</code></td>
+    <td><code>$primary</code></td>
+    <td><code>$link</code></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><code>$navbar-dropdown-item-active-color</code></td>
+    <td><code>$primary</code></td>
+    <td><code>$link</code></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><code>$tabs-link-active-border-bottom-color</code></td>
+    <td><code>$primary</code></td>
+    <td><code>$link</code></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><code>$tabs-link-active-color</code></td>
+    <td><code>$primary</code></td>
+    <td><code>$link</code></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><code>$tabs-toggle-link-active-background-color</code></td>
+    <td><code>$primary</code></td>
+    <td><code>$link</code></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><code>$tabs-toggle-link-active-border-color</code></td>
+    <td><code>$primary</code></td>
+    <td><code>$link</code></td>
+  </tr>
+  <tr>
+    <td><code>$tabs-toggle-link-active-color</code></td>
+    <td><code>$primary-invert</code></td>
+    <td><code>$link-invert</code></td>
+  </tr>
+### Issues closed
+* #708 Import variables in mixins
+## 0.5.3
+### New features
+* #1101 `.card-header-title` can be centered with `.is-centered`
+* #1189 `.input` readonly and `.is-static`
+* #1189 `.textarea` readonly
+### Issues closed
+* #1177 Fix `.message .tag` combination
+* #1167 Fix `pre code`
+* #1207 Fix `.breadcrumb` alignment
+## 0.5.2
+### New features
+* #842 `navbar` color modifiers
+* #331 Support for third party icons
+* Added `$button-focus-box-shadow-size` and `$button-focus-box-shadow-color` for customization
+* Added `$input-focus-box-shadow-size` and `$input-focus-box-shadow-color` for customization
+* Navbar tabs
+### Issues closed
+* #1168 Undefined variable: `$navbar-item`
+* #930 Remove `vertical-align: top` for icons
+* #735 Font awesome custom `font-size`
+* #395 Font awesome stacked icons
+* #1152 Level-items not centered horizontally on mobile
+* #1147 Add `text-size-adjust: 100%` to `html`
+* #1106 `pagination` docs
+* #1063 `$family-primary` customization
+## 0.5.1
+### New features
+* 🎉 #280 [File upload element](https://bulma.io/documentation/form/file/)
+* `$container-offset` variable to determine the `.container` breakpoints
+* #1001 Text case helpers
+### Issues closed
+* #1030 Add `!important` to non responsive display helpers
+* #1020 Customizing `.navbar-item img` max height
+* #998 `.navbar-dropdown` with **right** alignment
+* #877 `.pagination` isn't using `$pagination-background`
+* #989 `navbar-brand` overflowing on mobile
+* #975 Variable `$table-head-color` isn't used
+* #964 Tabs sass file throwing error with `!important`
+* #949 `.is-size-7` helper is missing
+## 0.5.0
+### New features
+* 🎉 [List of tags](https://bulma.io/documentation/elements/tag/#list-of-tags)
+* New **variable naming system**: `component`-`subcomponent`-`state`-`property`
+* Improved **customization** thanks to new set of variables
+* #934 New `.is-shadowless` helper
+Variable name changes (mostly appending `-color`):
+### Improved documentation
+* [Starter template](https://bulma.io/documentation/overview/start/#starter-template)
+* [Colors page](https://bulma.io/documentation/overview/colors/)
+* [Typography helpers](https://bulma.io/documentation/modifiers/typography-helpers/)
+* **Meta** information for all elements and components
+* **Variables** information for most elements and components
+### Issues closed
+* #909 `.dropdown` wrapping
+* #938 `.is-fullwidth` removed from docs
+* #900 Variable `.navbar-item` for hover+active background/color
+* #902 `.navbar-item` color overrides
+## 0.4.4
+### New features
+* New [dropdown button](https://bulma.io/documentation/components/dropdown/)!
+* The breakpoints and `.container` **gap** can be customized with the new `$gap` variable
+* The `.container` has 2 new modifiers: `.is-widescreen` and `.is-fullhd`
+### Issues closed
+* Fix #26 `.textarea` element will honors `[rows]` attribute
+* Fix #887 `body` scrollbar
+* Fix #715 `.help` class behaviour in horizontal form `is-grouped` field
+* Fix #842 Adding modifiers in `navbar`
+* Fix #841 `.container` as direct child of `.navbar` moves `.navbar-menu` below `.navbar-brand`
+* Fix #861 Box in hero as text and background white
+* Fix #852 charset and version number
+* Fix #856 JavaScript `.nav-burger` example
+* Fix #821 Notification strong color
+## 0.4.3
+### New features
+* New navbar with dropdown support
+* Add new feature: Breadcrumb component (#632) @vinialbano
+* Add Bloomer to README.md (#787) @AlgusDark
+* Add responsive is-*-touch tags for .column sizes (#780) @tom-rb
+* Adding 'is-hidden' to helpers in docs (#798) @aheuermann
+* Add figure/figcaption as content element (#807) @werthen
+* Add <sup> and <sub> support to content (#808) @werthen
+* Add re-bulma and react-bulma (#809) @kulakowka
+* Add is-halfheight to hero (#783) @felipeas
+* Added a related project with Golang backend (#784) @Caiyeon
+### Issues closed
+* Fix #827 Breadcrumb and Navbar in docs
+* Fix #824 Code examples broken because of `text-align: center`
+* Fix #820 Loading spinner resizes with controls
+* Fix #819 Remove `height: auto` from media elements
+* Fix #790 Documentation typo
+* Fix #814 Make use of +fullhd mixin for columns @Saboteur777
+* Fix #781 Add min/max height/width to delete class size modifiers @ZackWard
+* Fix #391 Section docs update
+## 0.4.2
+* Fix #728 selected row on striped table
+* Fix #747 remove flex-shrink for is-expanded
+* Fix #702 add icons support for select dropdown
+* Fix #712 delete button as flexbox item
+* Fix #759 static button
+## 0.4.1
+* Fix #568 max-width container
+* Fix #589 notification delete
+* Fix #272 nav-right without nav-menu
+* Fix #616 hero and notification buttons
+* Fix #607 has-addons z-index
+* Feature #586 select color modifiers
+* Fix #537 -ms-expand
+* Fix #578 better `+center` mixin
+* Fix #565 `dl` styles
+* Fix #389 `pre` `margin-bottom`
+* Fix #484 icon alignment
+* Fix #506 bold nav menu
+* Fix #581 nav container
+* Fix #512 nav grouped buttons
+* Fix #605 container example
+* Fix #458 select expanded
+* Fix #403 separate animations
+* Fix #637 customize Bulma
+* Fix #584 loading select
+* Fix #571 control height
+* Fix #634 is-grouped control
+* Fix #676 checkbox/radio wrapping
+* Feature #479 has-icons placement
+* Fix #442 selected table row
+* Fix #187 add customize page
+* Fix #449 columns negative horizontal margin
+* Fix #399 pagination wrapping
+* Fix #227 color keys as strings
+## 0.4.0
+* **Default font-size is 16px**
+* **New `.field` element ; `.control` repurposed**
+* **New `.pagination` sizes**
+* **New `$fullhd` breakpoint (1344px)**
+* Remove monospace named fonts
+* Remove icon spacing logic
+* Split icon container dimensions and icon size
+* Fix delete button by using pixels instead of (r)em
+* Fix level on mobile
+* Add new `.is-spaced` modifier for titles and subtitles
+* Fix #487
+* Fix #489
+* Fix #502
+* Fix #514
+* Fix #524
+* Fix #536
+## 0.3.2
+* Fix #478
+## 0.3.1
+* Fix #441
+* Fix #443
+## 0.3.0
+* Use `rem` and `em` (!)
+* Fix Font Awesome icons in buttons (!)
+* Fix message colors (!)
+* Use `{% capture %}` to ensure same display as code snippet (!)
+* Move variables to their own file
+* Remove small tag
+* Add `:focus` state
+* Fix table
+* Remove table `.is-icon` and `.is-link`
+* Add `.content` table
+* Fix inputs with icons
+* Input icons require the `.icon` container
+* Deprecate `.media-number`
+* Fix `.level-item` height
+* Fix `.menu` spacing
+* Deprecate `.menu-nav`
+* Add invert outlined buttons
+* Fix `.nav`
+* Fix `.pagination`
+* Fix `.tabs`
+* Fix `.panel`
+* Fix `.delete`
+* Add mixins documentation
+* Add functions documentation
+## 0.2.2
+* Fix: remove multiple imports
+## 0.2.1
+* Fix: container flex
+* Fix: nav-item flex
+* Fix: media-number flex
+* Fix: new brand colors
+## 0.2.0
+* Added: new branding
+* Added: modularity
+* Added: grid folder
+* Added: .github folder
+## 0.1.1
+* Remove `flex: 1` shorthand
+## 0.1.0
+* Fix #227
+* Fix #232
+* Fix #242
+* Fix #243
+* Fix #228
+* Fix #245
+* Fix #246
+## 0.0.28
+* BREAKING: `.control.is-grouped` now uses `.control` elements as direct children
+* Fix #220
+* Fix #214
+* Fix #210
+* Fix #206
+* Fix #122
+## 0.0.27
+* Fix: #217
+* Fix: #213
+* Fix: #209
+* Fix: #205
+* Fix: #204
+* Fix: #81
+## 0.0.26
+* Added: `.modal-card`
+* Added: display responsive utilities
+* Added: `.nav-center`
+* Added: `.tabs ul` left center right
+* Changed: `.navbar` renamed to `.level`
+* Changed: `.header` renamed to `.nav`
+* Deprecated: `.header`
+* Deprecated: `.navbar`
+* Fixed: `.hero` layout
+## 0.0.25
+* Added: `utilities/controls.sass` and `elements/form.sass`
+* Added: new responsive classes
+* Added: white/black and light/dark colors
+* Changed: `.tabs` need `.icon` now
+* Changed: cdnjs link doesn't include version
+## 0.0.24
+### Added
+* `is-mobile` for the navbar
+### Removed
+* removed border between sections. Use `<hr class="is-marginless">` now
+### Updated
+* restructured files
+* added back `inline-flex` for controls and tags
+### Removed
+* test tiles
+## 0.0.23
+* `bulma` folder renamed to `sass` to avoid the redundant `bulma/bulma` path
+* `variables.sass` moved to `/utilities`
+* almost everything is singular now
+* **elements** only have one class
+* **components** have at least one sub-class
+* `.content` moved to elements
+* `.table` moved to elements
+* `.message` moved to components
+* `.table-icon`, `.table-link`, `.table-narrow` are now called `.is-icon`, `.is-link`, `.is-narrow`
+### Added
+* all variables are now `!default` so you can set your custom variables before importing Bulma
+## 0.0.22
+### Fixed
+* links in hero subtitle
+## 0.0.21
+### Added
+* `.column.is-narrow` to make a column `flex: none`
+## 0.0.20
+### Added
+* `.has-icon` support for different `.input` sizes
+## 0.0.19
+### NEW!!!
+* `.tile`
+* `.is-third` renamed to `.is-one-third`
+* `.is-quarter` renamed to `.is-one-quarter`
+### Added
+* `.is-two-thirds`
+* `.is-three-quarters`
+### Changed
+* `.delete` in `.tag` has no red
+## 0.0.18
+* `.is-text-*` renamed to `.has-text-*`
+* removed `.is-fullwidth` helper
+### Added
+* **small tag**: `.tag.is-small`
+* 12th column classes
+* `*-full` column classes
+* `$family-code`
+### Fixed
+* disabled input with element
+* `.table` last row with `th`
+* `.card` color in `.hero`
+* `.columns.is-gapless`
+### Removed
+* removed `box-shadow` from `.tag`
+* custom checkboxes and radio buttons
+### Updated
+* `.tag` uses `display: inline-flex` now
+## 0.0.17
+### Added
+* **pagination**: `.pagination`
+* **horizontal forms**: `.control.is-horizontal`
+* **help** text for form controls: `.help`
+* **progress bars**: `.progress`
+### Updated
+* `.button` uses `display: inline-flex` now
+* `.button` needs an `.icon` now
+* `.control.is-grouped` renamed to `.control.has-addons`
+* `.control.is-inline` renamed to `.control.is-grouped`
+### Removed
+* **helpers** `.is-inline` and `.is-block`

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright (c) 2019 Jeremy Thomas
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

+ 124 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# [Bulma](https://bulma.io)
+Bulma is a **modern CSS framework** based on [Flexbox](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Flexible_Box_Layout/Using_CSS_flexible_boxes).
+[![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/jgthms/bulma](https://badges.gitter.im/jgthms/bulma.svg)](https://gitter.im/jgthms/bulma)
+[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jgthms/bulma.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/jgthms/bulma)
+<a href="https://bulma.io"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jgthms/bulma/master/docs/images/bulma-banner.png" alt="Bulma: a Flexbox CSS framework" style="max-width:100%;" width="600" height="315"></a>
+## Quick install
+Bulma is constantly in development! Try it out now:
+### NPM
+npm install bulma
+### Yarn
+yarn add bulma
+### Bower
+bower install bulma
+### Import
+After installation, you can import the CSS file into your project using this snippet:
+import 'bulma/css/bulma.css'
+### CDN
+Feel free to raise an issue or submit a pull request.
+## CSS only
+Bulma is a **CSS** framework. As such, the sole output is a single CSS file: [bulma.css](https://github.com/jgthms/bulma/blob/master/css/bulma.css)
+You can either use that file, "out of the box", or download the Sass source files to customize the [variables](https://bulma.io/documentation/overview/variables/).
+There is **no** JavaScript included. People generally want to use their own JS implementation (and usually already have one). Bulma can be considered "environment agnostic": it's just the style layer on top of the logic.
+## Browser Support
+Bulma uses [autoprefixer](https://github.com/postcss/autoprefixer) to make (most) Flexbox features compatible with earlier browser versions. According to [Can I use](https://caniuse.com/#feat=flexbox), Bulma is compatible with **recent** versions of:
+* Chrome
+* Edge
+* Firefox
+* Opera
+* Safari
+Internet Explorer (10+) is only partially supported.
+## Documentation
+The documentation resides in the [docs](docs) directory, and is built with the Ruby-based [Jekyll](https://jekyllrb.com/) tool.
+Browse the [online documentation here.](https://bulma.io/documentation/overview/start/)
+## Related projects
+| Project                                                                              | Description                                                                            |
+| [Bulma with Attribute Modules](https://github.com/j5bot/bulma-attribute-selectors)   | Adds support for attribute-based selectors                                             |
+| [Bulma with Rails](https://github.com/joshuajansen/bulma-rails)                      | Integrates Bulma with the rails asset pipeline                                         |
+| [Vue Admin](https://github.com/vue-bulma/vue-admin)                                  | Vue Admin framework powered by Bulma                                                   |
+| [Bulmaswatch](https://github.com/jenil/bulmaswatch)                                  | Free themes for Bulma                                                                  |
+| [Goldfish](https://github.com/Caiyeon/goldfish)                                      | Vault UI with Bulma, Golang, and Vue Admin                                             |
+| [ember-bulma](https://github.com/open-tux/ember-bulma)                               | Ember addon providing a collection of UI components for Bulma                          |
+| [Bloomer](https://bloomer.js.org)                                                    | A set of React components for Bulma                                                    |
+| [React-bulma](https://github.com/kulakowka/react-bulma)                              | React.js components for Bulma                                                          |
+| [Buefy](https://buefy.github.io)                                                     | Lightweight UI components for Vue.js based on Bulma                                    |
+| [vue-bulma-components](https://github.com/vouill/vue-bulma-components)               | Bulma components for Vue.js with straightforward syntax                                |
+| [BulmaJS](https://github.com/VizuaaLOG/BulmaJS)                                      | Javascript integration for Bulma. Written in ES6 with a data-* API                     |
+| [Bulma-modal-fx](https://github.com/postare/bulma-modal-fx)                          | A set of modal window effects with CSS transitions and animations for Bulma            |
+| [Bulma.styl](https://github.com/log1x/bulma.styl)                                    | 1:1 Stylus translation of Bulma                                                        |
+| [elm-bulma](https://github.com/surprisetalk/elm-bulma)                               | Bulma + Elm                                                                            |
+| [elm-bulma-classes](https://github.com/ahstro/elm-bulma-classes)                     | Bulma classes prepared for usage with Elm                                              |
+| [Bulma Customizer](https://bulma-customizer.bstash.io/)                              | Bulma Customizer &#8211; Create your own **bespoke** Bulma build                       |
+| [Fulma](https://mangelmaxime.github.io/Fulma/)                                       | Wrapper around Bulma for [fable-react](https://github.com/fable-compiler/fable-react)  |
+| [Laravel Enso](https://github.com/laravel-enso/enso)                                 | SPA Admin Panel built with Bulma, VueJS and Laravel                                    |
+| [Django Bulma](https://github.com/timonweb/django-bulma)                             | Integrates Bulma with Django                                                           |
+| [Bulma Templates](https://github.com/dansup/bulma-templates)                         | Free Templates for Bulma                                                               |
+| [React Bulma Components](https://github.com/couds/react-bulma-components)            | Another React wrap on React for Bulma.io                                               |
+| [purescript-bulma](https://github.com/sectore/purescript-bulma)                      | PureScript bindings for Bulma                                                          |
+| [Vue Datatable](https://github.com/laravel-enso/vuedatatable)                        | Bulma themed datatable based on Vue, Laravel & JSON templates                          |
+| [bulma-fluent](https://mubaidr.github.io/bulma-fluent/)                              | Fluent Design Theme for Bulma inspired by Microsoft’s Fluent Design System             |
+| [csskrt-csskrt](https://github.com/4d11/csskrt-csskrt)                               | Automatically add Bulma classes to HTML files                                          |
+| [bulma-pagination-react](https://github.com/hipstersmoothie/bulma-pagination-react)  | Bulma pagination as a react component                                                  |
+| [bulma-helpers](https://github.com/jmaczan/bulma-helpers)                            | Functional / Atomic CSS classes for Bulma                                              |
+| [bulma-swatch-hook](https://github.com/hipstersmoothie/bulma-swatch-hook)            | Bulma swatches as a react hook and a component                                         |
+| [BulmaWP](https://github.com/tomhrtly/BulmaWP)                                       | Starter WordPress theme for Bulma                                                      |
+| [Ralma](https://github.com/aldi/ralma)                                               | Stateless Ractive.js Components for Bulma                                              |
+| [Django Simple Bulma](https://github.com/python-discord/django-simple-bulma)         | Lightweight integration of Bulma and Bulma-Extensions for your Django app              |
+| [rbx](https://dfee.github.io/rbx)                                                    | Comprehensive React UI Framework written in TypeScript                                 |
+| [Awesome Bulma Templates](https://github.com/aldi/awesome-bulma-templates)           | Free real-world Templates built with Bulma                                             |
+| [Trunx](http://g14n.info/trunx)                                                      | Super Saiyan React components, son of awesome Bulma, implemented in TypeScript         |
+| [@aybolit/bulma](https://github.com/web-padawan/aybolit/tree/master/packages/bulma)  | Web Components library inspired by Bulma and Bulma-extensions                          |
+| [Drulma](https://www.drupal.org/project/drulma)                                      | Drupal theme for Bulma.                                                                |
+| [Bulrush](https://github.com/textbook/bulrush)                                       | A Bulma-based Python Pelican blog theme                                                |
+## Copyright and license
+Code copyright 2019 Jeremy Thomas. Code released under [the MIT license](https://github.com/jgthms/bulma/blob/master/LICENSE).
+[npm-link]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/bulma
+[awesome-link]:  https://github.com/awesome-css-group/awesome-css
+[awesome-badge]: https://cdn.rawgit.com/sindresorhus/awesome/d7305f38d29fed78fa85652e3a63e154dd8e8829/media/badge.svg

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+@charset "utf-8"
+/*! bulma.io v0.7.5 | MIT License | github.com/jgthms/bulma */
+@import "sass/utilities/_all"
+@import "sass/base/_all"
+@import "sass/elements/_all"
+@import "sass/form/_all"
+@import "sass/components/_all"
+@import "sass/grid/_all"
+@import "sass/layout/_all"

+ 10599 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10599 @@
+/*! bulma.io v0.7.5 | MIT License | github.com/jgthms/bulma */
+@-webkit-keyframes spinAround {
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+            transform: rotate(0deg);
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+            transform: rotate(359deg);
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+    -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
+            transform: rotate(0deg);
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+    -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);
+            transform: rotate(359deg);
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+/*! minireset.css v0.0.4 | MIT License | github.com/jgthms/minireset.css */
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+  background-color: #ff3860;
+  color: #fff;
+.hero.is-danger a:not(.button):not(.dropdown-item):not(.tag):not(.pagination-link.is-current),
+.hero.is-danger strong {
+  color: inherit;
+.hero.is-danger .title {
+  color: #fff;
+.hero.is-danger .subtitle {
+  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9);
+.hero.is-danger .subtitle a:not(.button),
+.hero.is-danger .subtitle strong {
+  color: #fff;
+@media screen and (max-width: 1023px) {
+  .hero.is-danger .navbar-menu {
+    background-color: #ff3860;
+  }
+.hero.is-danger .navbar-item,
+.hero.is-danger .navbar-link {
+  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);
+.hero.is-danger a.navbar-item:hover, .hero.is-danger a.navbar-item.is-active,
+.hero.is-danger .navbar-link:hover,
+.hero.is-danger .navbar-link.is-active {
+  background-color: #ff1f4b;
+  color: #fff;
+.hero.is-danger .tabs a {
+  color: #fff;
+  opacity: 0.9;
+.hero.is-danger .tabs a:hover {
+  opacity: 1;
+.hero.is-danger .tabs li.is-active a {
+  opacity: 1;
+.hero.is-danger .tabs.is-boxed a, .hero.is-danger .tabs.is-toggle a {
+  color: #fff;
+.hero.is-danger .tabs.is-boxed a:hover, .hero.is-danger .tabs.is-toggle a:hover {
+  background-color: rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.1);
+.hero.is-danger .tabs.is-boxed li.is-active a, .hero.is-danger .tabs.is-boxed li.is-active a:hover, .hero.is-danger .tabs.is-toggle li.is-active a, .hero.is-danger .tabs.is-toggle li.is-active a:hover {
+  background-color: #fff;
+  border-color: #fff;
+  color: #ff3860;
+.hero.is-danger.is-bold {
+  background-image: linear-gradient(141deg, #ff0561 0%, #ff3860 71%, #ff5257 100%);
+@media screen and (max-width: 768px) {
+  .hero.is-danger.is-bold .navbar-menu {
+    background-image: linear-gradient(141deg, #ff0561 0%, #ff3860 71%, #ff5257 100%);
+  }
+.hero.is-small .hero-body {
+  padding-bottom: 1.5rem;
+  padding-top: 1.5rem;
+@media screen and (min-width: 769px), print {
+  .hero.is-medium .hero-body {
+    padding-bottom: 9rem;
+    padding-top: 9rem;
+  }
+@media screen and (min-width: 769px), print {
+  .hero.is-large .hero-body {
+    padding-bottom: 18rem;
+    padding-top: 18rem;
+  }
+.hero.is-halfheight .hero-body, .hero.is-fullheight .hero-body, .hero.is-fullheight-with-navbar .hero-body {
+  align-items: center;
+  display: flex;
+.hero.is-halfheight .hero-body > .container, .hero.is-fullheight .hero-body > .container, .hero.is-fullheight-with-navbar .hero-body > .container {
+  flex-grow: 1;
+  flex-shrink: 1;
+.hero.is-halfheight {
+  min-height: 50vh;
+.hero.is-fullheight {
+  min-height: 100vh;
+.hero-video {
+  overflow: hidden;
+.hero-video video {
+  left: 50%;
+  min-height: 100%;
+  min-width: 100%;
+  position: absolute;
+  top: 50%;
+  -webkit-transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0);
+          transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0);
+.hero-video.is-transparent {
+  opacity: 0.3;
+@media screen and (max-width: 768px) {
+  .hero-video {
+    display: none;
+  }
+.hero-buttons {
+  margin-top: 1.5rem;
+@media screen and (max-width: 768px) {
+  .hero-buttons .button {
+    display: flex;
+  }
+  .hero-buttons .button:not(:last-child) {
+    margin-bottom: 0.75rem;
+  }
+@media screen and (min-width: 769px), print {
+  .hero-buttons {
+    display: flex;
+    justify-content: center;
+  }
+  .hero-buttons .button:not(:last-child) {
+    margin-right: 1.5rem;
+  }
+.hero-foot {
+  flex-grow: 0;
+  flex-shrink: 0;
+.hero-body {
+  flex-grow: 1;
+  flex-shrink: 0;
+  padding: 3rem 1.5rem;
+.section {
+  padding: 3rem 1.5rem;
+@media screen and (min-width: 1024px) {
+  .section.is-medium {
+    padding: 9rem 1.5rem;
+  }
+  .section.is-large {
+    padding: 18rem 1.5rem;
+  }
+.footer {
+  background-color: #fafafa;
+  padding: 3rem 1.5rem 6rem;
+/*# sourceMappingURL=bulma.css.map */

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

+ 78 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
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+  "author": {
+    "name": "Jeremy Thomas",
+    "email": "bbxdesign@gmail.com",
+    "url": "https://jgthms.com"
+  },
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": "https://github.com/jgthms/bulma/issues"
+  },
+  "bundleDependencies": false,
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+  "description": "Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox",
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+    "flexbox",
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+    "url": "git+https://github.com/jgthms/bulma.git"
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+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+@charset "utf-8"
+@import "minireset.sass"
+@import "generic.sass"
+@import "helpers.sass"

+ 142 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+$body-background-color: $white !default
+$body-size: 16px !default
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+$small-font-size: 0.875em !default
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+$hr-margin: 1.5rem 0 !default
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+$pre-font-size: 0.875em !default
+$pre-padding: 1.25rem 1.5rem !default
+$pre-code-font-size: 1em !default
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+  overflow-y: $body-overflow-y
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+  font-family: $body-family
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+  color: $body-color
+  font-size: $body-font-size
+  font-weight: $body-weight
+  line-height: $body-line-height
+// Inline
+  color: $link
+  cursor: pointer
+  text-decoration: none
+  strong
+    color: currentColor
+  &:hover
+    color: $link-hover
+  background-color: $code-background
+  color: $code
+  font-size: $code-size
+  font-weight: $code-weight
+  padding: $code-padding
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+  border: none
+  display: block
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+  height: auto
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+  font-size: $small-font-size
+  font-style: inherit
+  font-weight: inherit
+  color: $strong-color
+  font-weight: $strong-weight
+// Block
+  border: none
+  +overflow-touch
+  background-color: $pre-background
+  color: $pre
+  font-size: $pre-font-size
+  overflow-x: auto
+  padding: $pre-padding
+  white-space: pre
+  word-wrap: normal
+  code
+    background-color: transparent
+    color: currentColor
+    font-size: $pre-code-font-size
+    padding: 0
+  td,
+  th
+    vertical-align: top
+    &:not([align])
+      text-align: left
+  th
+    color: $text-strong

+ 281 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+// Float
+  +clearfix
+  float: left !important
+  float: right !important
+// Overflow
+  overflow: hidden !important
+// Overlay
+  @extend %overlay
+// Typography
+  @each $size in $sizes
+    $i: index($sizes, $size)
+    .is-size-#{$i}#{if($target == '', '', '-' + $target)}
+      font-size: $size !important
+  +typography-size('mobile')
+  +typography-size('tablet')
+  +typography-size('touch')
+  +typography-size('desktop')
+  +typography-size('widescreen')
+  +typography-size('fullhd')
+$alignments: ('centered': 'center', 'justified': 'justify', 'left': 'left', 'right': 'right')
+@each $alignment, $text-align in $alignments
+  .has-text-#{$alignment}
+    text-align: #{$text-align} !important
+@each $alignment, $text-align in $alignments
+  +mobile
+    .has-text-#{$alignment}-mobile
+      text-align: #{$text-align} !important
+  +tablet
+    .has-text-#{$alignment}-tablet
+      text-align: #{$text-align} !important
+  +tablet-only
+    .has-text-#{$alignment}-tablet-only
+      text-align: #{$text-align} !important
+  +touch
+    .has-text-#{$alignment}-touch
+      text-align: #{$text-align} !important
+  +desktop
+    .has-text-#{$alignment}-desktop
+      text-align: #{$text-align} !important
+  +desktop-only
+    .has-text-#{$alignment}-desktop-only
+      text-align: #{$text-align} !important
+  +widescreen
+    .has-text-#{$alignment}-widescreen
+      text-align: #{$text-align} !important
+  +widescreen-only
+    .has-text-#{$alignment}-widescreen-only
+      text-align: #{$text-align} !important
+  +fullhd
+    .has-text-#{$alignment}-fullhd
+      text-align: #{$text-align} !important
+  text-transform: capitalize !important
+  text-transform: lowercase !important
+  text-transform: uppercase !important
+  font-style: italic !important
+@each $name, $pair in $colors
+  $color: nth($pair, 1)
+  .has-text-#{$name}
+    color: $color !important
+  a.has-text-#{$name}
+    &:hover,
+    &:focus
+      color: darken($color, 10%) !important
+  .has-background-#{$name}
+    background-color: $color !important
+@each $name, $shade in $shades
+  .has-text-#{$name}
+    color: $shade !important
+  .has-background-#{$name}
+    background-color: $shade !important
+  font-weight: $weight-light !important
+  font-weight: $weight-normal !important
+  font-weight: $weight-medium !important
+  font-weight: $weight-semibold !important
+  font-weight: $weight-bold !important
+  font-family: $family-primary !important
+  font-family: $family-secondary !important
+  font-family: $family-sans-serif !important
+  font-family: $family-monospace !important
+  font-family: $family-code !important
+// Visibility
+$displays: 'block' 'flex' 'inline' 'inline-block' 'inline-flex'
+@each $display in $displays
+  .is-#{$display}
+    display: #{$display} !important
+  +mobile
+    .is-#{$display}-mobile
+      display: #{$display} !important
+  +tablet
+    .is-#{$display}-tablet
+      display: #{$display} !important
+  +tablet-only
+    .is-#{$display}-tablet-only
+      display: #{$display} !important
+  +touch
+    .is-#{$display}-touch
+      display: #{$display} !important
+  +desktop
+    .is-#{$display}-desktop
+      display: #{$display} !important
+  +desktop-only
+    .is-#{$display}-desktop-only
+      display: #{$display} !important
+  +widescreen
+    .is-#{$display}-widescreen
+      display: #{$display} !important
+  +widescreen-only
+    .is-#{$display}-widescreen-only
+      display: #{$display} !important
+  +fullhd
+    .is-#{$display}-fullhd
+      display: #{$display} !important
+  display: none !important
+  border: none !important
+  clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0) !important
+  height: 0.01em !important
+  overflow: hidden !important
+  padding: 0 !important
+  position: absolute !important
+  white-space: nowrap !important
+  width: 0.01em !important
+  .is-hidden-mobile
+    display: none !important
+  .is-hidden-tablet
+    display: none !important
+  .is-hidden-tablet-only
+    display: none !important
+  .is-hidden-touch
+    display: none !important
+  .is-hidden-desktop
+    display: none !important
+  .is-hidden-desktop-only
+    display: none !important
+  .is-hidden-widescreen
+    display: none !important
+  .is-hidden-widescreen-only
+    display: none !important
+  .is-hidden-fullhd
+    display: none !important
+  visibility: hidden !important
+  .is-invisible-mobile
+    visibility: hidden !important
+  .is-invisible-tablet
+    visibility: hidden !important
+  .is-invisible-tablet-only
+    visibility: hidden !important
+  .is-invisible-touch
+    visibility: hidden !important
+  .is-invisible-desktop
+    visibility: hidden !important
+  .is-invisible-desktop-only
+    visibility: hidden !important
+  .is-invisible-widescreen
+    visibility: hidden !important
+  .is-invisible-widescreen-only
+    visibility: hidden !important
+  .is-invisible-fullhd
+    visibility: hidden !important
+// Other
+  margin: 0 !important
+  padding: 0 !important
+  border-radius: 0 !important
+  box-shadow: none !important
+  @extend %unselectable
+  position: relative !important

+ 85 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+/*! minireset.css v0.0.4 | MIT License | github.com/jgthms/minireset.css */
+// Blocks
+  margin: 0
+  padding: 0
+// Headings
+  font-size: 100%
+  font-weight: normal
+// List
+  list-style: none
+// Form
+  margin: 0
+// Box sizing
+  box-sizing: border-box
+  &,
+  &::before,
+  &::after
+    box-sizing: inherit
+// Media
+  height: auto
+  max-width: 100%
+  max-width: 100%
+// Iframe
+  border: 0
+// Table
+  border-collapse: collapse
+  border-spacing: 0
+  padding: 0
+  &:not([align])
+    text-align: left

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+@charset "utf-8"
+@import "breadcrumb.sass"
+@import "card.sass"
+@import "dropdown.sass"
+@import "level.sass"
+@import "list.sass"
+@import "media.sass"
+@import "menu.sass"
+@import "message.sass"
+@import "modal.sass"
+@import "navbar.sass"
+@import "pagination.sass"
+@import "panel.sass"
+@import "tabs.sass"

+ 75 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+$breadcrumb-item-color: $link !default
+$breadcrumb-item-hover-color: $link-hover !default
+$breadcrumb-item-active-color: $text-strong !default
+$breadcrumb-item-padding-vertical: 0 !default
+$breadcrumb-item-padding-horizontal: 0.75em !default
+$breadcrumb-item-separator-color: $grey-light !default
+  @extend %block
+  @extend %unselectable
+  font-size: $size-normal
+  white-space: nowrap
+  a
+    align-items: center
+    color: $breadcrumb-item-color
+    display: flex
+    justify-content: center
+    padding: $breadcrumb-item-padding-vertical $breadcrumb-item-padding-horizontal
+    &:hover
+      color: $breadcrumb-item-hover-color
+  li
+    align-items: center
+    display: flex
+    &:first-child a
+      padding-left: 0
+    &.is-active
+      a
+        color: $breadcrumb-item-active-color
+        cursor: default
+        pointer-events: none
+    & + li::before
+      color: $breadcrumb-item-separator-color
+      content: "\0002f"
+  ul,
+  ol
+    align-items: flex-start
+    display: flex
+    flex-wrap: wrap
+    justify-content: flex-start
+  .icon
+    &:first-child
+      margin-right: 0.5em
+    &:last-child
+      margin-left: 0.5em
+  // Alignment
+  &.is-centered
+    ol,
+    ul
+      justify-content: center
+  &.is-right
+    ol,
+    ul
+      justify-content: flex-end
+  // Sizes
+  &.is-small
+    font-size: $size-small
+  &.is-medium
+    font-size: $size-medium
+  &.is-large
+    font-size: $size-large
+  // Styles
+  &.has-arrow-separator
+    li + li::before
+      content: "\02192"
+  &.has-bullet-separator
+    li + li::before
+      content: "\02022"
+  &.has-dot-separator
+    li + li::before
+      content: "\000b7"
+  &.has-succeeds-separator
+    li + li::before
+      content: "\0227B"

+ 79 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+$card-color: $text !default
+$card-background-color: $white !default
+$card-shadow: 0 2px 3px rgba($black, 0.1), 0 0 0 1px rgba($black, 0.1) !default
+$card-header-background-color: transparent !default
+$card-header-color: $text-strong !default
+$card-header-padding: 0.75rem !default
+$card-header-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba($black, 0.1) !default
+$card-header-weight: $weight-bold !default
+$card-content-background-color: transparent !default
+$card-content-padding: 1.5rem !default
+$card-footer-background-color: transparent !default
+$card-footer-border-top: 1px solid $border !default
+$card-footer-padding: 0.75rem !default
+$card-media-margin: $block-spacing !default
+  background-color: $card-background-color
+  box-shadow: $card-shadow
+  color: $card-color
+  max-width: 100%
+  position: relative
+  background-color: $card-header-background-color
+  align-items: stretch
+  box-shadow: $card-header-shadow
+  display: flex
+  align-items: center
+  color: $card-header-color
+  display: flex
+  flex-grow: 1
+  font-weight: $card-header-weight
+  padding: $card-header-padding
+  &.is-centered
+    justify-content: center
+  align-items: center
+  cursor: pointer
+  display: flex
+  justify-content: center
+  padding: $card-header-padding
+  display: block
+  position: relative
+  background-color: $card-content-background-color
+  padding: $card-content-padding
+  background-color: $card-footer-background-color
+  border-top: $card-footer-border-top
+  align-items: stretch
+  display: flex
+  align-items: center
+  display: flex
+  flex-basis: 0
+  flex-grow: 1
+  flex-shrink: 0
+  justify-content: center
+  padding: $card-footer-padding
+  &:not(:last-child)
+    border-right: $card-footer-border-top
+// Combinations
+  .media:not(:last-child)
+    margin-bottom: $card-media-margin

+ 81 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+$dropdown-menu-min-width: 12rem !default
+$dropdown-content-background-color: $white !default
+$dropdown-content-arrow: $link !default
+$dropdown-content-offset: 4px !default
+$dropdown-content-padding-bottom: 0.5rem !default
+$dropdown-content-padding-top: 0.5rem !default
+$dropdown-content-radius: $radius !default
+$dropdown-content-shadow: 0 2px 3px rgba($black, 0.1), 0 0 0 1px rgba($black, 0.1) !default
+$dropdown-content-z: 20 !default
+$dropdown-item-color: $grey-dark !default
+$dropdown-item-hover-color: $black !default
+$dropdown-item-hover-background-color: $background !default
+$dropdown-item-active-color: $link-invert !default
+$dropdown-item-active-background-color: $link !default
+$dropdown-divider-background-color: $border !default
+  display: inline-flex
+  position: relative
+  vertical-align: top
+  &.is-active,
+  &.is-hoverable:hover
+    .dropdown-menu
+      display: block
+  &.is-right
+    .dropdown-menu
+      left: auto
+      right: 0
+  &.is-up
+    .dropdown-menu
+      bottom: 100%
+      padding-bottom: $dropdown-content-offset
+      padding-top: initial
+      top: auto
+  display: none
+  left: 0
+  min-width: $dropdown-menu-min-width
+  padding-top: $dropdown-content-offset
+  position: absolute
+  top: 100%
+  z-index: $dropdown-content-z
+  background-color: $dropdown-content-background-color
+  border-radius: $dropdown-content-radius
+  box-shadow: $dropdown-content-shadow
+  padding-bottom: $dropdown-content-padding-bottom
+  padding-top: $dropdown-content-padding-top
+  color: $dropdown-item-color
+  display: block
+  font-size: 0.875rem
+  line-height: 1.5
+  padding: 0.375rem 1rem
+  position: relative
+  padding-right: 3rem
+  text-align: left
+  white-space: nowrap
+  width: 100%
+  &:hover
+    background-color: $dropdown-item-hover-background-color
+    color: $dropdown-item-hover-color
+  &.is-active
+    background-color: $dropdown-item-active-background-color
+    color: $dropdown-item-active-color
+  background-color: $dropdown-divider-background-color
+  border: none
+  display: block
+  height: 1px
+  margin: 0.5rem 0

+ 77 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+$level-item-spacing: ($block-spacing / 2) !default
+  @extend %block
+  align-items: center
+  justify-content: space-between
+  code
+    border-radius: $radius
+  img
+    display: inline-block
+    vertical-align: top
+  // Modifiers
+  &.is-mobile
+    display: flex
+    .level-left,
+    .level-right
+      display: flex
+    .level-left + .level-right
+      margin-top: 0
+    .level-item
+      &:not(:last-child)
+        margin-bottom: 0
+        margin-right: $level-item-spacing
+      &:not(.is-narrow)
+        flex-grow: 1
+  // Responsiveness
+  +tablet
+    display: flex
+    & > .level-item
+      &:not(.is-narrow)
+        flex-grow: 1
+  align-items: center
+  display: flex
+  flex-basis: auto
+  flex-grow: 0
+  flex-shrink: 0
+  justify-content: center
+  .title,
+  .subtitle
+    margin-bottom: 0
+  // Responsiveness
+  +mobile
+    &:not(:last-child)
+      margin-bottom: $level-item-spacing
+  flex-basis: auto
+  flex-grow: 0
+  flex-shrink: 0
+  .level-item
+    // Modifiers
+    &.is-flexible
+      flex-grow: 1
+    // Responsiveness
+    +tablet
+      &:not(:last-child)
+        margin-right: $level-item-spacing
+  align-items: center
+  justify-content: flex-start
+  // Responsiveness
+  +mobile
+    & + .level-right
+      margin-top: 1.5rem
+  +tablet
+    display: flex
+  align-items: center
+  justify-content: flex-end
+  // Responsiveness
+  +tablet
+    display: flex

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+$list-background-color: $white !default
+$list-shadow: 0 2px 3px rgba($black, 0.1), 0 0 0 1px rgba($black, 0.1) !default
+$list-radius: $radius !default
+$list-item-border: 1px solid $border !default
+$list-item-color: $text !default
+$list-item-active-background-color: $link !default
+$list-item-active-color: $link-invert !default
+$list-item-hover-background-color: $background !default
+  @extend %block
+  background-color: $list-background-color
+  border-radius: $list-radius
+  box-shadow: $list-shadow
+  // &.is-hoverable > .list-item:hover:not(.is-active)
+  //   background-color: $list-item-hover-background-color
+  //   cursor: pointer
+  display: block
+  padding: 0.5em 1em
+  &:not(a)
+    color: $list-item-color
+  &:first-child
+    border-top-left-radius: $list-radius
+    border-top-right-radius: $list-radius
+  &:last-child
+    border-bottom-left-radius: $list-radius
+    border-bottom-right-radius: $list-radius
+  &:not(:last-child)
+    border-bottom: $list-item-border
+  &.is-active
+    background-color: $list-item-active-background-color
+    color: $list-item-active-color
+  background-color: $list-item-hover-background-color
+  cursor: pointer

+ 48 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+  align-items: flex-start
+  display: flex
+  text-align: left
+  .content:not(:last-child)
+    margin-bottom: 0.75rem
+  .media
+    border-top: 1px solid rgba($border, 0.5)
+    display: flex
+    padding-top: 0.75rem
+    .content:not(:last-child),
+    .control:not(:last-child)
+      margin-bottom: 0.5rem
+    .media
+      padding-top: 0.5rem
+      & + .media
+        margin-top: 0.5rem
+  & + .media
+    border-top: 1px solid rgba($border, 0.5)
+    margin-top: 1rem
+    padding-top: 1rem
+  // Sizes
+  &.is-large
+    & + .media
+      margin-top: 1.5rem
+      padding-top: 1.5rem
+  flex-basis: auto
+  flex-grow: 0
+  flex-shrink: 0
+  margin-right: 1rem
+  margin-left: 1rem
+  flex-basis: auto
+  flex-grow: 1
+  flex-shrink: 1
+  text-align: left
+  .media-content
+    overflow-x: auto

+ 57 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+$menu-item-color: $text !default
+$menu-item-radius: $radius-small !default
+$menu-item-hover-color: $text-strong !default
+$menu-item-hover-background-color: $background !default
+$menu-item-active-color: $link-invert !default
+$menu-item-active-background-color: $link !default
+$menu-list-border-left: 1px solid $border !default
+$menu-list-line-height: 1.25 !default
+$menu-list-link-padding: 0.5em 0.75em !default
+$menu-nested-list-margin: 0.75em !default
+$menu-nested-list-padding-left: 0.75em !default
+$menu-label-color: $text-light !default
+$menu-label-font-size: 0.75em !default
+$menu-label-letter-spacing: 0.1em !default
+$menu-label-spacing: 1em !default
+  font-size: $size-normal
+  // Sizes
+  &.is-small
+    font-size: $size-small
+  &.is-medium
+    font-size: $size-medium
+  &.is-large
+    font-size: $size-large
+  line-height: $menu-list-line-height
+  a
+    border-radius: $menu-item-radius
+    color: $menu-item-color
+    display: block
+    padding: $menu-list-link-padding
+    &:hover
+      background-color: $menu-item-hover-background-color
+      color: $menu-item-hover-color
+    // Modifiers
+    &.is-active
+      background-color: $menu-item-active-background-color
+      color: $menu-item-active-color
+  li
+    ul
+      border-left: $menu-list-border-left
+      margin: $menu-nested-list-margin
+      padding-left: $menu-nested-list-padding-left
+  color: $menu-label-color
+  font-size: $menu-label-font-size
+  letter-spacing: $menu-label-letter-spacing
+  text-transform: uppercase
+  &:not(:first-child)
+    margin-top: $menu-label-spacing
+  &:not(:last-child)
+    margin-bottom: $menu-label-spacing

+ 87 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+$message-background-color: $background !default
+$message-radius: $radius !default
+$message-header-background-color: $text !default
+$message-header-color: $text-invert !default
+$message-header-weight: $weight-bold !default
+$message-header-padding: 0.75em 1em !default
+$message-header-radius: $radius !default
+$message-body-border-color: $border !default
+$message-body-border-width: 0 0 0 4px !default
+$message-body-color: $text !default
+$message-body-padding: 1.25em 1.5em !default
+$message-body-radius: $radius !default
+$message-body-pre-background-color: $white !default
+$message-body-pre-code-background-color: transparent !default
+$message-header-body-border-width: 0 !default
+$message-colors: $colors !default
+  @extend %block
+  background-color: $message-background-color
+  border-radius: $message-radius
+  font-size: $size-normal
+  strong
+    color: currentColor
+  a:not(.button):not(.tag):not(.dropdown-item)
+    color: currentColor
+    text-decoration: underline
+  // Sizes
+  &.is-small
+    font-size: $size-small
+  &.is-medium
+    font-size: $size-medium
+  &.is-large
+    font-size: $size-large
+  // Colors
+  @each $name, $pair in $message-colors
+    $color: nth($pair, 1)
+    $color-invert: nth($pair, 2)
+    $color-lightning: max((100% - lightness($color)) - 2%, 0%)
+    $color-luminance: colorLuminance($color)
+    $darken-percentage: $color-luminance * 70%
+    $desaturate-percentage: $color-luminance * 30%
+    &.is-#{$name}
+      background-color: lighten($color, $color-lightning)
+      .message-header
+        background-color: $color
+        color: $color-invert
+      .message-body
+        border-color: $color
+        color: desaturate(darken($color, $darken-percentage), $desaturate-percentage)
+  align-items: center
+  background-color: $message-header-background-color
+  border-radius: $message-header-radius $message-header-radius 0 0
+  color: $message-header-color
+  display: flex
+  font-weight: $message-header-weight
+  justify-content: space-between
+  line-height: 1.25
+  padding: $message-header-padding
+  position: relative
+  .delete
+    flex-grow: 0
+    flex-shrink: 0
+    margin-left: 0.75em
+  & + .message-body
+    border-width: $message-header-body-border-width
+    border-top-left-radius: 0
+    border-top-right-radius: 0
+  border-color: $message-body-border-color
+  border-radius: $message-body-radius
+  border-style: solid
+  border-width: $message-body-border-width
+  color: $message-body-color
+  padding: $message-body-padding
+  code,
+  pre
+    background-color: $message-body-pre-background-color
+  pre code
+    background-color: $message-body-pre-code-background-color

+ 113 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+$modal-z: 40 !default
+$modal-background-background-color: rgba($black, 0.86) !default
+$modal-content-width: 640px !default
+$modal-content-margin-mobile: 20px !default
+$modal-content-spacing-mobile: 160px !default
+$modal-content-spacing-tablet: 40px !default
+$modal-close-dimensions: 40px !default
+$modal-close-right: 20px !default
+$modal-close-top: 20px !default
+$modal-card-spacing: 40px !default
+$modal-card-head-background-color: $background !default
+$modal-card-head-border-bottom: 1px solid $border !default
+$modal-card-head-padding: 20px !default
+$modal-card-head-radius: $radius-large !default
+$modal-card-title-color: $text-strong !default
+$modal-card-title-line-height: 1 !default
+$modal-card-title-size: $size-4 !default
+$modal-card-foot-radius: $radius-large !default
+$modal-card-foot-border-top: 1px solid $border !default
+$modal-card-body-background-color: $white !default
+$modal-card-body-padding: 20px !default
+  @extend %overlay
+  align-items: center
+  display: none
+  flex-direction: column
+  justify-content: center
+  overflow: hidden
+  position: fixed
+  z-index: $modal-z
+  // Modifiers
+  &.is-active
+    display: flex
+  @extend %overlay
+  background-color: $modal-background-background-color
+  margin: 0 $modal-content-margin-mobile
+  max-height: calc(100vh - #{$modal-content-spacing-mobile})
+  overflow: auto
+  position: relative
+  width: 100%
+  // Responsiveness
+  +tablet
+    margin: 0 auto
+    max-height: calc(100vh - #{$modal-content-spacing-tablet})
+    width: $modal-content-width
+  @extend %delete
+  background: none
+  height: $modal-close-dimensions
+  position: fixed
+  right: $modal-close-right
+  top: $modal-close-top
+  width: $modal-close-dimensions
+  display: flex
+  flex-direction: column
+  max-height: calc(100vh - #{$modal-card-spacing})
+  overflow: hidden
+  -ms-overflow-y: visible
+  align-items: center
+  background-color: $modal-card-head-background-color
+  display: flex
+  flex-shrink: 0
+  justify-content: flex-start
+  padding: $modal-card-head-padding
+  position: relative
+  border-bottom: $modal-card-head-border-bottom
+  border-top-left-radius: $modal-card-head-radius
+  border-top-right-radius: $modal-card-head-radius
+  color: $modal-card-title-color
+  flex-grow: 1
+  flex-shrink: 0
+  font-size: $modal-card-title-size
+  line-height: $modal-card-title-line-height
+  border-bottom-left-radius: $modal-card-foot-radius
+  border-bottom-right-radius: $modal-card-foot-radius
+  border-top: $modal-card-foot-border-top
+  .button
+    &:not(:last-child)
+      margin-right: 0.5em
+  +overflow-touch
+  background-color: $modal-card-body-background-color
+  flex-grow: 1
+  flex-shrink: 1
+  overflow: auto
+  padding: $modal-card-body-padding

+ 443 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+$navbar-background-color: $white !default
+$navbar-box-shadow-size: 0 2px 0 0 !default
+$navbar-box-shadow-color: $background !default
+$navbar-height: 3.25rem !default
+$navbar-padding-vertical: 1rem !default
+$navbar-padding-horizontal: 2rem !default
+$navbar-z: 30 !default
+$navbar-fixed-z: 30 !default
+$navbar-item-color: $grey-dark !default
+$navbar-item-hover-color: $link !default
+$navbar-item-hover-background-color: $white-bis !default
+$navbar-item-active-color: $black !default
+$navbar-item-active-background-color: transparent !default
+$navbar-item-img-max-height: 1.75rem !default
+$navbar-burger-color: $navbar-item-color !default
+$navbar-tab-hover-background-color: transparent !default
+$navbar-tab-hover-border-bottom-color: $link !default
+$navbar-tab-active-color: $link !default
+$navbar-tab-active-background-color: transparent !default
+$navbar-tab-active-border-bottom-color: $link !default
+$navbar-tab-active-border-bottom-style: solid !default
+$navbar-tab-active-border-bottom-width: 3px !default
+$navbar-dropdown-background-color: $white !default
+$navbar-dropdown-border-top: 2px solid $border !default
+$navbar-dropdown-offset: -4px !default
+$navbar-dropdown-arrow: $link !default
+$navbar-dropdown-radius: $radius-large !default
+$navbar-dropdown-z: 20 !default
+$navbar-dropdown-boxed-radius: $radius-large !default
+$navbar-dropdown-boxed-shadow: 0 8px 8px rgba($black, 0.1), 0 0 0 1px rgba($black, 0.1) !default
+$navbar-dropdown-item-hover-color: $black !default
+$navbar-dropdown-item-hover-background-color: $background !default
+$navbar-dropdown-item-active-color: $link !default
+$navbar-dropdown-item-active-background-color: $background !default
+$navbar-divider-background-color: $background !default
+$navbar-divider-height: 2px !default
+$navbar-bottom-box-shadow-size: 0 -2px 0 0 !default
+$navbar-breakpoint: $desktop !default
+  left: 0
+  position: fixed
+  right: 0
+  z-index: $navbar-fixed-z
+  background-color: $navbar-background-color
+  min-height: $navbar-height
+  position: relative
+  z-index: $navbar-z
+  @each $name, $pair in $colors
+    $color: nth($pair, 1)
+    $color-invert: nth($pair, 2)
+    &.is-#{$name}
+      background-color: $color
+      color: $color-invert
+      .navbar-brand
+        & > .navbar-item,
+        .navbar-link
+          color: $color-invert
+        & > a.navbar-item,
+        .navbar-link
+          &:focus,
+          &:hover,
+          &.is-active
+            background-color: darken($color, 5%)
+            color: $color-invert
+        .navbar-link
+          &::after
+            border-color: $color-invert
+      .navbar-burger
+        color: $color-invert
+      +from($navbar-breakpoint)
+        .navbar-start,
+        .navbar-end
+          & > .navbar-item,
+          .navbar-link
+            color: $color-invert
+          & > a.navbar-item,
+          .navbar-link
+            &:focus,
+            &:hover,
+            &.is-active
+              background-color: darken($color, 5%)
+              color: $color-invert
+          .navbar-link
+            &::after
+              border-color: $color-invert
+        .navbar-item.has-dropdown:focus .navbar-link,
+        .navbar-item.has-dropdown:hover .navbar-link,
+        .navbar-item.has-dropdown.is-active .navbar-link
+          background-color: darken($color, 5%)
+          color: $color-invert
+        .navbar-dropdown
+          a.navbar-item
+            &.is-active
+              background-color: $color
+              color: $color-invert
+  & > .container
+    align-items: stretch
+    display: flex
+    min-height: $navbar-height
+    width: 100%
+  &.has-shadow
+    box-shadow: $navbar-box-shadow-size $navbar-box-shadow-color
+  &.is-fixed-bottom,
+  &.is-fixed-top
+    +navbar-fixed
+  &.is-fixed-bottom
+    bottom: 0
+    &.has-shadow
+      box-shadow: $navbar-bottom-box-shadow-size $navbar-box-shadow-color
+  &.is-fixed-top
+    top: 0
+  &.has-navbar-fixed-top
+    padding-top: $navbar-height
+  &.has-navbar-fixed-bottom
+    padding-bottom: $navbar-height
+  align-items: stretch
+  display: flex
+  flex-shrink: 0
+  min-height: $navbar-height
+  a.navbar-item
+    &:focus,
+    &:hover
+      background-color: transparent
+  +overflow-touch
+  max-width: 100vw
+  overflow-x: auto
+  overflow-y: hidden
+  color: $navbar-burger-color
+  +hamburger($navbar-height)
+  margin-left: auto
+  display: none
+  color: $navbar-item-color
+  display: block
+  line-height: 1.5
+  padding: 0.5rem 0.75rem
+  position: relative
+  .icon
+    &:only-child
+      margin-left: -0.25rem
+      margin-right: -0.25rem
+  cursor: pointer
+  &:focus,
+  &:focus-within,
+  &:hover,
+  &.is-active
+    background-color: $navbar-item-hover-background-color
+    color: $navbar-item-hover-color
+  display: block
+  flex-grow: 0
+  flex-shrink: 0
+  img
+    max-height: $navbar-item-img-max-height
+  &.has-dropdown
+    padding: 0
+  &.is-expanded
+    flex-grow: 1
+    flex-shrink: 1
+  &.is-tab
+    border-bottom: 1px solid transparent
+    min-height: $navbar-height
+    padding-bottom: calc(0.5rem - 1px)
+    &:focus,
+    &:hover
+      background-color: $navbar-tab-hover-background-color
+      border-bottom-color: $navbar-tab-hover-border-bottom-color
+    &.is-active
+      background-color: $navbar-tab-active-background-color
+      border-bottom-color: $navbar-tab-active-border-bottom-color
+      border-bottom-style: $navbar-tab-active-border-bottom-style
+      border-bottom-width: $navbar-tab-active-border-bottom-width
+      color: $navbar-tab-active-color
+      padding-bottom: calc(0.5rem - #{$navbar-tab-active-border-bottom-width})
+  flex-grow: 1
+  flex-shrink: 1
+  padding-right: 2.5em
+  &::after
+    @extend %arrow
+    border-color: $navbar-dropdown-arrow
+    margin-top: -0.375em
+    right: 1.125em
+  font-size: 0.875rem
+  padding-bottom: 0.5rem
+  padding-top: 0.5rem
+  .navbar-item
+    padding-left: 1.5rem
+    padding-right: 1.5rem
+  background-color: $navbar-divider-background-color
+  border: none
+  display: none
+  height: $navbar-divider-height
+  margin: 0.5rem 0
+  .navbar > .container
+    display: block
+  .navbar-brand,
+  .navbar-tabs
+    .navbar-item
+      align-items: center
+      display: flex
+  .navbar-link
+    &::after
+      display: none
+  .navbar-menu
+    background-color: $navbar-background-color
+    box-shadow: 0 8px 16px rgba($black, 0.1)
+    padding: 0.5rem 0
+    &.is-active
+      display: block
+  // Fixed navbar
+  .navbar
+    &.is-fixed-bottom-touch,
+    &.is-fixed-top-touch
+      +navbar-fixed
+    &.is-fixed-bottom-touch
+      bottom: 0
+      &.has-shadow
+        box-shadow: 0 -2px 3px rgba($black, 0.1)
+    &.is-fixed-top-touch
+      top: 0
+    &.is-fixed-top,
+    &.is-fixed-top-touch
+      .navbar-menu
+        +overflow-touch
+        max-height: calc(100vh - #{$navbar-height})
+        overflow: auto
+  html,
+  body
+    &.has-navbar-fixed-top-touch
+      padding-top: $navbar-height
+    &.has-navbar-fixed-bottom-touch
+      padding-bottom: $navbar-height
+  .navbar,
+  .navbar-menu,
+  .navbar-start,
+  .navbar-end
+    align-items: stretch
+    display: flex
+  .navbar
+    min-height: $navbar-height
+    &.is-spaced
+      padding: $navbar-padding-vertical $navbar-padding-horizontal
+      .navbar-start,
+      .navbar-end
+        align-items: center
+      a.navbar-item,
+      .navbar-link
+        border-radius: $radius
+    &.is-transparent
+      a.navbar-item,
+      .navbar-link
+        &:focus,
+        &:hover,
+        &.is-active
+          background-color: transparent !important
+      .navbar-item.has-dropdown
+        &.is-active,
+        &.is-hoverable:focus,
+        &.is-hoverable:focus-within,
+        &.is-hoverable:hover
+          .navbar-link
+            background-color: transparent !important
+      .navbar-dropdown
+        a.navbar-item
+          &:focus,
+          &:hover
+            background-color: $navbar-dropdown-item-hover-background-color
+            color: $navbar-dropdown-item-hover-color
+          &.is-active
+            background-color: $navbar-dropdown-item-active-background-color
+            color: $navbar-dropdown-item-active-color
+  .navbar-burger
+    display: none
+  .navbar-item,
+  .navbar-link
+    align-items: center
+    display: flex
+  .navbar-item
+    display: flex
+    &.has-dropdown
+      align-items: stretch
+    &.has-dropdown-up
+      .navbar-link::after
+        transform: rotate(135deg) translate(0.25em, -0.25em)
+      .navbar-dropdown
+        border-bottom: $navbar-dropdown-border-top
+        border-radius: $navbar-dropdown-radius $navbar-dropdown-radius 0 0
+        border-top: none
+        bottom: 100%
+        box-shadow: 0 -8px 8px rgba($black, 0.1)
+        top: auto
+    &.is-active,
+    &.is-hoverable:focus,
+    &.is-hoverable:focus-within,
+    &.is-hoverable:hover
+      .navbar-dropdown
+        display: block
+        .navbar.is-spaced &,
+        &.is-boxed
+          opacity: 1
+          pointer-events: auto
+          transform: translateY(0)
+  .navbar-menu
+    flex-grow: 1
+    flex-shrink: 0
+  .navbar-start
+    justify-content: flex-start
+    margin-right: auto
+  .navbar-end
+    justify-content: flex-end
+    margin-left: auto
+  .navbar-dropdown
+    background-color: $navbar-dropdown-background-color
+    border-bottom-left-radius: $navbar-dropdown-radius
+    border-bottom-right-radius: $navbar-dropdown-radius
+    border-top: $navbar-dropdown-border-top
+    box-shadow: 0 8px 8px rgba($black, 0.1)
+    display: none
+    font-size: 0.875rem
+    left: 0
+    min-width: 100%
+    position: absolute
+    top: 100%
+    z-index: $navbar-dropdown-z
+    .navbar-item
+      padding: 0.375rem 1rem
+      white-space: nowrap
+    a.navbar-item
+      padding-right: 3rem
+      &:focus,
+      &:hover
+        background-color: $navbar-dropdown-item-hover-background-color
+        color: $navbar-dropdown-item-hover-color
+      &.is-active
+        background-color: $navbar-dropdown-item-active-background-color
+        color: $navbar-dropdown-item-active-color
+    .navbar.is-spaced &,
+    &.is-boxed
+      border-radius: $navbar-dropdown-boxed-radius
+      border-top: none
+      box-shadow: $navbar-dropdown-boxed-shadow
+      display: block
+      opacity: 0
+      pointer-events: none
+      top: calc(100% + (#{$navbar-dropdown-offset}))
+      transform: translateY(-5px)
+      transition-duration: $speed
+      transition-property: opacity, transform
+    &.is-right
+      left: auto
+      right: 0
+  .navbar-divider
+    display: block
+  .navbar > .container,
+  .container > .navbar
+    .navbar-brand
+      margin-left: -.75rem
+    .navbar-menu
+      margin-right: -.75rem
+  // Fixed navbar
+  .navbar
+    &.is-fixed-bottom-desktop,
+    &.is-fixed-top-desktop
+      +navbar-fixed
+    &.is-fixed-bottom-desktop
+      bottom: 0
+      &.has-shadow
+        box-shadow: 0 -2px 3px rgba($black, 0.1)
+    &.is-fixed-top-desktop
+      top: 0
+  html,
+  body
+    &.has-navbar-fixed-top-desktop
+      padding-top: $navbar-height
+    &.has-navbar-fixed-bottom-desktop
+      padding-bottom: $navbar-height
+    &.has-spaced-navbar-fixed-top
+      padding-top: $navbar-height + ($navbar-padding-vertical * 2)
+    &.has-spaced-navbar-fixed-bottom
+      padding-bottom: $navbar-height + ($navbar-padding-vertical * 2)
+  // Hover/Active states
+  a.navbar-item,
+  .navbar-link
+    &.is-active
+      color: $navbar-item-active-color
+    &.is-active:not(:focus):not(:hover)
+      background-color: $navbar-item-active-background-color
+  .navbar-item.has-dropdown
+    &:focus,
+    &:hover,
+    &.is-active
+      .navbar-link
+        background-color: $navbar-item-hover-background-color
+// Combination
+  &.is-fullheight-with-navbar
+    min-height: calc(100vh - #{$navbar-height})

+ 149 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+$pagination-color: $grey-darker !default
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+$pagination-item-padding-right: 0.5em !default
+$pagination-hover-color: $link-hover !default
+$pagination-hover-border-color: $link-hover-border !default
+$pagination-focus-color: $link-focus !default
+$pagination-focus-border-color: $link-focus-border !default
+$pagination-active-color: $link-active !default
+$pagination-active-border-color: $link-active-border !default
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+$pagination-current-color: $link-invert !default
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+$pagination-current-border-color: $link !default
+$pagination-ellipsis-color: $grey-light !default
+$pagination-shadow-inset: inset 0 1px 2px rgba($black, 0.2)
+  font-size: $size-normal
+  margin: $pagination-margin
+  // Sizes
+  &.is-small
+    font-size: $size-small
+  &.is-medium
+    font-size: $size-medium
+  &.is-large
+    font-size: $size-large
+  &.is-rounded
+    .pagination-previous,
+    .pagination-next
+      padding-left: 1em
+      padding-right: 1em
+      border-radius: $radius-rounded
+    .pagination-link
+      border-radius: $radius-rounded
+  align-items: center
+  display: flex
+  justify-content: center
+  text-align: center
+  @extend %control
+  @extend %unselectable
+  font-size: $pagination-item-font-size
+  justify-content: center
+  margin: $pagination-item-margin
+  padding-left: $pagination-item-padding-left
+  padding-right: $pagination-item-padding-right
+  text-align: center
+  border-color: $pagination-border-color
+  color: $pagination-color
+  min-width: $pagination-min-width
+  &:hover
+    border-color: $pagination-hover-border-color
+    color: $pagination-hover-color
+  &:focus
+    border-color: $pagination-focus-border-color
+  &:active
+    box-shadow: $pagination-shadow-inset
+  &[disabled]
+    background-color: $pagination-disabled-background-color
+    border-color: $pagination-disabled-border-color
+    box-shadow: none
+    color: $pagination-disabled-color
+    opacity: 0.5
+  padding-left: 0.75em
+  padding-right: 0.75em
+  white-space: nowrap
+  &.is-current
+    background-color: $pagination-current-background-color
+    border-color: $pagination-current-border-color
+    color: $pagination-current-color
+  color: $pagination-ellipsis-color
+  pointer-events: none
+  flex-wrap: wrap
+  .pagination
+    flex-wrap: wrap
+  .pagination-previous,
+  .pagination-next
+    flex-grow: 1
+    flex-shrink: 1
+  .pagination-list
+    li
+      flex-grow: 1
+      flex-shrink: 1
+  .pagination-list
+    flex-grow: 1
+    flex-shrink: 1
+    justify-content: flex-start
+    order: 1
+  .pagination-previous
+    order: 2
+  .pagination-next
+    order: 3
+  .pagination
+    justify-content: space-between
+    &.is-centered
+      .pagination-previous
+        order: 1
+      .pagination-list
+        justify-content: center
+        order: 2
+      .pagination-next
+        order: 3
+    &.is-right
+      .pagination-previous
+        order: 1
+      .pagination-next
+        order: 2
+      .pagination-list
+        justify-content: flex-end
+        order: 3

+ 103 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+$panel-margin: $block-spacing !default
+$panel-item-border: 1px solid $border !default
+$panel-heading-background-color: $background !default
+$panel-heading-color: $text-strong !default
+$panel-heading-line-height: 1.25 !default
+$panel-heading-padding: 0.5em 0.75em !default
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+$panel-heading-size: 1.25em !default
+$panel-heading-weight: $weight-light !default
+$panel-tabs-font-size: 0.875em !default
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+$panel-tab-active-border-bottom-color: $link-active-border !default
+$panel-tab-active-color: $link-active !default
+$panel-list-item-color: $text !default
+$panel-list-item-hover-color: $link !default
+$panel-block-color: $text-strong !default
+$panel-block-hover-background-color: $background !default
+$panel-block-active-border-left-color: $link !default
+$panel-block-active-color: $link-active !default
+$panel-block-active-icon-color: $link !default
+$panel-icon-color: $text-light !default
+  font-size: $size-normal
+  &:not(:last-child)
+    margin-bottom: $panel-margin
+  border-bottom: $panel-item-border
+  border-left: $panel-item-border
+  border-right: $panel-item-border
+  &:first-child
+    border-top: $panel-item-border
+  background-color: $panel-heading-background-color
+  border-radius: $panel-heading-radius $panel-heading-radius 0 0
+  color: $panel-heading-color
+  font-size: $panel-heading-size
+  font-weight: $panel-heading-weight
+  line-height: $panel-heading-line-height
+  padding: $panel-heading-padding
+  align-items: flex-end
+  display: flex
+  font-size: $panel-tabs-font-size
+  justify-content: center
+  a
+    border-bottom: $panel-tab-border-bottom
+    margin-bottom: -1px
+    padding: 0.5em
+    // Modifiers
+    &.is-active
+      border-bottom-color: $panel-tab-active-border-bottom-color
+      color: $panel-tab-active-color
+  a
+    color: $panel-list-item-color
+    &:hover
+      color: $panel-list-item-hover-color
+  align-items: center
+  color: $panel-block-color
+  display: flex
+  justify-content: flex-start
+  padding: 0.5em 0.75em
+  input[type="checkbox"]
+    margin-right: 0.75em
+  & > .control
+    flex-grow: 1
+    flex-shrink: 1
+    width: 100%
+  &.is-wrapped
+    flex-wrap: wrap
+  &.is-active
+    border-left-color: $panel-block-active-border-left-color
+    color: $panel-block-active-color
+    .panel-icon
+      color: $panel-block-active-icon-color
+  cursor: pointer
+  &:hover
+    background-color: $panel-block-hover-background-color
+  +fa(14px, 1em)
+  color: $panel-icon-color
+  margin-right: 0.75em
+  .fa
+    font-size: inherit
+    line-height: inherit

+ 151 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+$tabs-border-bottom-color: $border !default
+$tabs-border-bottom-style: solid !default
+$tabs-border-bottom-width: 1px !default
+$tabs-link-color: $text !default
+$tabs-link-hover-border-bottom-color: $text-strong !default
+$tabs-link-hover-color: $text-strong !default
+$tabs-link-active-border-bottom-color: $link !default
+$tabs-link-active-color: $link !default
+$tabs-link-padding: 0.5em 1em !default
+$tabs-boxed-link-radius: $radius !default
+$tabs-boxed-link-hover-background-color: $background !default
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+$tabs-boxed-link-active-border-color: $border !default
+$tabs-boxed-link-active-border-bottom-color: transparent !default
+$tabs-toggle-link-border-color: $border !default
+$tabs-toggle-link-border-style: solid !default
+$tabs-toggle-link-border-width: 1px !default
+$tabs-toggle-link-hover-background-color: $background !default
+$tabs-toggle-link-hover-border-color: $border-hover !default
+$tabs-toggle-link-radius: $radius !default
+$tabs-toggle-link-active-background-color: $link !default
+$tabs-toggle-link-active-border-color: $link !default
+$tabs-toggle-link-active-color: $link-invert !default
+  @extend %block
+  +overflow-touch
+  @extend %unselectable
+  align-items: stretch
+  display: flex
+  font-size: $size-normal
+  justify-content: space-between
+  overflow: hidden
+  overflow-x: auto
+  white-space: nowrap
+  a
+    align-items: center
+    border-bottom-color: $tabs-border-bottom-color
+    border-bottom-style: $tabs-border-bottom-style
+    border-bottom-width: $tabs-border-bottom-width
+    color: $tabs-link-color
+    display: flex
+    justify-content: center
+    margin-bottom: -#{$tabs-border-bottom-width}
+    padding: $tabs-link-padding
+    vertical-align: top
+    &:hover
+      border-bottom-color: $tabs-link-hover-border-bottom-color
+      color: $tabs-link-hover-color
+  li
+    display: block
+    &.is-active
+      a
+        border-bottom-color: $tabs-link-active-border-bottom-color
+        color: $tabs-link-active-color
+  ul
+    align-items: center
+    border-bottom-color: $tabs-border-bottom-color
+    border-bottom-style: $tabs-border-bottom-style
+    border-bottom-width: $tabs-border-bottom-width
+    display: flex
+    flex-grow: 1
+    flex-shrink: 0
+    justify-content: flex-start
+    &.is-left
+      padding-right: 0.75em
+    &.is-center
+      flex: none
+      justify-content: center
+      padding-left: 0.75em
+      padding-right: 0.75em
+    &.is-right
+      justify-content: flex-end
+      padding-left: 0.75em
+  .icon
+    &:first-child
+      margin-right: 0.5em
+    &:last-child
+      margin-left: 0.5em
+  // Alignment
+  &.is-centered
+    ul
+      justify-content: center
+  &.is-right
+    ul
+      justify-content: flex-end
+  // Styles
+  &.is-boxed
+    a
+      border: 1px solid transparent
+      border-radius: $tabs-boxed-link-radius $tabs-boxed-link-radius 0 0
+      &:hover
+        background-color: $tabs-boxed-link-hover-background-color
+        border-bottom-color: $tabs-boxed-link-hover-border-bottom-color
+    li
+      &.is-active
+        a
+          background-color: $tabs-boxed-link-active-background-color
+          border-color: $tabs-boxed-link-active-border-color
+          border-bottom-color: $tabs-boxed-link-active-border-bottom-color !important
+  &.is-fullwidth
+    li
+      flex-grow: 1
+      flex-shrink: 0
+  &.is-toggle
+    a
+      border-color: $tabs-toggle-link-border-color
+      border-style: $tabs-toggle-link-border-style
+      border-width: $tabs-toggle-link-border-width
+      margin-bottom: 0
+      position: relative
+      &:hover
+        background-color: $tabs-toggle-link-hover-background-color
+        border-color: $tabs-toggle-link-hover-border-color
+        z-index: 2
+    li
+      & + li
+        margin-left: -#{$tabs-toggle-link-border-width}
+      &:first-child a
+        border-radius: $tabs-toggle-link-radius 0 0 $tabs-toggle-link-radius
+      &:last-child a
+        border-radius: 0 $tabs-toggle-link-radius $tabs-toggle-link-radius 0
+      &.is-active
+        a
+          background-color: $tabs-toggle-link-active-background-color
+          border-color: $tabs-toggle-link-active-border-color
+          color: $tabs-toggle-link-active-color
+          z-index: 1
+    ul
+      border-bottom: none
+    &.is-toggle-rounded
+      li
+        &:first-child a
+          border-bottom-left-radius: $radius-rounded
+          border-top-left-radius: $radius-rounded
+          padding-left: 1.25em
+        &:last-child a
+          border-bottom-right-radius: $radius-rounded
+          border-top-right-radius: $radius-rounded
+          padding-right: 1.25em
+  // Sizes
+  &.is-small
+    font-size: $size-small
+  &.is-medium
+    font-size: $size-medium
+  &.is-large
+    font-size: $size-large

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+@charset "utf-8"
+@import "box.sass"
+@import "button.sass"
+@import "container.sass"
+@import "content.sass"
+@import "icon.sass"
+@import "image.sass"
+@import "notification.sass"
+@import "progress.sass"
+@import "table.sass"
+@import "tag.sass"
+@import "title.sass"
+@import "other.sass"

+ 24 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+$box-color: $text !default
+$box-background-color: $white !default
+$box-radius: $radius-large !default
+$box-shadow: 0 2px 3px rgba($black, 0.1), 0 0 0 1px rgba($black, 0.1) !default
+$box-padding: 1.25rem !default
+$box-link-hover-shadow: 0 2px 3px rgba($black, 0.1), 0 0 0 1px $link !default
+$box-link-active-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba($black, 0.2), 0 0 0 1px $link !default
+  @extend %block
+  background-color: $box-background-color
+  border-radius: $box-radius
+  box-shadow: $box-shadow
+  color: $box-color
+  display: block
+  padding: $box-padding
+  &:hover,
+  &:focus
+    box-shadow: $box-link-hover-shadow
+  &:active
+    box-shadow: $box-link-active-shadow

+ 305 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+$button-color: $grey-darker !default
+$button-background-color: $white !default
+$button-family: false !default
+$button-border-color: $grey-lighter !default
+$button-border-width: $control-border-width !default
+$button-padding-vertical: calc(0.375em - #{$button-border-width}) !default
+$button-padding-horizontal: 0.75em !default
+$button-hover-color: $link-hover !default
+$button-hover-border-color: $link-hover-border !default
+$button-focus-color: $link-focus !default
+$button-focus-border-color: $link-focus-border !default
+$button-focus-box-shadow-size: 0 0 0 0.125em !default
+$button-focus-box-shadow-color: rgba($link, 0.25) !default
+$button-active-color: $link-active !default
+$button-active-border-color: $link-active-border !default
+$button-text-color: $text !default
+$button-text-hover-background-color: $background !default
+$button-text-hover-color: $text-strong !default
+$button-disabled-background-color: $white !default
+$button-disabled-border-color: $grey-lighter !default
+$button-disabled-shadow: none !default
+$button-disabled-opacity: 0.5 !default
+$button-static-color: $grey !default
+$button-static-background-color: $white-ter !default
+$button-static-border-color: $grey-lighter !default
+// The button sizes use mixins so they can be used at different breakpoints
+  border-radius: $radius-small
+  font-size: $size-small
+  font-size: $size-normal
+  font-size: $size-medium
+  font-size: $size-large
+  @extend %control
+  @extend %unselectable
+  background-color: $button-background-color
+  border-color: $button-border-color
+  border-width: $button-border-width
+  color: $button-color
+  cursor: pointer
+  @if $button-family
+    font-family: $button-family
+  justify-content: center
+  padding-bottom: $button-padding-vertical
+  padding-left: $button-padding-horizontal
+  padding-right: $button-padding-horizontal
+  padding-top: $button-padding-vertical
+  text-align: center
+  white-space: nowrap
+  strong
+    color: inherit
+  .icon
+    &,
+    &.is-small,
+    &.is-medium,
+    &.is-large
+      height: 1.5em
+      width: 1.5em
+    &:first-child:not(:last-child)
+      margin-left: calc(-0.375em - #{$button-border-width})
+      margin-right: 0.1875em
+    &:last-child:not(:first-child)
+      margin-left: 0.1875em
+      margin-right: calc(-0.375em - #{$button-border-width})
+    &:first-child:last-child
+      margin-left: calc(-0.375em - #{$button-border-width})
+      margin-right: calc(-0.375em - #{$button-border-width})
+  // States
+  &:hover,
+  &.is-hovered
+    border-color: $button-hover-border-color
+    color: $button-hover-color
+  &:focus,
+  &.is-focused
+    border-color: $button-focus-border-color
+    color: $button-focus-color
+    &:not(:active)
+      box-shadow: $button-focus-box-shadow-size $button-focus-box-shadow-color
+  &:active,
+  &.is-active
+    border-color: $button-active-border-color
+    color: $button-active-color
+  // Colors
+  &.is-text
+    background-color: transparent
+    border-color: transparent
+    color: $button-text-color
+    text-decoration: underline
+    &:hover,
+    &.is-hovered,
+    &:focus,
+    &.is-focused
+      background-color: $button-text-hover-background-color
+      color: $button-text-hover-color
+    &:active,
+    &.is-active
+      background-color: darken($button-text-hover-background-color, 5%)
+      color: $button-text-hover-color
+    &[disabled],
+    fieldset[disabled] &
+      background-color: transparent
+      border-color: transparent
+      box-shadow: none
+  @each $name, $pair in $colors
+    $color: nth($pair, 1)
+    $color-invert: nth($pair, 2)
+    &.is-#{$name}
+      background-color: $color
+      border-color: transparent
+      color: $color-invert
+      &:hover,
+      &.is-hovered
+        background-color: darken($color, 2.5%)
+        border-color: transparent
+        color: $color-invert
+      &:focus,
+      &.is-focused
+        border-color: transparent
+        color: $color-invert
+        &:not(:active)
+          box-shadow: $button-focus-box-shadow-size rgba($color, 0.25)
+      &:active,
+      &.is-active
+        background-color: darken($color, 5%)
+        border-color: transparent
+        color: $color-invert
+      &[disabled],
+      fieldset[disabled] &
+        background-color: $color
+        border-color: transparent
+        box-shadow: none
+      &.is-inverted
+        background-color: $color-invert
+        color: $color
+        &:hover,
+        &.is-hovered
+          background-color: darken($color-invert, 5%)
+        &[disabled],
+        fieldset[disabled] &
+          background-color: $color-invert
+          border-color: transparent
+          box-shadow: none
+          color: $color
+      &.is-loading
+        &::after
+          border-color: transparent transparent $color-invert $color-invert !important
+      &.is-outlined
+        background-color: transparent
+        border-color: $color
+        color: $color
+        &:hover,
+        &.is-hovered,
+        &:focus,
+        &.is-focused
+          background-color: $color
+          border-color: $color
+          color: $color-invert
+        &.is-loading
+          &::after
+            border-color: transparent transparent $color $color !important
+          &:hover,
+          &.is-hovered,
+          &:focus,
+          &.is-focused
+            &::after
+              border-color: transparent transparent $color-invert $color-invert !important
+        &[disabled],
+        fieldset[disabled] &
+          background-color: transparent
+          border-color: $color
+          box-shadow: none
+          color: $color
+      &.is-inverted.is-outlined
+        background-color: transparent
+        border-color: $color-invert
+        color: $color-invert
+        &:hover,
+        &.is-hovered,
+        &:focus,
+        &.is-focused
+          background-color: $color-invert
+          color: $color
+        &.is-loading
+          &:hover,
+          &.is-hovered,
+          &:focus,
+          &.is-focused
+            &::after
+              border-color: transparent transparent $color $color !important
+        &[disabled],
+        fieldset[disabled] &
+          background-color: transparent
+          border-color: $color-invert
+          box-shadow: none
+          color: $color-invert
+  // Sizes
+  &.is-small
+    +button-small
+  &.is-normal
+    +button-normal
+  &.is-medium
+    +button-medium
+  &.is-large
+    +button-large
+  // Modifiers
+  &[disabled],
+  fieldset[disabled] &
+    background-color: $button-disabled-background-color
+    border-color: $button-disabled-border-color
+    box-shadow: $button-disabled-shadow
+    opacity: $button-disabled-opacity
+  &.is-fullwidth
+    display: flex
+    width: 100%
+  &.is-loading
+    color: transparent !important
+    pointer-events: none
+    &::after
+      @extend %loader
+      +center(1em)
+      position: absolute !important
+  &.is-static
+    background-color: $button-static-background-color
+    border-color: $button-static-border-color
+    color: $button-static-color
+    box-shadow: none
+    pointer-events: none
+  &.is-rounded
+    border-radius: $radius-rounded
+    padding-left: 1em
+    padding-right: 1em
+  align-items: center
+  display: flex
+  flex-wrap: wrap
+  justify-content: flex-start
+  .button
+    margin-bottom: 0.5rem
+    &:not(:last-child):not(.is-fullwidth)
+      margin-right: 0.5rem
+  &:last-child
+    margin-bottom: -0.5rem
+  &:not(:last-child)
+    margin-bottom: 1rem
+  // Sizes
+  &.are-small
+    .button:not(.is-normal):not(.is-medium):not(.is-large)
+      +button-small
+  &.are-medium
+    .button:not(.is-small):not(.is-normal):not(.is-large)
+      +button-medium
+  &.are-large
+    .button:not(.is-small):not(.is-normal):not(.is-medium)
+      +button-large
+  &.has-addons
+    .button
+      &:not(:first-child)
+        border-bottom-left-radius: 0
+        border-top-left-radius: 0
+      &:not(:last-child)
+        border-bottom-right-radius: 0
+        border-top-right-radius: 0
+        margin-right: -1px
+      &:last-child
+        margin-right: 0
+      &:hover,
+      &.is-hovered
+        z-index: 2
+      &:focus,
+      &.is-focused,
+      &:active,
+      &.is-active,
+      &.is-selected
+        z-index: 3
+        &:hover
+          z-index: 4
+      &.is-expanded
+        flex-grow: 1
+        flex-shrink: 1
+  &.is-centered
+    justify-content: center
+    &:not(.has-addons)
+      .button:not(.is-fullwidth)
+        margin-left: 0.25rem
+        margin-right: 0.25rem
+  &.is-right
+    justify-content: flex-end
+    &:not(.has-addons)
+      .button:not(.is-fullwidth)
+        margin-left: 0.25rem
+        margin-right: 0.25rem

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+$container-offset: (2 * $gap) !default
+  flex-grow: 1
+  margin: 0 auto
+  position: relative
+  width: auto
+  +desktop
+    max-width: $desktop - $container-offset
+    &.is-fluid
+      margin-left: $gap
+      margin-right: $gap
+      max-width: none
+  +until-widescreen
+    &.is-widescreen
+      max-width: $widescreen - $container-offset
+  +until-fullhd
+    &.is-fullhd
+      max-width: $fullhd - $container-offset
+  +widescreen
+    max-width: $widescreen - $container-offset
+  +fullhd
+    max-width: $fullhd - $container-offset

+ 155 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+$content-heading-color: $text-strong !default
+$content-heading-weight: $weight-semibold !default
+$content-heading-line-height: 1.125 !default
+$content-blockquote-background-color: $background !default
+$content-blockquote-border-left: 5px solid $border !default
+$content-blockquote-padding: 1.25em 1.5em !default
+$content-pre-padding: 1.25em 1.5em !default
+$content-table-cell-border: 1px solid $border !default
+$content-table-cell-border-width: 0 0 1px !default
+$content-table-cell-padding: 0.5em 0.75em !default
+$content-table-cell-heading-color: $text-strong !default
+$content-table-head-cell-border-width: 0 0 2px !default
+$content-table-head-cell-color: $text-strong !default
+$content-table-foot-cell-border-width: 2px 0 0 !default
+$content-table-foot-cell-color: $text-strong !default
+  @extend %block
+  // Inline
+  li + li
+    margin-top: 0.25em
+  // Block
+  p,
+  dl,
+  ol,
+  ul,
+  blockquote,
+  pre,
+  table
+    &:not(:last-child)
+      margin-bottom: 1em
+  h1,
+  h2,
+  h3,
+  h4,
+  h5,
+  h6
+    color: $content-heading-color
+    font-weight: $content-heading-weight
+    line-height: $content-heading-line-height
+  h1
+    font-size: 2em
+    margin-bottom: 0.5em
+    &:not(:first-child)
+      margin-top: 1em
+  h2
+    font-size: 1.75em
+    margin-bottom: 0.5714em
+    &:not(:first-child)
+      margin-top: 1.1428em
+  h3
+    font-size: 1.5em
+    margin-bottom: 0.6666em
+    &:not(:first-child)
+      margin-top: 1.3333em
+  h4
+    font-size: 1.25em
+    margin-bottom: 0.8em
+  h5
+    font-size: 1.125em
+    margin-bottom: 0.8888em
+  h6
+    font-size: 1em
+    margin-bottom: 1em
+  blockquote
+    background-color: $content-blockquote-background-color
+    border-left: $content-blockquote-border-left
+    padding: $content-blockquote-padding
+  ol
+    list-style-position: outside
+    margin-left: 2em
+    margin-top: 1em
+    &:not([type])
+      list-style-type: decimal
+      &.is-lower-alpha
+        list-style-type: lower-alpha
+      &.is-lower-roman
+        list-style-type: lower-roman
+      &.is-upper-alpha
+        list-style-type: upper-alpha
+      &.is-upper-roman
+        list-style-type: upper-roman
+  ul
+    list-style: disc outside
+    margin-left: 2em
+    margin-top: 1em
+    ul
+      list-style-type: circle
+      margin-top: 0.5em
+      ul
+        list-style-type: square
+  dd
+    margin-left: 2em
+  figure
+    margin-left: 2em
+    margin-right: 2em
+    text-align: center
+    &:not(:first-child)
+      margin-top: 2em
+    &:not(:last-child)
+      margin-bottom: 2em
+    img
+      display: inline-block
+    figcaption
+      font-style: italic
+  pre
+    +overflow-touch
+    overflow-x: auto
+    padding: $content-pre-padding
+    white-space: pre
+    word-wrap: normal
+  sup,
+  sub
+    font-size: 75%
+  table
+    width: 100%
+    td,
+    th
+      border: $content-table-cell-border
+      border-width: $content-table-cell-border-width
+      padding: $content-table-cell-padding
+      vertical-align: top
+    th
+      color: $content-table-cell-heading-color
+      &:not([align])
+        text-align: left
+    thead
+      td,
+      th
+        border-width: $content-table-head-cell-border-width
+        color: $content-table-head-cell-color
+    tfoot
+      td,
+      th
+        border-width: $content-table-foot-cell-border-width
+        color: $content-table-foot-cell-color
+    tbody
+      tr
+        &:last-child
+          td,
+          th
+            border-bottom-width: 0
+  .tabs
+    li + li
+      margin-top: 0
+  // Sizes
+  &.is-small
+    font-size: $size-small
+  &.is-medium
+    font-size: $size-medium
+  &.is-large
+    font-size: $size-large

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+@warn "The form.sass file is DEPRECATED. It has moved into its own /form folder. Please import sass/form/_all instead."

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+$icon-dimensions: 1.5rem !default
+$icon-dimensions-small: 1rem !default
+$icon-dimensions-medium: 2rem !default
+$icon-dimensions-large: 3rem !default
+  align-items: center
+  display: inline-flex
+  justify-content: center
+  height: $icon-dimensions
+  width: $icon-dimensions
+  // Sizes
+  &.is-small
+    height: $icon-dimensions-small
+    width: $icon-dimensions-small
+  &.is-medium
+    height: $icon-dimensions-medium
+    width: $icon-dimensions-medium
+  &.is-large
+    height: $icon-dimensions-large
+    width: $icon-dimensions-large

+ 69 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+$dimensions: 16 24 32 48 64 96 128 !default
+  display: block
+  position: relative
+  img
+    display: block
+    height: auto
+    width: 100%
+    &.is-rounded
+      border-radius: $radius-rounded
+  // Ratio
+  &.is-square,
+  &.is-1by1,
+  &.is-5by4,
+  &.is-4by3,
+  &.is-3by2,
+  &.is-5by3,
+  &.is-16by9,
+  &.is-2by1,
+  &.is-3by1,
+  &.is-4by5,
+  &.is-3by4,
+  &.is-2by3,
+  &.is-3by5,
+  &.is-9by16,
+  &.is-1by2,
+  &.is-1by3
+    img,
+    .has-ratio
+      @extend %overlay
+      height: 100%
+      width: 100%
+  &.is-square,
+  &.is-1by1
+    padding-top: 100%
+  &.is-5by4
+    padding-top: 80%
+  &.is-4by3
+    padding-top: 75%
+  &.is-3by2
+    padding-top: 66.6666%
+  &.is-5by3
+    padding-top: 60%
+  &.is-16by9
+    padding-top: 56.25%
+  &.is-2by1
+    padding-top: 50%
+  &.is-3by1
+    padding-top: 33.3333%
+  &.is-4by5
+    padding-top: 125%
+  &.is-3by4
+    padding-top: 133.3333%
+  &.is-2by3
+    padding-top: 150%
+  &.is-3by5
+    padding-top: 166.6666%
+  &.is-9by16
+    padding-top: 177.7777%
+  &.is-1by2
+    padding-top: 200%
+  &.is-1by3
+    padding-top: 300%
+  // Sizes
+  @each $dimension in $dimensions
+    &.is-#{$dimension}x#{$dimension}
+      height: $dimension * 1px
+      width: $dimension * 1px

+ 35 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+$notification-background-color: $background !default
+$notification-radius: $radius !default
+$notification-padding: 1.25rem 2.5rem 1.25rem 1.5rem !default
+  @extend %block
+  background-color: $notification-background-color
+  border-radius: $notification-radius
+  padding: $notification-padding
+  position: relative
+  a:not(.button):not(.dropdown-item)
+    color: currentColor
+    text-decoration: underline
+  strong
+    color: currentColor
+  code,
+  pre
+    background: $white
+  pre code
+    background: transparent
+  & > .delete
+    position: absolute
+    right: 0.5rem
+    top: 0.5rem
+  .title,
+  .subtitle,
+  .content
+    color: currentColor
+  // Colors
+  @each $name, $pair in $colors
+    $color: nth($pair, 1)
+    $color-invert: nth($pair, 2)
+    &.is-#{$name}
+      background-color: $color
+      color: $color-invert

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+  @extend %block
+  @extend %delete
+  display: block
+  font-size: 11px
+  letter-spacing: 1px
+  margin-bottom: 5px
+  text-transform: uppercase
+  @extend %block
+  font-weight: $weight-normal
+  max-width: 100%
+  overflow: hidden
+  padding: 0
+  pre
+    overflow: auto
+    max-width: 100%
+  @extend %loader
+  align-items: center
+  background-color: $background
+  border-radius: $radius-rounded
+  display: inline-flex
+  font-size: $size-medium
+  height: 2em
+  justify-content: center
+  margin-right: 1.5rem
+  min-width: 2.5em
+  padding: 0.25rem 0.5rem
+  text-align: center
+  vertical-align: top

+ 67 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+$progress-bar-background-color: $border !default
+$progress-value-background-color: $text !default
+$progress-border-radius: $radius-rounded !default
+$progress-indeterminate-duration: 1.5s !default
+  @extend %block
+  -moz-appearance: none
+  -webkit-appearance: none
+  border: none
+  border-radius: $progress-border-radius
+  display: block
+  height: $size-normal
+  overflow: hidden
+  padding: 0
+  width: 100%
+  &::-webkit-progress-bar
+    background-color: $progress-bar-background-color
+  &::-webkit-progress-value
+    background-color: $progress-value-background-color
+  &::-moz-progress-bar
+    background-color: $progress-value-background-color
+  &::-ms-fill
+    background-color: $progress-value-background-color
+    border: none
+  // Colors
+  @each $name, $pair in $colors
+    $color: nth($pair, 1)
+    &.is-#{$name}
+      &::-webkit-progress-value
+        background-color: $color
+      &::-moz-progress-bar
+        background-color: $color
+      &::-ms-fill
+        background-color: $color
+      &:indeterminate
+        background-image: linear-gradient(to right, $color 30%, $progress-bar-background-color 30%)
+  &:indeterminate
+    animation-duration: $progress-indeterminate-duration
+    animation-iteration-count: infinite
+    animation-name: moveIndeterminate
+    animation-timing-function: linear
+    background-color: $progress-bar-background-color
+    background-image: linear-gradient(to right, $text 30%, $progress-bar-background-color 30%)
+    background-position: top left
+    background-repeat: no-repeat
+    background-size: 150% 150%
+    &::-webkit-progress-bar
+      background-color: transparent
+    &::-moz-progress-bar
+      background-color: transparent
+  // Sizes
+  &.is-small
+    height: $size-small
+  &.is-medium
+    height: $size-medium
+  &.is-large
+    height: $size-large
+@keyframes moveIndeterminate
+  from
+    background-position: 200% 0
+  to
+    background-position: -200% 0

+ 127 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+$table-color: $grey-darker !default
+$table-background-color: $white !default
+$table-cell-border: 1px solid $grey-lighter !default
+$table-cell-border-width: 0 0 1px !default
+$table-cell-padding: 0.5em 0.75em !default
+$table-cell-heading-color: $text-strong !default
+$table-head-cell-border-width: 0 0 2px !default
+$table-head-cell-color: $text-strong !default
+$table-foot-cell-border-width: 2px 0 0 !default
+$table-foot-cell-color: $text-strong !default
+$table-head-background-color: transparent !default
+$table-body-background-color: transparent !default
+$table-foot-background-color: transparent !default
+$table-row-hover-background-color: $white-bis !default
+$table-row-active-background-color: $primary !default
+$table-row-active-color: $primary-invert !default
+$table-striped-row-even-background-color: $white-bis !default
+$table-striped-row-even-hover-background-color: $white-ter !default
+  @extend %block
+  background-color: $table-background-color
+  color: $table-color
+  td,
+  th
+    border: $table-cell-border
+    border-width: $table-cell-border-width
+    padding: $table-cell-padding
+    vertical-align: top
+    // Colors
+    @each $name, $pair in $colors
+      $color: nth($pair, 1)
+      $color-invert: nth($pair, 2)
+      &.is-#{$name}
+        background-color: $color
+        border-color: $color
+        color: $color-invert
+    // Modifiers
+    &.is-narrow
+      white-space: nowrap
+      width: 1%
+    &.is-selected
+      background-color: $table-row-active-background-color
+      color: $table-row-active-color
+      a,
+      strong
+        color: currentColor
+  th
+    color: $table-cell-heading-color
+    &:not([align])
+      text-align: left
+  tr
+    &.is-selected
+      background-color: $table-row-active-background-color
+      color: $table-row-active-color
+      a,
+      strong
+        color: currentColor
+      td,
+      th
+        border-color: $table-row-active-color
+        color: currentColor
+  thead
+    background-color: $table-head-background-color
+    td,
+    th
+      border-width: $table-head-cell-border-width
+      color: $table-head-cell-color
+  tfoot
+    background-color: $table-foot-background-color
+    td,
+    th
+      border-width: $table-foot-cell-border-width
+      color: $table-foot-cell-color
+  tbody
+    background-color: $table-body-background-color
+    tr
+      &:last-child
+        td,
+        th
+          border-bottom-width: 0
+  // Modifiers
+  &.is-bordered
+    td,
+    th
+      border-width: 1px
+    tr
+      &:last-child
+        td,
+        th
+          border-bottom-width: 1px
+  &.is-fullwidth
+    width: 100%
+  &.is-hoverable
+    tbody
+      tr:not(.is-selected)
+        &:hover
+          background-color: $table-row-hover-background-color
+    &.is-striped
+      tbody
+        tr:not(.is-selected)
+          &:hover
+            background-color: $table-row-hover-background-color
+            &:nth-child(even)
+              background-color: $table-striped-row-even-hover-background-color
+  &.is-narrow
+    td,
+    th
+      padding: 0.25em 0.5em
+  &.is-striped
+    tbody
+      tr:not(.is-selected)
+        &:nth-child(even)
+          background-color: $table-striped-row-even-background-color
+  @extend %block
+  +overflow-touch
+  overflow: auto
+  overflow-y: hidden
+  max-width: 100%

+ 121 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+$tag-background-color: $background !default
+$tag-color: $text !default
+$tag-radius: $radius !default
+$tag-delete-margin: 1px !default
+  align-items: center
+  display: flex
+  flex-wrap: wrap
+  justify-content: flex-start
+  .tag
+    margin-bottom: 0.5rem
+    &:not(:last-child)
+      margin-right: 0.5rem
+  &:last-child
+    margin-bottom: -0.5rem
+  &:not(:last-child)
+    margin-bottom: 1rem
+  // Sizes
+  &.are-medium
+    .tag:not(.is-normal):not(.is-large)
+      font-size: $size-normal
+  &.are-large
+    .tag:not(.is-normal):not(.is-medium)
+      font-size: $size-medium
+  &.is-centered
+    justify-content: center
+    .tag
+      margin-right: 0.25rem
+      margin-left: 0.25rem
+  &.is-right
+    justify-content: flex-end
+    .tag
+      &:not(:first-child)
+        margin-left: 0.5rem
+      &:not(:last-child)
+        margin-right: 0
+  &.has-addons
+    .tag
+      margin-right: 0
+      &:not(:first-child)
+        margin-left: 0
+        border-bottom-left-radius: 0
+        border-top-left-radius: 0
+      &:not(:last-child)
+        border-bottom-right-radius: 0
+        border-top-right-radius: 0
+  align-items: center
+  background-color: $tag-background-color
+  border-radius: $tag-radius
+  color: $tag-color
+  display: inline-flex
+  font-size: $size-small
+  height: 2em
+  justify-content: center
+  line-height: 1.5
+  padding-left: 0.75em
+  padding-right: 0.75em
+  white-space: nowrap
+  .delete
+    margin-left: 0.25rem
+    margin-right: -0.375rem
+  // Colors
+  @each $name, $pair in $colors
+    $color: nth($pair, 1)
+    $color-invert: nth($pair, 2)
+    &.is-#{$name}
+      background-color: $color
+      color: $color-invert
+  // Sizes
+  &.is-normal
+    font-size: $size-small
+  &.is-medium
+    font-size: $size-normal
+  &.is-large
+    font-size: $size-medium
+  .icon
+    &:first-child:not(:last-child)
+      margin-left: -0.375em
+      margin-right: 0.1875em
+    &:last-child:not(:first-child)
+      margin-left: 0.1875em
+      margin-right: -0.375em
+    &:first-child:last-child
+      margin-left: -0.375em
+      margin-right: -0.375em
+  // Modifiers
+  &.is-delete
+    margin-left: $tag-delete-margin
+    padding: 0
+    position: relative
+    width: 2em
+    &::before,
+    &::after
+      background-color: currentColor
+      content: ""
+      display: block
+      left: 50%
+      position: absolute
+      top: 50%
+      transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) rotate(45deg)
+      transform-origin: center center
+    &::before
+      height: 1px
+      width: 50%
+    &::after
+      height: 50%
+      width: 1px
+    &:hover,
+    &:focus
+      background-color: darken($tag-background-color, 5%)
+    &:active
+      background-color: darken($tag-background-color, 10%)
+  &.is-rounded
+    border-radius: $radius-rounded
+  &:hover
+    text-decoration: underline

+ 70 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+$title-color: $grey-darker !default
+$title-family: false !default
+$title-size: $size-3 !default
+$title-weight: $weight-semibold !default
+$title-line-height: 1.125 !default
+$title-strong-color: inherit !default
+$title-strong-weight: inherit !default
+$title-sub-size: 0.75em !default
+$title-sup-size: 0.75em !default
+$subtitle-color: $grey-dark !default
+$subtitle-family: false !default
+$subtitle-size: $size-5 !default
+$subtitle-weight: $weight-normal !default
+$subtitle-line-height: 1.25 !default
+$subtitle-strong-color: $grey-darker !default
+$subtitle-strong-weight: $weight-semibold !default
+$subtitle-negative-margin: -1.25rem !default
+  @extend %block
+  word-break: break-word
+  em,
+  span
+    font-weight: inherit
+  sub
+    font-size: $title-sub-size
+  sup
+    font-size: $title-sup-size
+  .tag
+    vertical-align: middle
+  color: $title-color
+  @if $title-family
+    font-family: $title-family
+  font-size: $title-size
+  font-weight: $title-weight
+  line-height: $title-line-height
+  strong
+    color: $title-strong-color
+    font-weight: $title-strong-weight
+  & + .highlight
+    margin-top: -0.75rem
+  &:not(.is-spaced) + .subtitle
+    margin-top: $subtitle-negative-margin
+  // Sizes
+  @each $size in $sizes
+    $i: index($sizes, $size)
+    &.is-#{$i}
+      font-size: $size
+  color: $subtitle-color
+  @if $subtitle-family
+    font-family: $subtitle-family
+  font-size: $subtitle-size
+  font-weight: $subtitle-weight
+  line-height: $subtitle-line-height
+  strong
+    color: $subtitle-strong-color
+    font-weight: $subtitle-strong-weight
+  &:not(.is-spaced) + .title
+    margin-top: $subtitle-negative-margin
+  // Sizes
+  @each $size in $sizes
+    $i: index($sizes, $size)
+    &.is-#{$i}
+      font-size: $size

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+@charset "utf-8"
+@import "shared.sass"
+@import "input-textarea.sass"
+@import "checkbox-radio.sass"
+@import "select.sass"
+@import "file.sass"
+@import "tools.sass"

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+  cursor: pointer
+  display: inline-block
+  line-height: 1.25
+  position: relative
+  input
+    cursor: pointer
+  &:hover
+    color: $input-hover-color
+  &[disabled],
+  fieldset[disabled] &
+    color: $input-disabled-color
+    cursor: not-allowed
+  @extend %checkbox-radio
+  @extend %checkbox-radio
+  & + .radio
+    margin-left: 0.5em

+ 180 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+$file-border-color: $border !default
+$file-radius: $radius !default
+$file-cta-background-color: $white-ter !default
+$file-cta-color: $grey-dark !default
+$file-cta-hover-color: $grey-darker !default
+$file-cta-active-color: $grey-darker !default
+$file-name-border-color: $border !default
+$file-name-border-style: solid !default
+$file-name-border-width: 1px 1px 1px 0 !default
+$file-name-max-width: 16em !default
+  @extend %unselectable
+  align-items: stretch
+  display: flex
+  justify-content: flex-start
+  position: relative
+  // Colors
+  @each $name, $pair in $colors
+    $color: nth($pair, 1)
+    $color-invert: nth($pair, 2)
+    &.is-#{$name}
+      .file-cta
+        background-color: $color
+        border-color: transparent
+        color: $color-invert
+      &:hover,
+      &.is-hovered
+        .file-cta
+          background-color: darken($color, 2.5%)
+          border-color: transparent
+          color: $color-invert
+      &:focus,
+      &.is-focused
+        .file-cta
+          border-color: transparent
+          box-shadow: 0 0 0.5em rgba($color, 0.25)
+          color: $color-invert
+      &:active,
+      &.is-active
+        .file-cta
+          background-color: darken($color, 5%)
+          border-color: transparent
+          color: $color-invert
+  // Sizes
+  &.is-small
+    font-size: $size-small
+  &.is-medium
+    font-size: $size-medium
+    .file-icon
+      .fa
+        font-size: 21px
+  &.is-large
+    font-size: $size-large
+    .file-icon
+      .fa
+        font-size: 28px
+  // Modifiers
+  &.has-name
+    .file-cta
+      border-bottom-right-radius: 0
+      border-top-right-radius: 0
+    .file-name
+      border-bottom-left-radius: 0
+      border-top-left-radius: 0
+    &.is-empty
+      .file-cta
+        border-radius: $file-radius
+      .file-name
+        display: none
+  &.is-boxed
+    .file-label
+      flex-direction: column
+    .file-cta
+      flex-direction: column
+      height: auto
+      padding: 1em 3em
+    .file-name
+      border-width: 0 1px 1px
+    .file-icon
+      height: 1.5em
+      width: 1.5em
+      .fa
+        font-size: 21px
+    &.is-small
+      .file-icon .fa
+        font-size: 14px
+    &.is-medium
+      .file-icon .fa
+        font-size: 28px
+    &.is-large
+      .file-icon .fa
+        font-size: 35px
+    &.has-name
+      .file-cta
+        border-radius: $file-radius $file-radius 0 0
+      .file-name
+        border-radius: 0 0 $file-radius $file-radius
+        border-width: 0 1px 1px
+  &.is-centered
+    justify-content: center
+  &.is-fullwidth
+    .file-label
+      width: 100%
+    .file-name
+      flex-grow: 1
+      max-width: none
+  &.is-right
+    justify-content: flex-end
+    .file-cta
+      border-radius: 0 $file-radius $file-radius 0
+    .file-name
+      border-radius: $file-radius 0 0 $file-radius
+      border-width: 1px 0 1px 1px
+      order: -1
+  align-items: stretch
+  display: flex
+  cursor: pointer
+  justify-content: flex-start
+  overflow: hidden
+  position: relative
+  &:hover
+    .file-cta
+      background-color: darken($file-cta-background-color, 2.5%)
+      color: $file-cta-hover-color
+    .file-name
+      border-color: darken($file-name-border-color, 2.5%)
+  &:active
+    .file-cta
+      background-color: darken($file-cta-background-color, 5%)
+      color: $file-cta-active-color
+    .file-name
+      border-color: darken($file-name-border-color, 5%)
+  height: 100%
+  left: 0
+  opacity: 0
+  outline: none
+  position: absolute
+  top: 0
+  width: 100%
+  @extend %control
+  border-color: $file-border-color
+  border-radius: $file-radius
+  font-size: 1em
+  padding-left: 1em
+  padding-right: 1em
+  white-space: nowrap
+  background-color: $file-cta-background-color
+  color: $file-cta-color
+  border-color: $file-name-border-color
+  border-style: $file-name-border-style
+  border-width: $file-name-border-width
+  display: block
+  max-width: $file-name-max-width
+  overflow: hidden
+  text-align: left
+  text-overflow: ellipsis
+  align-items: center
+  display: flex
+  height: 1em
+  justify-content: center
+  margin-right: 0.5em
+  width: 1em
+  .fa
+    font-size: 14px

+ 60 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+  @extend %input
+  box-shadow: $input-shadow
+  max-width: 100%
+  width: 100%
+  &[readonly]
+    box-shadow: none
+  // Colors
+  @each $name, $pair in $colors
+    $color: nth($pair, 1)
+    &.is-#{$name}
+      border-color: $color
+      &:focus,
+      &.is-focused,
+      &:active,
+      &.is-active
+        box-shadow: $input-focus-box-shadow-size rgba($color, 0.25)
+  // Sizes
+  &.is-small
+    +control-small
+  &.is-medium
+    +control-medium
+  &.is-large
+    +control-large
+  // Modifiers
+  &.is-fullwidth
+    display: block
+    width: 100%
+  &.is-inline
+    display: inline
+    width: auto
+  @extend %input-textarea
+  &.is-rounded
+    border-radius: $radius-rounded
+    padding-left: 1em
+    padding-right: 1em
+  &.is-static
+    background-color: transparent
+    border-color: transparent
+    box-shadow: none
+    padding-left: 0
+    padding-right: 0
+  @extend %input-textarea
+  display: block
+  max-width: 100%
+  min-width: 100%
+  padding: 0.625em
+  resize: vertical
+  &:not([rows])
+    max-height: 600px
+    min-height: 120px
+  &[rows]
+    height: initial
+  // Modifiers
+  &.has-fixed-size
+    resize: none

+ 85 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+  display: inline-block
+  max-width: 100%
+  position: relative
+  vertical-align: top
+  &:not(.is-multiple)
+    height: $input-height
+  &:not(.is-multiple):not(.is-loading)
+    &::after
+      @extend %arrow
+      border-color: $input-arrow
+      right: 1.125em
+      z-index: 4
+  &.is-rounded
+    select
+      border-radius: $radius-rounded
+      padding-left: 1em
+  select
+    @extend %input
+    cursor: pointer
+    display: block
+    font-size: 1em
+    max-width: 100%
+    outline: none
+    &::-ms-expand
+      display: none
+    &[disabled]:hover,
+    fieldset[disabled] &:hover
+      border-color: $input-disabled-border-color
+    &:not([multiple])
+      padding-right: 2.5em
+    &[multiple]
+      height: auto
+      padding: 0
+      option
+        padding: 0.5em 1em
+  // States
+  &:not(.is-multiple):not(.is-loading):hover
+    &::after
+      border-color: $input-hover-color
+  // Colors
+  @each $name, $pair in $colors
+    $color: nth($pair, 1)
+    &.is-#{$name}
+      &:not(:hover)::after
+        border-color: $color
+      select
+        border-color: $color
+        &:hover,
+        &.is-hovered
+          border-color: darken($color, 5%)
+        &:focus,
+        &.is-focused,
+        &:active,
+        &.is-active
+          box-shadow: $input-focus-box-shadow-size rgba($color, 0.25)
+  // Sizes
+  &.is-small
+    +control-small
+  &.is-medium
+    +control-medium
+  &.is-large
+    +control-large
+  // Modifiers
+  &.is-disabled
+    &::after
+      border-color: $input-disabled-color
+  &.is-fullwidth
+    width: 100%
+    select
+      width: 100%
+  &.is-loading
+    &::after
+      @extend %loader
+      margin-top: 0
+      position: absolute
+      right: 0.625em
+      top: 0.625em
+      transform: none
+    &.is-small:after
+      font-size: $size-small
+    &.is-medium:after
+      font-size: $size-medium
+    &.is-large:after
+      font-size: $size-large

+ 55 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+$input-color: $grey-darker !default
+$input-background-color: $white !default
+$input-border-color: $grey-lighter !default
+$input-height: $control-height !default
+$input-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba($black, 0.1) !default
+$input-placeholder-color: rgba($input-color, 0.3) !default
+$input-hover-color: $grey-darker !default
+$input-hover-border-color: $grey-light !default
+$input-focus-color: $grey-darker !default
+$input-focus-border-color: $link !default
+$input-focus-box-shadow-size: 0 0 0 0.125em !default
+$input-focus-box-shadow-color: rgba($link, 0.25) !default
+$input-disabled-color: $text-light !default
+$input-disabled-background-color: $background !default
+$input-disabled-border-color: $background !default
+$input-disabled-placeholder-color: rgba($input-disabled-color, 0.3) !default
+$input-arrow: $link !default
+$input-icon-color: $grey-lighter !default
+$input-icon-active-color: $grey !default
+$input-radius: $radius !default
+  @extend %control
+  background-color: $input-background-color
+  border-color: $input-border-color
+  border-radius: $input-radius
+  color: $input-color
+  +placeholder
+    color: $input-placeholder-color
+  &:hover,
+  &.is-hovered
+    border-color: $input-hover-border-color
+  &:focus,
+  &.is-focused,
+  &:active,
+  &.is-active
+    border-color: $input-focus-border-color
+    box-shadow: $input-focus-box-shadow-size $input-focus-box-shadow-color
+  &[disabled],
+  fieldset[disabled] &
+    background-color: $input-disabled-background-color
+    border-color: $input-disabled-border-color
+    box-shadow: none
+    color: $input-disabled-color
+    +placeholder
+      color: $input-disabled-placeholder-color
+  +input

+ 205 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+$label-color: $grey-darker !default
+$label-weight: $weight-bold !default
+$help-size: $size-small !default
+  color: $label-color
+  display: block
+  font-size: $size-normal
+  font-weight: $label-weight
+  &:not(:last-child)
+    margin-bottom: 0.5em
+  // Sizes
+  &.is-small
+    font-size: $size-small
+  &.is-medium
+    font-size: $size-medium
+  &.is-large
+    font-size: $size-large
+  display: block
+  font-size: $help-size
+  margin-top: 0.25rem
+  @each $name, $pair in $colors
+    $color: nth($pair, 1)
+    &.is-#{$name}
+      color: $color
+// Containers
+  &:not(:last-child)
+    margin-bottom: 0.75rem
+  // Modifiers
+  &.has-addons
+    display: flex
+    justify-content: flex-start
+    .control
+      &:not(:last-child)
+        margin-right: -1px
+      &:not(:first-child):not(:last-child)
+        .button,
+        .input,
+        .select select
+          border-radius: 0
+      &:first-child:not(:only-child)
+        .button,
+        .input,
+        .select select
+          border-bottom-right-radius: 0
+          border-top-right-radius: 0
+      &:last-child:not(:only-child)
+        .button,
+        .input,
+        .select select
+          border-bottom-left-radius: 0
+          border-top-left-radius: 0
+      .button,
+      .input,
+      .select select
+        &:not([disabled])
+          &:hover,
+          &.is-hovered
+            z-index: 2
+          &:focus,
+          &.is-focused,
+          &:active,
+          &.is-active
+            z-index: 3
+            &:hover
+              z-index: 4
+      &.is-expanded
+        flex-grow: 1
+        flex-shrink: 1
+    &.has-addons-centered
+      justify-content: center
+    &.has-addons-right
+      justify-content: flex-end
+    &.has-addons-fullwidth
+      .control
+        flex-grow: 1
+        flex-shrink: 0
+  &.is-grouped
+    display: flex
+    justify-content: flex-start
+    & > .control
+      flex-shrink: 0
+      &:not(:last-child)
+        margin-bottom: 0
+        margin-right: 0.75rem
+      &.is-expanded
+        flex-grow: 1
+        flex-shrink: 1
+    &.is-grouped-centered
+      justify-content: center
+    &.is-grouped-right
+      justify-content: flex-end
+    &.is-grouped-multiline
+      flex-wrap: wrap
+      & > .control
+        &:last-child,
+        &:not(:last-child)
+          margin-bottom: 0.75rem
+      &:last-child
+        margin-bottom: -0.75rem
+      &:not(:last-child)
+        margin-bottom: 0
+  &.is-horizontal
+    +tablet
+      display: flex
+  .label
+    font-size: inherit
+  +mobile
+    margin-bottom: 0.5rem
+  +tablet
+    flex-basis: 0
+    flex-grow: 1
+    flex-shrink: 0
+    margin-right: 1.5rem
+    text-align: right
+    &.is-small
+      font-size: $size-small
+      padding-top: 0.375em
+    &.is-normal
+      padding-top: 0.375em
+    &.is-medium
+      font-size: $size-medium
+      padding-top: 0.375em
+    &.is-large
+      font-size: $size-large
+      padding-top: 0.375em
+  .field .field
+    margin-bottom: 0
+  +tablet
+    display: flex
+    flex-basis: 0
+    flex-grow: 5
+    flex-shrink: 1
+    .field
+      margin-bottom: 0
+    & > .field
+      flex-shrink: 1
+      &:not(.is-narrow)
+        flex-grow: 1
+      &:not(:last-child)
+        margin-right: 0.75rem
+  box-sizing: border-box
+  clear: both
+  font-size: $size-normal
+  position: relative
+  text-align: left
+  // Modifiers
+  &.has-icons-left,
+  &.has-icons-right
+    .input,
+    .select
+      &:focus
+        & ~ .icon
+          color: $input-icon-active-color
+      &.is-small ~ .icon
+        font-size: $size-small
+      &.is-medium ~ .icon
+        font-size: $size-medium
+      &.is-large ~ .icon
+        font-size: $size-large
+    .icon
+      color: $input-icon-color
+      height: $input-height
+      pointer-events: none
+      position: absolute
+      top: 0
+      width: $input-height
+      z-index: 4
+  &.has-icons-left
+    .input,
+    .select select
+      padding-left: $input-height
+    .icon.is-left
+      left: 0
+  &.has-icons-right
+    .input,
+    .select select
+      padding-right: $input-height
+    .icon.is-right
+      right: 0
+  &.is-loading
+    &::after
+      @extend %loader
+      position: absolute !important
+      right: 0.625em
+      top: 0.625em
+      z-index: 4
+    &.is-small:after
+      font-size: $size-small
+    &.is-medium:after
+      font-size: $size-medium
+    &.is-large:after
+      font-size: $size-large

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+@charset "utf-8"
+@import "columns.sass"
+@import "tiles.sass"

+ 504 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+$column-gap: 0.75rem !default
+  display: block
+  flex-basis: 0
+  flex-grow: 1
+  flex-shrink: 1
+  padding: $column-gap
+  .columns.is-mobile > &.is-narrow
+    flex: none
+  .columns.is-mobile > &.is-full
+    flex: none
+    width: 100%
+  .columns.is-mobile > &.is-three-quarters
+    flex: none
+    width: 75%
+  .columns.is-mobile > &.is-two-thirds
+    flex: none
+    width: 66.6666%
+  .columns.is-mobile > &.is-half
+    flex: none
+    width: 50%
+  .columns.is-mobile > &.is-one-third
+    flex: none
+    width: 33.3333%
+  .columns.is-mobile > &.is-one-quarter
+    flex: none
+    width: 25%
+  .columns.is-mobile > &.is-one-fifth
+    flex: none
+    width: 20%
+  .columns.is-mobile > &.is-two-fifths
+    flex: none
+    width: 40%
+  .columns.is-mobile > &.is-three-fifths
+    flex: none
+    width: 60%
+  .columns.is-mobile > &.is-four-fifths
+    flex: none
+    width: 80%
+  .columns.is-mobile > &.is-offset-three-quarters
+    margin-left: 75%
+  .columns.is-mobile > &.is-offset-two-thirds
+    margin-left: 66.6666%
+  .columns.is-mobile > &.is-offset-half
+    margin-left: 50%
+  .columns.is-mobile > &.is-offset-one-third
+    margin-left: 33.3333%
+  .columns.is-mobile > &.is-offset-one-quarter
+    margin-left: 25%
+  .columns.is-mobile > &.is-offset-one-fifth
+    margin-left: 20%
+  .columns.is-mobile > &.is-offset-two-fifths
+    margin-left: 40%
+  .columns.is-mobile > &.is-offset-three-fifths
+    margin-left: 60%
+  .columns.is-mobile > &.is-offset-four-fifths
+    margin-left: 80%
+  @for $i from 0 through 12
+    .columns.is-mobile > &.is-#{$i}
+      flex: none
+      width: percentage($i / 12)
+    .columns.is-mobile > &.is-offset-#{$i}
+      margin-left: percentage($i / 12)
+  +mobile
+    &.is-narrow-mobile
+      flex: none
+    &.is-full-mobile
+      flex: none
+      width: 100%
+    &.is-three-quarters-mobile
+      flex: none
+      width: 75%
+    &.is-two-thirds-mobile
+      flex: none
+      width: 66.6666%
+    &.is-half-mobile
+      flex: none
+      width: 50%
+    &.is-one-third-mobile
+      flex: none
+      width: 33.3333%
+    &.is-one-quarter-mobile
+      flex: none
+      width: 25%
+    &.is-one-fifth-mobile
+      flex: none
+      width: 20%
+    &.is-two-fifths-mobile
+      flex: none
+      width: 40%
+    &.is-three-fifths-mobile
+      flex: none
+      width: 60%
+    &.is-four-fifths-mobile
+      flex: none
+      width: 80%
+    &.is-offset-three-quarters-mobile
+      margin-left: 75%
+    &.is-offset-two-thirds-mobile
+      margin-left: 66.6666%
+    &.is-offset-half-mobile
+      margin-left: 50%
+    &.is-offset-one-third-mobile
+      margin-left: 33.3333%
+    &.is-offset-one-quarter-mobile
+      margin-left: 25%
+    &.is-offset-one-fifth-mobile
+      margin-left: 20%
+    &.is-offset-two-fifths-mobile
+      margin-left: 40%
+    &.is-offset-three-fifths-mobile
+      margin-left: 60%
+    &.is-offset-four-fifths-mobile
+      margin-left: 80%
+    @for $i from 0 through 12
+      &.is-#{$i}-mobile
+        flex: none
+        width: percentage($i / 12)
+      &.is-offset-#{$i}-mobile
+        margin-left: percentage($i / 12)
+  +tablet
+    &.is-narrow,
+    &.is-narrow-tablet
+      flex: none
+    &.is-full,
+    &.is-full-tablet
+      flex: none
+      width: 100%
+    &.is-three-quarters,
+    &.is-three-quarters-tablet
+      flex: none
+      width: 75%
+    &.is-two-thirds,
+    &.is-two-thirds-tablet
+      flex: none
+      width: 66.6666%
+    &.is-half,
+    &.is-half-tablet
+      flex: none
+      width: 50%
+    &.is-one-third,
+    &.is-one-third-tablet
+      flex: none
+      width: 33.3333%
+    &.is-one-quarter,
+    &.is-one-quarter-tablet
+      flex: none
+      width: 25%
+    &.is-one-fifth,
+    &.is-one-fifth-tablet
+      flex: none
+      width: 20%
+    &.is-two-fifths,
+    &.is-two-fifths-tablet
+      flex: none
+      width: 40%
+    &.is-three-fifths,
+    &.is-three-fifths-tablet
+      flex: none
+      width: 60%
+    &.is-four-fifths,
+    &.is-four-fifths-tablet
+      flex: none
+      width: 80%
+    &.is-offset-three-quarters,
+    &.is-offset-three-quarters-tablet
+      margin-left: 75%
+    &.is-offset-two-thirds,
+    &.is-offset-two-thirds-tablet
+      margin-left: 66.6666%
+    &.is-offset-half,
+    &.is-offset-half-tablet
+      margin-left: 50%
+    &.is-offset-one-third,
+    &.is-offset-one-third-tablet
+      margin-left: 33.3333%
+    &.is-offset-one-quarter,
+    &.is-offset-one-quarter-tablet
+      margin-left: 25%
+    &.is-offset-one-fifth,
+    &.is-offset-one-fifth-tablet
+      margin-left: 20%
+    &.is-offset-two-fifths,
+    &.is-offset-two-fifths-tablet
+      margin-left: 40%
+    &.is-offset-three-fifths,
+    &.is-offset-three-fifths-tablet
+      margin-left: 60%
+    &.is-offset-four-fifths,
+    &.is-offset-four-fifths-tablet
+      margin-left: 80%
+    @for $i from 0 through 12
+      &.is-#{$i},
+      &.is-#{$i}-tablet
+        flex: none
+        width: percentage($i / 12)
+      &.is-offset-#{$i},
+      &.is-offset-#{$i}-tablet
+        margin-left: percentage($i / 12)
+  +touch
+    &.is-narrow-touch
+      flex: none
+    &.is-full-touch
+      flex: none
+      width: 100%
+    &.is-three-quarters-touch
+      flex: none
+      width: 75%
+    &.is-two-thirds-touch
+      flex: none
+      width: 66.6666%
+    &.is-half-touch
+      flex: none
+      width: 50%
+    &.is-one-third-touch
+      flex: none
+      width: 33.3333%
+    &.is-one-quarter-touch
+      flex: none
+      width: 25%
+    &.is-one-fifth-touch
+      flex: none
+      width: 20%
+    &.is-two-fifths-touch
+      flex: none
+      width: 40%
+    &.is-three-fifths-touch
+      flex: none
+      width: 60%
+    &.is-four-fifths-touch
+      flex: none
+      width: 80%
+    &.is-offset-three-quarters-touch
+      margin-left: 75%
+    &.is-offset-two-thirds-touch
+      margin-left: 66.6666%
+    &.is-offset-half-touch
+      margin-left: 50%
+    &.is-offset-one-third-touch
+      margin-left: 33.3333%
+    &.is-offset-one-quarter-touch
+      margin-left: 25%
+    &.is-offset-one-fifth-touch
+      margin-left: 20%
+    &.is-offset-two-fifths-touch
+      margin-left: 40%
+    &.is-offset-three-fifths-touch
+      margin-left: 60%
+    &.is-offset-four-fifths-touch
+      margin-left: 80%
+    @for $i from 0 through 12
+      &.is-#{$i}-touch
+        flex: none
+        width: percentage($i / 12)
+      &.is-offset-#{$i}-touch
+        margin-left: percentage($i / 12)
+  +desktop
+    &.is-narrow-desktop
+      flex: none
+    &.is-full-desktop
+      flex: none
+      width: 100%
+    &.is-three-quarters-desktop
+      flex: none
+      width: 75%
+    &.is-two-thirds-desktop
+      flex: none
+      width: 66.6666%
+    &.is-half-desktop
+      flex: none
+      width: 50%
+    &.is-one-third-desktop
+      flex: none
+      width: 33.3333%
+    &.is-one-quarter-desktop
+      flex: none
+      width: 25%
+    &.is-one-fifth-desktop
+      flex: none
+      width: 20%
+    &.is-two-fifths-desktop
+      flex: none
+      width: 40%
+    &.is-three-fifths-desktop
+      flex: none
+      width: 60%
+    &.is-four-fifths-desktop
+      flex: none
+      width: 80%
+    &.is-offset-three-quarters-desktop
+      margin-left: 75%
+    &.is-offset-two-thirds-desktop
+      margin-left: 66.6666%
+    &.is-offset-half-desktop
+      margin-left: 50%
+    &.is-offset-one-third-desktop
+      margin-left: 33.3333%
+    &.is-offset-one-quarter-desktop
+      margin-left: 25%
+    &.is-offset-one-fifth-desktop
+      margin-left: 20%
+    &.is-offset-two-fifths-desktop
+      margin-left: 40%
+    &.is-offset-three-fifths-desktop
+      margin-left: 60%
+    &.is-offset-four-fifths-desktop
+      margin-left: 80%
+    @for $i from 0 through 12
+      &.is-#{$i}-desktop
+        flex: none
+        width: percentage($i / 12)
+      &.is-offset-#{$i}-desktop
+        margin-left: percentage($i / 12)
+  +widescreen
+    &.is-narrow-widescreen
+      flex: none
+    &.is-full-widescreen
+      flex: none
+      width: 100%
+    &.is-three-quarters-widescreen
+      flex: none
+      width: 75%
+    &.is-two-thirds-widescreen
+      flex: none
+      width: 66.6666%
+    &.is-half-widescreen
+      flex: none
+      width: 50%
+    &.is-one-third-widescreen
+      flex: none
+      width: 33.3333%
+    &.is-one-quarter-widescreen
+      flex: none
+      width: 25%
+    &.is-one-fifth-widescreen
+      flex: none
+      width: 20%
+    &.is-two-fifths-widescreen
+      flex: none
+      width: 40%
+    &.is-three-fifths-widescreen
+      flex: none
+      width: 60%
+    &.is-four-fifths-widescreen
+      flex: none
+      width: 80%
+    &.is-offset-three-quarters-widescreen
+      margin-left: 75%
+    &.is-offset-two-thirds-widescreen
+      margin-left: 66.6666%
+    &.is-offset-half-widescreen
+      margin-left: 50%
+    &.is-offset-one-third-widescreen
+      margin-left: 33.3333%
+    &.is-offset-one-quarter-widescreen
+      margin-left: 25%
+    &.is-offset-one-fifth-widescreen
+      margin-left: 20%
+    &.is-offset-two-fifths-widescreen
+      margin-left: 40%
+    &.is-offset-three-fifths-widescreen
+      margin-left: 60%
+    &.is-offset-four-fifths-widescreen
+      margin-left: 80%
+    @for $i from 0 through 12
+      &.is-#{$i}-widescreen
+        flex: none
+        width: percentage($i / 12)
+      &.is-offset-#{$i}-widescreen
+        margin-left: percentage($i / 12)
+  +fullhd
+    &.is-narrow-fullhd
+      flex: none
+    &.is-full-fullhd
+      flex: none
+      width: 100%
+    &.is-three-quarters-fullhd
+      flex: none
+      width: 75%
+    &.is-two-thirds-fullhd
+      flex: none
+      width: 66.6666%
+    &.is-half-fullhd
+      flex: none
+      width: 50%
+    &.is-one-third-fullhd
+      flex: none
+      width: 33.3333%
+    &.is-one-quarter-fullhd
+      flex: none
+      width: 25%
+    &.is-one-fifth-fullhd
+      flex: none
+      width: 20%
+    &.is-two-fifths-fullhd
+      flex: none
+      width: 40%
+    &.is-three-fifths-fullhd
+      flex: none
+      width: 60%
+    &.is-four-fifths-fullhd
+      flex: none
+      width: 80%
+    &.is-offset-three-quarters-fullhd
+      margin-left: 75%
+    &.is-offset-two-thirds-fullhd
+      margin-left: 66.6666%
+    &.is-offset-half-fullhd
+      margin-left: 50%
+    &.is-offset-one-third-fullhd
+      margin-left: 33.3333%
+    &.is-offset-one-quarter-fullhd
+      margin-left: 25%
+    &.is-offset-one-fifth-fullhd
+      margin-left: 20%
+    &.is-offset-two-fifths-fullhd
+      margin-left: 40%
+    &.is-offset-three-fifths-fullhd
+      margin-left: 60%
+    &.is-offset-four-fifths-fullhd
+      margin-left: 80%
+    @for $i from 0 through 12
+      &.is-#{$i}-fullhd
+        flex: none
+        width: percentage($i / 12)
+      &.is-offset-#{$i}-fullhd
+        margin-left: percentage($i / 12)
+  margin-left: (-$column-gap)
+  margin-right: (-$column-gap)
+  margin-top: (-$column-gap)
+  &:last-child
+    margin-bottom: (-$column-gap)
+  &:not(:last-child)
+    margin-bottom: calc(1.5rem - #{$column-gap})
+  // Modifiers
+  &.is-centered
+    justify-content: center
+  &.is-gapless
+    margin-left: 0
+    margin-right: 0
+    margin-top: 0
+    & > .column
+      margin: 0
+      padding: 0 !important
+    &:not(:last-child)
+      margin-bottom: 1.5rem
+    &:last-child
+      margin-bottom: 0
+  &.is-mobile
+    display: flex
+  &.is-multiline
+    flex-wrap: wrap
+  &.is-vcentered
+    align-items: center
+  // Responsiveness
+  +tablet
+    &:not(.is-desktop)
+      display: flex
+  +desktop
+    // Modifiers
+    &.is-desktop
+      display: flex
+@if $variable-columns
+  .columns.is-variable
+    --columnGap: 0.75rem
+    margin-left: calc(-1 * var(--columnGap))
+    margin-right: calc(-1 * var(--columnGap))
+    .column
+      padding-left: var(--columnGap)
+      padding-right: var(--columnGap)
+    @for $i from 0 through 8
+      &.is-#{$i}
+        --columnGap: #{$i * 0.25rem}
+      +mobile
+        &.is-#{$i}-mobile
+          --columnGap: #{$i * 0.25rem}
+      +tablet
+        &.is-#{$i}-tablet
+          --columnGap: #{$i * 0.25rem}
+      +tablet-only
+        &.is-#{$i}-tablet-only
+          --columnGap: #{$i * 0.25rem}
+      +touch
+        &.is-#{$i}-touch
+          --columnGap: #{$i * 0.25rem}
+      +desktop
+        &.is-#{$i}-desktop
+          --columnGap: #{$i * 0.25rem}
+      +desktop-only
+        &.is-#{$i}-desktop-only
+          --columnGap: #{$i * 0.25rem}
+      +widescreen
+        &.is-#{$i}-widescreen
+          --columnGap: #{$i * 0.25rem}
+      +widescreen-only
+        &.is-#{$i}-widescreen-only
+          --columnGap: #{$i * 0.25rem}
+      +fullhd
+        &.is-#{$i}-fullhd
+          --columnGap: #{$i * 0.25rem}

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+$tile-spacing: 0.75rem !default
+  align-items: stretch
+  display: block
+  flex-basis: 0
+  flex-grow: 1
+  flex-shrink: 1
+  min-height: min-content
+  // Modifiers
+  &.is-ancestor
+    margin-left: $tile-spacing * -1
+    margin-right: $tile-spacing * -1
+    margin-top: $tile-spacing * -1
+    &:last-child
+      margin-bottom: $tile-spacing * -1
+    &:not(:last-child)
+      margin-bottom: $tile-spacing
+  &.is-child
+    margin: 0 !important
+  &.is-parent
+    padding: $tile-spacing
+  &.is-vertical
+    flex-direction: column
+    & > .tile.is-child:not(:last-child)
+      margin-bottom: 1.5rem !important
+  // Responsiveness
+  +tablet
+    &:not(.is-child)
+      display: flex
+    @for $i from 1 through 12
+      &.is-#{$i}
+        flex: none
+        width: ($i / 12) * 100%

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+@charset "utf-8"
+@import "hero.sass"
+@import "section.sass"
+@import "footer.sass"

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+$footer-background-color: $white-bis !default
+$footer-color: false !default
+$footer-padding: 3rem 1.5rem 6rem !default
+  background-color: $footer-background-color
+  padding: $footer-padding
+  @if $footer-color
+    color: $footer-color

+ 143 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+// Main container
+  align-items: stretch
+  display: flex
+  flex-direction: column
+  justify-content: space-between
+  .navbar
+    background: none
+  .tabs
+    ul
+      border-bottom: none
+  // Colors
+  @each $name, $pair in $colors
+    $color: nth($pair, 1)
+    $color-invert: nth($pair, 2)
+    &.is-#{$name}
+      background-color: $color
+      color: $color-invert
+      a:not(.button):not(.dropdown-item):not(.tag):not(.pagination-link.is-current),
+      strong
+        color: inherit
+      .title
+        color: $color-invert
+      .subtitle
+        color: rgba($color-invert, 0.9)
+        a:not(.button),
+        strong
+          color: $color-invert
+      .navbar-menu
+        +touch
+          background-color: $color
+      .navbar-item,
+      .navbar-link
+        color: rgba($color-invert, 0.7)
+      a.navbar-item,
+      .navbar-link
+        &:hover,
+        &.is-active
+          background-color: darken($color, 5%)
+          color: $color-invert
+      .tabs
+        a
+          color: $color-invert
+          opacity: 0.9
+          &:hover
+            opacity: 1
+        li
+          &.is-active a
+            opacity: 1
+        &.is-boxed,
+        &.is-toggle
+          a
+            color: $color-invert
+            &:hover
+              background-color: rgba($black, 0.1)
+          li.is-active a
+            &,
+            &:hover
+              background-color: $color-invert
+              border-color: $color-invert
+              color: $color
+      // Modifiers
+      &.is-bold
+        $gradient-top-left: darken(saturate(adjust-hue($color, -10deg), 10%), 10%)
+        $gradient-bottom-right: lighten(saturate(adjust-hue($color, 10deg), 5%), 5%)
+        background-image: linear-gradient(141deg, $gradient-top-left 0%, $color 71%, $gradient-bottom-right 100%)
+        +mobile
+          .navbar-menu
+            background-image: linear-gradient(141deg, $gradient-top-left 0%, $color 71%, $gradient-bottom-right 100%)
+  // Sizes
+  &.is-small
+    .hero-body
+      padding-bottom: 1.5rem
+      padding-top: 1.5rem
+  &.is-medium
+    +tablet
+      .hero-body
+        padding-bottom: 9rem
+        padding-top: 9rem
+  &.is-large
+    +tablet
+      .hero-body
+        padding-bottom: 18rem
+        padding-top: 18rem
+  &.is-halfheight,
+  &.is-fullheight,
+  &.is-fullheight-with-navbar
+    .hero-body
+      align-items: center
+      display: flex
+      & > .container
+        flex-grow: 1
+        flex-shrink: 1
+  &.is-halfheight
+    min-height: 50vh
+  &.is-fullheight
+    min-height: 100vh
+// Components
+  @extend %overlay
+  overflow: hidden
+  video
+    left: 50%
+    min-height: 100%
+    min-width: 100%
+    position: absolute
+    top: 50%
+    transform: translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0)
+  // Modifiers
+  &.is-transparent
+    opacity: 0.3
+  // Responsiveness
+  +mobile
+    display: none
+  margin-top: 1.5rem
+  // Responsiveness
+  +mobile
+    .button
+      display: flex
+      &:not(:last-child)
+        margin-bottom: 0.75rem
+  +tablet
+    display: flex
+    justify-content: center
+    .button:not(:last-child)
+      margin-right: 1.5rem
+// Containers
+  flex-grow: 0
+  flex-shrink: 0
+  flex-grow: 1
+  flex-shrink: 0
+  padding: 3rem 1.5rem

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+$section-padding: 3rem 1.5rem !default
+$section-padding-medium: 9rem 1.5rem !default
+$section-padding-large: 18rem 1.5rem !default
+  padding: $section-padding
+  // Responsiveness
+  +desktop
+    // Sizes
+    &.is-medium
+      padding: $section-padding-medium
+    &.is-large
+      padding: $section-padding-large

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+@charset "utf-8"
+@import "initial-variables.sass"
+@import "functions.sass"
+@import "derived-variables.sass"
+@import "animations.sass"
+@import "mixins.sass"
+@import "controls.sass"

+ 5 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+@keyframes spinAround
+  from
+    transform: rotate(0deg)
+  to
+    transform: rotate(359deg)

+ 50 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+$control-radius: $radius !default
+$control-radius-small: $radius-small !default
+$control-border-width: 1px !default
+$control-height: 2.25em !default
+$control-line-height: 1.5 !default
+$control-padding-vertical: calc(0.375em - #{$control-border-width}) !default
+$control-padding-horizontal: calc(0.625em - #{$control-border-width}) !default
+  -moz-appearance: none
+  -webkit-appearance: none
+  align-items: center
+  border: $control-border-width solid transparent
+  border-radius: $control-radius
+  box-shadow: none
+  display: inline-flex
+  font-size: $size-normal
+  height: $control-height
+  justify-content: flex-start
+  line-height: $control-line-height
+  padding-bottom: $control-padding-vertical
+  padding-left: $control-padding-horizontal
+  padding-right: $control-padding-horizontal
+  padding-top: $control-padding-vertical
+  position: relative
+  vertical-align: top
+  // States
+  &:focus,
+  &.is-focused,
+  &:active,
+  &.is-active
+    outline: none
+  &[disabled],
+  fieldset[disabled] &
+    cursor: not-allowed
+  +control
+// The controls sizes use mixins so they can be used at different breakpoints
+  border-radius: $control-radius-small
+  font-size: $size-small
+  font-size: $size-medium
+  font-size: $size-large

+ 85 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+$primary: $turquoise !default
+$info: $cyan !default
+$success: $green !default
+$warning: $yellow !default
+$danger: $red !default
+$light: $white-ter !default
+$dark: $grey-darker !default
+// Invert colors
+$orange-invert: findColorInvert($orange) !default
+$yellow-invert: findColorInvert($yellow) !default
+$green-invert: findColorInvert($green) !default
+$turquoise-invert: findColorInvert($turquoise) !default
+$cyan-invert: findColorInvert($cyan) !default
+$blue-invert: findColorInvert($blue) !default
+$purple-invert: findColorInvert($purple) !default
+$red-invert: findColorInvert($red) !default
+$primary-invert: $turquoise-invert !default
+$info-invert: $cyan-invert !default
+$success-invert: $green-invert !default
+$warning-invert: $yellow-invert !default
+$danger-invert: $red-invert !default
+$light-invert: $dark !default
+$dark-invert: $light !default
+// General colors
+$background: $white-ter !default
+$border: $grey-lighter !default
+$border-hover: $grey-light !default
+// Text colors
+$text: $grey-dark !default
+$text-invert: findColorInvert($text) !default
+$text-light: $grey !default
+$text-strong: $grey-darker !default
+// Code colors
+$code: $red !default
+$code-background: $background !default
+$pre: $text !default
+$pre-background: $background !default
+// Link colors
+$link: $blue !default
+$link-invert: $blue-invert !default
+$link-visited: $purple !default
+$link-hover: $grey-darker !default
+$link-hover-border: $grey-light !default
+$link-focus: $grey-darker !default
+$link-focus-border: $blue !default
+$link-active: $grey-darker !default
+$link-active-border: $grey-dark !default
+// Typography
+$family-primary: $family-sans-serif !default
+$family-secondary: $family-sans-serif !default
+$family-code: $family-monospace !default
+$size-small: $size-7 !default
+$size-normal: $size-6 !default
+$size-medium: $size-5 !default
+$size-large: $size-4 !default
+// Lists and maps
+$custom-colors: null !default
+$custom-shades: null !default
+$colors: mergeColorMaps(("white": ($white, $black), "black": ($black, $white), "light": ($light, $light-invert), "dark": ($dark, $dark-invert), "primary": ($primary, $primary-invert), "link": ($link, $link-invert), "info": ($info, $info-invert), "success": ($success, $success-invert), "warning": ($warning, $warning-invert), "danger": ($danger, $danger-invert)), $custom-colors) !default
+$shades: mergeColorMaps(("black-bis": $black-bis, "black-ter": $black-ter, "grey-darker": $grey-darker, "grey-dark": $grey-dark, "grey": $grey, "grey-light": $grey-light, "grey-lighter": $grey-lighter, "white-ter": $white-ter, "white-bis": $white-bis), $custom-shades) !default
+$sizes: $size-1 $size-2 $size-3 $size-4 $size-5 $size-6 $size-7 !default

+ 62 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+@function mergeColorMaps($bulma-colors, $custom-colors)
+  // we return at least bulma hardcoded colors
+  $merged-colors: $bulma-colors
+  // we want a map as input
+  @if type-of($custom-colors) == 'map'
+    @each $name, $components in $custom-colors
+      // color name should be a string and colors pair a list with at least one element
+      @if type-of($name) == 'string' and (type-of($components) == 'list' or type-of($components) == 'color') and length($components) >= 1
+        $color-base: null
+        // the param can either be a single color
+        // or a list of 2 colors
+        @if type-of($components) == 'color'
+          $color-base: $components
+        @else if type-of($components) == 'list'
+          $color-base: nth($components, 1)
+        $color-invert: null
+        // is an inverted color provided in the list
+        @if length($components) > 1
+          $color-invert: nth($components, 2)
+        // we only want a color as base color
+        @if type-of($color-base) == 'color'
+          // if inverted color is not provided or is not a color we compute it
+          @if type-of($color-invert) != 'color'
+            $color-invert: findColorInvert($color-base)
+          // we merge this colors elements as map with bulma colors (we can override them this way, no multiple definition for the same name)
+          $merged-colors: map_merge($merged-colors, ($name: ($color-base, $color-invert)))
+  @return $merged-colors
+@function powerNumber($number, $exp)
+  $value: 1
+  @if $exp > 0
+    @for $i from 1 through $exp
+      $value: $value * $number
+  @else if $exp < 0
+    @for $i from 1 through -$exp
+      $value: $value / $number
+  @return $value
+@function colorLuminance($color)
+  $color-rgb: ('red': red($color),'green': green($color),'blue': blue($color))
+  @each $name, $value in $color-rgb
+    $adjusted: 0
+    $value: $value / 255
+    @if $value < 0.03928
+      $value: $value / 12.92
+    @else
+      $value: ($value + .055) / 1.055
+      $value: powerNumber($value, 2)
+    $color-rgb: map-merge($color-rgb, ($name: $value))
+  @return (map-get($color-rgb, 'red') * .2126) + (map-get($color-rgb, 'green') * .7152) + (map-get($color-rgb, 'blue') * .0722)
+@function findColorInvert($color)
+  @if (colorLuminance($color) > 0.55)
+    @return rgba(#000, 0.7)
+  @else
+    @return #fff

+ 76 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// Colors
+$black:        hsl(0, 0%, 4%) !default
+$black-bis:    hsl(0, 0%, 7%) !default
+$black-ter:    hsl(0, 0%, 14%) !default
+$grey-darker:  hsl(0, 0%, 21%) !default
+$grey-dark:    hsl(0, 0%, 29%) !default
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+$grey-light:   hsl(0, 0%, 71%) !default
+$grey-lighter: hsl(0, 0%, 86%) !default
+$white-ter:    hsl(0, 0%, 96%) !default
+$white-bis:    hsl(0, 0%, 98%) !default
+$white:        hsl(0, 0%, 100%) !default
+$orange:       hsl(14,  100%, 53%) !default
+$yellow:       hsl(48,  100%, 67%) !default
+$green:        hsl(141, 71%,  48%) !default
+$turquoise:    hsl(171, 100%, 41%) !default
+$cyan:         hsl(204, 86%,  53%) !default
+$blue:         hsl(217, 71%,  53%) !default
+$purple:       hsl(271, 100%, 71%) !default
+$red:          hsl(348, 100%, 61%) !default
+// Typography
+$family-sans-serif: BlinkMacSystemFont, -apple-system, "Segoe UI", "Roboto", "Oxygen", "Ubuntu", "Cantarell", "Fira Sans", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif !default
+$family-monospace: monospace !default
+$render-mode: optimizeLegibility !default
+$size-1: 3rem !default
+$size-2: 2.5rem !default
+$size-3: 2rem !default
+$size-4: 1.5rem !default
+$size-5: 1.25rem !default
+$size-6: 1rem !default
+$size-7: 0.75rem !default
+$weight-light: 300 !default
+$weight-normal: 400 !default
+$weight-medium: 500 !default
+$weight-semibold: 600 !default
+$weight-bold: 700 !default
+// Spacing
+$block-spacing: 1.5rem !default
+// Responsiveness
+// The container horizontal gap, which acts as the offset for breakpoints
+$gap: 32px !default
+// 960, 1152, and 1344 have been chosen because they are divisible by both 12 and 16
+$tablet: 769px !default
+// 960px container + 4rem
+$desktop: 960px + (2 * $gap) !default
+// 1152px container + 4rem
+$widescreen: 1152px + (2 * $gap) !default
+$widescreen-enabled: true !default
+// 1344px container + 4rem
+$fullhd: 1344px + (2 * $gap) !default
+$fullhd-enabled: true !default
+// Miscellaneous
+$easing: ease-out !default
+$radius-small: 2px !default
+$radius: 4px !default
+$radius-large: 6px !default
+$radius-rounded: 290486px !default
+$speed: 86ms !default
+// Flags
+$variable-columns: true !default

+ 261 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+@import "initial-variables"
+  &::after
+    clear: both
+    content: " "
+    display: table
+=center($width, $height: 0)
+  position: absolute
+  @if $height != 0
+    left: calc(50% - (#{$width} / 2))
+    top: calc(50% - (#{$height} / 2))
+  @else
+    left: calc(50% - (#{$width} / 2))
+    top: calc(50% - (#{$width} / 2))
+=fa($size, $dimensions)
+  display: inline-block
+  font-size: $size
+  height: $dimensions
+  line-height: $dimensions
+  text-align: center
+  vertical-align: top
+  width: $dimensions
+  cursor: pointer
+  display: block
+  height: $dimensions
+  position: relative
+  width: $dimensions
+  span
+    background-color: currentColor
+    display: block
+    height: 1px
+    left: calc(50% - 8px)
+    position: absolute
+    transform-origin: center
+    transition-duration: $speed
+    transition-property: background-color, opacity, transform
+    transition-timing-function: $easing
+    width: 16px
+    &:nth-child(1)
+      top: calc(50% - 6px)
+    &:nth-child(2)
+      top: calc(50% - 1px)
+    &:nth-child(3)
+      top: calc(50% + 4px)
+  &:hover
+    background-color: rgba(black, 0.05)
+  // Modifers
+  &.is-active
+    span
+      &:nth-child(1)
+        transform: translateY(5px) rotate(45deg)
+      &:nth-child(2)
+        opacity: 0
+      &:nth-child(3)
+        transform: translateY(-5px) rotate(-45deg)
+  -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch
+  $placeholders: ':-moz' ':-webkit-input' '-moz' '-ms-input'
+  @each $placeholder in $placeholders
+    &:#{$placeholder}-placeholder
+      @content
+// Responsiveness
+  @media screen and (min-width: $device)
+    @content
+  @media screen and (max-width: $device - 1px)
+    @content
+  @media screen and (max-width: $tablet - 1px)
+    @content
+  @media screen and (min-width: $tablet), print
+    @content
+  @media screen and (min-width: $tablet) and (max-width: $desktop - 1px)
+    @content
+  @media screen and (max-width: $desktop - 1px)
+    @content
+  @media screen and (min-width: $desktop)
+    @content
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+    @media screen and (min-width: $desktop) and (max-width: $widescreen - 1px)
+      @content
+  @if $widescreen-enabled
+    @media screen and (max-width: $widescreen - 1px)
+      @content
+  @if $widescreen-enabled
+    @media screen and (min-width: $widescreen)
+      @content
+  @if $widescreen-enabled and $fullhd-enabled
+    @media screen and (min-width: $widescreen) and (max-width: $fullhd - 1px)
+      @content
+  @if $fullhd-enabled
+    @media screen and (max-width: $fullhd - 1px)
+      @content
+  @if $fullhd-enabled
+    @media screen and (min-width: $fullhd)
+      @content
+// Placeholders
+  -webkit-touch-callout: none
+  -webkit-user-select: none
+  -moz-user-select: none
+  -ms-user-select: none
+  user-select: none
+  +unselectable
+=arrow($color: transparent)
+  border: 3px solid $color
+  border-radius: 2px
+  border-right: 0
+  border-top: 0
+  content: " "
+  display: block
+  height: 0.625em
+  margin-top: -0.4375em
+  pointer-events: none
+  position: absolute
+  top: 50%
+  transform: rotate(-45deg)
+  transform-origin: center
+  width: 0.625em
+  +arrow
+=block($spacing: $block-spacing)
+  &:not(:last-child)
+    margin-bottom: $spacing
+  +block
+  @extend %unselectable
+  -moz-appearance: none
+  -webkit-appearance: none
+  background-color: rgba($black, 0.2)
+  border: none
+  border-radius: $radius-rounded
+  cursor: pointer
+  pointer-events: auto
+  display: inline-block
+  flex-grow: 0
+  flex-shrink: 0
+  font-size: 0
+  height: 20px
+  max-height: 20px
+  max-width: 20px
+  min-height: 20px
+  min-width: 20px
+  outline: none
+  position: relative
+  vertical-align: top
+  width: 20px
+  &::before,
+  &::after
+    background-color: $white
+    content: ""
+    display: block
+    left: 50%
+    position: absolute
+    top: 50%
+    transform: translateX(-50%) translateY(-50%) rotate(45deg)
+    transform-origin: center center
+  &::before
+    height: 2px
+    width: 50%
+  &::after
+    height: 50%
+    width: 2px
+  &:hover,
+  &:focus
+    background-color: rgba($black, 0.3)
+  &:active
+    background-color: rgba($black, 0.4)
+  // Sizes
+  &.is-small
+    height: 16px
+    max-height: 16px
+    max-width: 16px
+    min-height: 16px
+    min-width: 16px
+    width: 16px
+  &.is-medium
+    height: 24px
+    max-height: 24px
+    max-width: 24px
+    min-height: 24px
+    min-width: 24px
+    width: 24px
+  &.is-large
+    height: 32px
+    max-height: 32px
+    max-width: 32px
+    min-height: 32px
+    min-width: 32px
+    width: 32px
+  +delete
+  animation: spinAround 500ms infinite linear
+  border: 2px solid $grey-lighter
+  border-radius: $radius-rounded
+  border-right-color: transparent
+  border-top-color: transparent
+  content: ""
+  display: block
+  height: 1em
+  position: relative
+  width: 1em
+  +loader
+=overlay($offset: 0)
+  bottom: $offset
+  left: $offset
+  position: absolute
+  right: $offset
+  top: $offset
+  +overlay

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+module.exports = {
+	presets: [
+		[
+			'@babel/preset-env',
+			{
+				modules: process.env.BABEL_MODULES ? false : 'umd',
+			}
+		],
+	],
+	plugins: [
+		'@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import'
+	]

+ 14 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# editorconfig.org
+root = true
+end_of_line = lf
+charset = utf-8
+trim_trailing_whitespace = true
+insert_final_newline = true
+indent_style = tab
+indent_size = 4
+indent_style = space
+indent_size = 2

+ 24 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+  "env": {
+    "browser": true,
+    "node": true,
+    "mocha": true,
+    "es6": true
+  },
+  "extends": "eslint:recommended",
+  "parser": "babel-eslint",
+  "parserOptions": {
+    "ecmaVersion": 2018,
+    "sourceType": "module"
+  },
+  "rules": {
+    "eqeqeq": 2,
+    "indent": ["error", "tab"],
+    "no-var": 2,
+    "prefer-const": 2,
+    "no-unused-vars": [2, {"vars": "all", "args": "none", "varsIgnorePattern": "[iI]gnored"}],
+	"no-alert": 2,
+	"no-trailing-spaces": 2,
+	"radix": 2
+  }

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+package-lock.json binary

+ 29 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+language: node_js
+  - basic
+  - modules
+  include:
+    - os: linux
+      node_js: "10"
+      env: JOB_PART=test
+      stage: basic
+    - os: linux
+      node_js: "8"
+      env: JOB_PART=test
+      stage: basic
+    - os: linux
+      node_js: "6"
+      env: JOB_PART=test
+      stage: basic
+    - os: linux
+      node_js: "10"
+      env: JOB_PART=test-modules
+      stage: modules
+  fast_finish: true
+sudo: false
+script: npm run $JOB_PART
+after_script: npm run coverage

+ 131 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+- another issue https://github.com/ivanakimov/hashids.js/issues/56
+**1.2.1** (do not use):
+- fixes a bug issue https://github.com/ivanakimov/hashids.js/issues/54
+**1.2.0** (do not use):
+- drop unsupported node versions (6 and above is still supported)
+- drop support for browsers with global market share < 0.5%
+- upgrade to babel 7 and update other `devDependencies`
+- expose both as a default and a commonjs export (fixes TypeScript typings)
+- add support for `.mjs`
+- `package.json` updates
+- `.gitattributes` marks `package-lock.json` as binary
+- path of the source file changed from `dist/hashids.min.map` to `dist/hashids.min.js.map`
+- minor regex cleanup
+- precommit hook to run lint and test
+- looks like some bad input could generate negative numbers, which when passed to `_encode` would crash because it can't handle those <https://github.com/ivanakimov/hashids.js/issues/34>
+*NOTE:* do not use `1.1.3`, it wasn't re-built
+- fixed issue with sourceMappingURL in hashids.min.js ([PR #38](https://github.com/ivanakimov/hashids.js/pull/38))
+- added `package-lock.json`
+- Enforce stricter integer parsing on encode function ([PR #24](https://github.com/ivanakimov/hashids.js/pull/24))
+- Moved source from `hashids.js` to `lib/hashids.js`
+- Minor `README.md` cleanup
+- ES6 source; ES5 dist
+- UMD support ([Node.js repo](https://github.com/ivanakimov/hashids.node.js) is merging into this one)
+- Added Eslint (npm run lint)
+- Added Mocha (npm run test)
+- Added Coveralls (npm run coverage)
+- Added build script (npm run build)
+- Moved CHANGELOG out of `README.md`
+- `README.md` completely updated
+- `examples/` folder removed; all examples are now in the README
+- [Bug fix](https://github.com/ivanakimov/hashids.node.js/issues/26): escaping regex
+- Improvement: relaxed parameter checks to `encode()`. All of these are allowed:
+	```javascript
+	var hashids = new Hashids();
+	hashids.encode(1, 2, 3); // o2fXhV
+	hashids.encode([1, 2, 3]); // o2fXhV
+	hashids.encode('1', '2', '3'); // o2fXhV
+	hashids.encode(['1', '2', '3']); // o2fXhV
+	```
+- Support for older browsers (using `charAt`) by [@tauanz](https://github.com/tauanz): <https://github.com/ivanakimov/hashids.js/pull/15>
+- *require.js* support by [@nleclerc](https://github.com/nleclerc): <https://github.com/ivanakimov/hashids.js/pull/12>
+- Several public functions are renamed to be more appropriate:
+	- Function `encrypt()` changed to `encode()`
+	- Function `decrypt()` changed to `decode()`
+	- Function `encryptHex()` changed to `encodeHex()`
+	- Function `decryptHex()` changed to `decodeHex()`
+	Hashids was designed to encode integers, primary ids at most. We've had several requests to encrypt sensitive data with Hashids and this is the wrong algorithm for that. So to encourage more appropriate use, `encrypt/decrypt` is being "downgraded" to `encode/decode`.
+- Version tag added: `1.0`
+- `README.md` updated
+- Same algorithm as [PHP](https://github.com/ivanakimov/hashids.php) and [Node.js](https://github.com/ivanakimov/hashids.node.js) versions now
+- Overall approximately **4x** faster
+- Consistent shuffle function uses slightly modified version of [Fisher–Yates algorithm](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle#The_modern_algorithm)
+- Generate large hash strings faster (where _minHashLength_ is more than 1000 chars)
+- When using _minHashLength_, hash character disorder has been improved
+- Basic English curse words will now be avoided even with custom alphabet
+- _encrypt_ function now also accepts array of integers as input
+- Passing JSLint now
+- Support for [Bower](http://bower.io/) package manager
+- Global var leak for hashSplit (thanks to [@BryanDonovan](https://github.com/BryanDonovan))
+- Class capitalization (thanks to [@BryanDonovan](https://github.com/BryanDonovan))
+	Warning: If you are using 0.1.2 or below, updating to this version will change your hashes.
+- Updated default alphabet (thanks to [@speps](https://github.com/speps))
+- Constructor removes duplicate characters for default alphabet as well (thanks to [@speps](https://github.com/speps))
+	Warning: If you are using 0.1.1 or below, updating to this version will change your hashes.
+- Minimum hash length can now be specified
+- Added more randomness to hashes
+- Added unit tests
+- Added example files
+- Changed warnings that can be thrown
+- Renamed `encode/decode` to `encrypt/decrypt`
+- Consistent shuffle does not depend on md5 anymore
+- Speed improvements
+- Speed improvements
+- Bug fixes
+- First commit

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2012-2016 Ivan Akimov
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

+ 189 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+[![hashids](http://hashids.org/public/img/hashids.gif "Hashids")](http://hashids.org/)
+[![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url]
+[![Coveralls Status][coveralls-image]][coveralls-url]
+[![NPM downloads][npm-downloads-image]][npm-url]
+[![NPM version][npm-version-image]][npm-url]
+**Hashids** is small JavaScript library to generate YouTube-like ids from numbers. Use it when you don't want to expose your database ids to the user: [http://hashids.org/javascript](http://hashids.org/javascript)
+Getting started
+Install Hashids via:
+- [node.js](https://nodejs.org): `npm install --save hashids`
+- [bower](http://bower.io/): `bower install hashids`
+- [jam](http://jamjs.org/): `jam install hashids`
+(or just use the code at `dist/hashids.js`)
+Use in the browser (wherever ES5 is supported; 5KB):
+<script type="text/javascript" src="hashids.min.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+    var hashids = new Hashids();
+    console.log(hashids.encode(1));
+Use in Node.js:
+var Hashids = require('hashids');
+var hashids = new Hashids();
+Quick example
+var hashids = new Hashids();
+var id = hashids.encode(1, 2, 3); // o2fXhV
+var numbers = hashids.decode(id); // [1, 2, 3]
+More options
+**A few more ways to pass to `encode()`:**
+var hashids = new Hashids();
+console.log(hashids.encode(1, 2, 3)); // o2fXhV
+console.log(hashids.encode([1, 2, 3])); // o2fXhV
+console.log(hashids.encode('1', '2', '3')); // o2fXhV
+console.log(hashids.encode(['1', '2', '3'])); // o2fXhV
+**Make your ids unique:**
+Pass a project name to make your ids unique:
+var hashids = new Hashids('My Project');
+console.log(hashids.encode(1, 2, 3)); // Z4UrtW
+var hashids = new Hashids('My Other Project');
+console.log(hashids.encode(1, 2, 3)); // gPUasb
+**Use padding to make your ids longer:**
+Note that ids are only padded to fit **at least** a certain length. It doesn't mean that your ids will be *exactly* that length.
+var hashids = new Hashids(); // no padding
+console.log(hashids.encode(1)); // jR
+var hashids = new Hashids('', 10); // pad to length 10
+console.log(hashids.encode(1)); // VolejRejNm
+**Pass a custom alphabet:**
+var hashids = new Hashids('', 0, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'); // all lowercase
+console.log(hashids.encode(1, 2, 3)); // mdfphx
+Default alphabet is `abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890`.
+**Encode hex instead of numbers:**
+Useful if you want to encode [Mongo](https://www.mongodb.com/)'s ObjectIds. Note that *there is no limit* on how large of a hex number you can pass (it does not have to be Mongo's ObjectId).
+var hashids = new Hashids();
+var id = hashids.encodeHex('507f1f77bcf86cd799439011'); // y42LW46J9luq3Xq9XMly
+var hex = hashids.decodeHex(id); // 507f1f77bcf86cd799439011
+1. When decoding, output is always an array of numbers (even if you encode only one number):
+	```javascript
+	var hashids = new Hashids();
+	var id = hashids.encode(1);
+	console.log(hashids.decode(id)); // [1]
+	```
+2. Encoding negative numbers is not supported.
+3. If you pass bogus input to `encode()`, an empty string will be returned:
+	```javascript
+	var hashids = new Hashids();
+	var id = hashids.encode('123a');
+	console.log(id === ''); // true
+	```
+4. Do not use this library as a security tool and do not encode sensitive data. This is **not** an encryption library.
+The primary purpose of Hashids is to obfuscate ids. It's not meant or tested to be used as a security or compression tool. Having said that, this algorithm does try to make these ids random and unpredictable:
+No repeating patterns showing there are 3 identical numbers in the id:
+var hashids = new Hashids();
+console.log(hashids.encode(5, 5, 5)); // A6t1tQ
+Same with incremented numbers:
+var hashids = new Hashids();
+console.log(hashids.encode(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)); // wpfLh9iwsqt0uyCEFjHM
+console.log(hashids.encode(1)); // jR
+console.log(hashids.encode(2)); // k5
+console.log(hashids.encode(3)); // l5
+console.log(hashids.encode(4)); // mO
+console.log(hashids.encode(5)); // nR
+Curses! #$%@
+This code was written with the intent of placing created ids in visible places, like the URL. Therefore, the algorithm tries to avoid generating most common English curse words by generating ids that never have the following letters next to each other:
+	c, f, h, i, s, t, u
+MIT License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file. You can use Hashids in open source projects and commercial products. Don't break the Internet. Kthxbye.
+[travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/ivanakimov/hashids.js
+[travis-image]: https://travis-ci.org/ivanakimov/hashids.js.svg
+[coveralls-url]: https://coveralls.io/github/ivanakimov/hashids.js
+[coveralls-image]: https://coveralls.io/repos/github/ivanakimov/hashids.js/badge.svg
+[npm-downloads-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/hashids.svg?style=flat-square
+[npm-version-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/hashids.svg
+[npm-url]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/hashids
+[license-url]: https://github.com/ivanakimov/hashids.js/blob/master/LICENSE
+[license-image]: https://img.shields.io/packagist/l/hashids/hashids.svg?style=flat
+[chat-url]: https://gitter.im/hashids/hashids?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge
+[chat-image]: https://badges.gitter.im/Join%20Chat.svg

+ 17 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+  "name": "hashids",
+  "description": "Generate YouTube-like ids from numbers. Use Hashids when you do not want to expose your database ids to the user.",
+  "main": "dist/hashids.js",
+  "homepage": "https://github.com/ivanakimov/hashids.js",
+  "license": "MIT",
+  "authors": [
+    "Ivan Akimov <ivan@barreleye.com> (https://twitter.com/IvanAkimov)"
+  ],
+  "ignore": [
+    "**/.*",
+    "node_modules",
+    "bower_components",
+    "tests",
+    "package.json"
+  ]

+ 318 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
+function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
+function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
+var Hashids =
+function () {
+  function Hashids() {
+    var salt = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : '';
+    var minLength = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;
+    var alphabet = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890';
+    _classCallCheck(this, Hashids);
+    var minAlphabetLength = 16;
+    var sepDiv = 3.5;
+    var guardDiv = 12;
+    var errorAlphabetLength = 'error: alphabet must contain at least X unique characters';
+    var errorAlphabetSpace = 'error: alphabet cannot contain spaces';
+    var uniqueAlphabet = '',
+        sepsLength,
+        diff;
+    /* funcs */
+    this.escapeRegExp = function (s) {
+      return s.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&');
+    };
+    this.parseInt = function (v, radix) {
+      return /^(-|\+)?([0-9]+|Infinity)$/.test(v) ? parseInt(v, radix) : NaN;
+    };
+    /* alphabet vars */
+    this.seps = 'cfhistuCFHISTU';
+    this.minLength = parseInt(minLength, 10) > 0 ? minLength : 0;
+    this.salt = typeof salt === 'string' ? salt : '';
+    if (typeof alphabet === 'string') {
+      this.alphabet = alphabet;
+    }
+    for (var i = 0; i !== this.alphabet.length; i++) {
+      if (uniqueAlphabet.indexOf(this.alphabet.charAt(i)) === -1) {
+        uniqueAlphabet += this.alphabet.charAt(i);
+      }
+    }
+    this.alphabet = uniqueAlphabet;
+    if (this.alphabet.length < minAlphabetLength) {
+      throw errorAlphabetLength.replace('X', minAlphabetLength);
+    }
+    if (this.alphabet.search(' ') !== -1) {
+      throw errorAlphabetSpace;
+    }
+    /*
+    	`this.seps` should contain only characters present in `this.alphabet`
+    	`this.alphabet` should not contains `this.seps`
+    */
+    for (var _i = 0; _i !== this.seps.length; _i++) {
+      var j = this.alphabet.indexOf(this.seps.charAt(_i));
+      if (j === -1) {
+        this.seps = this.seps.substr(0, _i) + ' ' + this.seps.substr(_i + 1);
+      } else {
+        this.alphabet = this.alphabet.substr(0, j) + ' ' + this.alphabet.substr(j + 1);
+      }
+    }
+    this.alphabet = this.alphabet.replace(/ /g, '');
+    this.seps = this.seps.replace(/ /g, '');
+    this.seps = this._shuffle(this.seps, this.salt);
+    if (!this.seps.length || this.alphabet.length / this.seps.length > sepDiv) {
+      sepsLength = Math.ceil(this.alphabet.length / sepDiv);
+      if (sepsLength > this.seps.length) {
+        diff = sepsLength - this.seps.length;
+        this.seps += this.alphabet.substr(0, diff);
+        this.alphabet = this.alphabet.substr(diff);
+      }
+    }
+    this.alphabet = this._shuffle(this.alphabet, this.salt);
+    var guardCount = Math.ceil(this.alphabet.length / guardDiv);
+    if (this.alphabet.length < 3) {
+      this.guards = this.seps.substr(0, guardCount);
+      this.seps = this.seps.substr(guardCount);
+    } else {
+      this.guards = this.alphabet.substr(0, guardCount);
+      this.alphabet = this.alphabet.substr(guardCount);
+    }
+  }
+  _createClass(Hashids, [{
+    key: "encode",
+    value: function encode() {
+      for (var _len = arguments.length, numbers = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
+        numbers[_key] = arguments[_key];
+      }
+      var ret = '';
+      if (!numbers.length) {
+        return ret;
+      }
+      if (numbers[0] && numbers[0].constructor === Array) {
+        numbers = numbers[0];
+        if (!numbers.length) {
+          return ret;
+        }
+      }
+      for (var i = 0; i !== numbers.length; i++) {
+        numbers[i] = this.parseInt(numbers[i], 10);
+        if (numbers[i] >= 0) {
+          continue;
+        } else {
+          return ret;
+        }
+      }
+      return this._encode(numbers);
+    }
+  }, {
+    key: "decode",
+    value: function decode(id) {
+      var ret = [];
+      if (!id || !id.length || typeof id !== 'string') {
+        return ret;
+      }
+      return this._decode(id, this.alphabet);
+    }
+  }, {
+    key: "encodeHex",
+    value: function encodeHex(hex) {
+      hex = hex.toString();
+      if (!/^[0-9a-fA-F]+$/.test(hex)) {
+        return '';
+      }
+      var numbers = hex.match(/[\w\W]{1,12}/g);
+      for (var i = 0; i !== numbers.length; i++) {
+        numbers[i] = parseInt('1' + numbers[i], 16);
+      }
+      return this.encode.apply(this, numbers);
+    }
+  }, {
+    key: "decodeHex",
+    value: function decodeHex(id) {
+      var ret = [];
+      var numbers = this.decode(id);
+      for (var i = 0; i !== numbers.length; i++) {
+        ret += numbers[i].toString(16).substr(1);
+      }
+      return ret;
+    }
+  }, {
+    key: "_encode",
+    value: function _encode(numbers) {
+      var ret,
+          alphabet = this.alphabet,
+          numbersIdInt = 0;
+      for (var i = 0; i !== numbers.length; i++) {
+        numbersIdInt += numbers[i] % (i + 100);
+      }
+      ret = alphabet.charAt(numbersIdInt % alphabet.length);
+      var lottery = ret;
+      for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 !== numbers.length; _i2++) {
+        var number = numbers[_i2];
+        var buffer = lottery + this.salt + alphabet;
+        alphabet = this._shuffle(alphabet, buffer.substr(0, alphabet.length));
+        var last = this._toAlphabet(number, alphabet);
+        ret += last;
+        if (_i2 + 1 < numbers.length) {
+          number %= last.charCodeAt(0) + _i2;
+          var sepsIndex = number % this.seps.length;
+          ret += this.seps.charAt(sepsIndex);
+        }
+      }
+      if (ret.length < this.minLength) {
+        var guardIndex = (numbersIdInt + ret[0].charCodeAt(0)) % this.guards.length;
+        var guard = this.guards[guardIndex];
+        ret = guard + ret;
+        if (ret.length < this.minLength) {
+          guardIndex = (numbersIdInt + ret[2].charCodeAt(0)) % this.guards.length;
+          guard = this.guards[guardIndex];
+          ret += guard;
+        }
+      }
+      var halfLength = parseInt(alphabet.length / 2, 10);
+      while (ret.length < this.minLength) {
+        alphabet = this._shuffle(alphabet, alphabet);
+        ret = alphabet.substr(halfLength) + ret + alphabet.substr(0, halfLength);
+        var excess = ret.length - this.minLength;
+        if (excess > 0) {
+          ret = ret.substr(excess / 2, this.minLength);
+        }
+      }
+      return ret;
+    }
+  }, {
+    key: "_decode",
+    value: function _decode(id, alphabet) {
+      var ret = [],
+          i = 0,
+          r = new RegExp("[".concat(this.escapeRegExp(this.guards), "]"), 'g'),
+          idBreakdown = id.replace(r, ' '),
+          idArray = idBreakdown.split(' ');
+      if (idArray.length === 3 || idArray.length === 2) {
+        i = 1;
+      }
+      idBreakdown = idArray[i];
+      if (typeof idBreakdown[0] !== 'undefined') {
+        var lottery = idBreakdown[0];
+        idBreakdown = idBreakdown.substr(1);
+        r = new RegExp("[".concat(this.escapeRegExp(this.seps), "]"), 'g');
+        idBreakdown = idBreakdown.replace(r, ' ');
+        idArray = idBreakdown.split(' ');
+        for (var j = 0; j !== idArray.length; j++) {
+          var subId = idArray[j];
+          var buffer = lottery + this.salt + alphabet;
+          alphabet = this._shuffle(alphabet, buffer.substr(0, alphabet.length));
+          ret.push(this._fromAlphabet(subId, alphabet));
+        }
+        if (this.encode(ret) !== id) {
+          ret = [];
+        }
+      }
+      return ret;
+    }
+  }, {
+    key: "_shuffle",
+    value: function _shuffle(alphabet, salt) {
+      var integer;
+      if (!salt.length) {
+        return alphabet;
+      }
+      alphabet = alphabet.split("");
+      for (var i = alphabet.length - 1, v = 0, p = 0, j = 0; i > 0; i--, v++) {
+        v %= salt.length;
+        p += integer = salt.charCodeAt(v);
+        j = (integer + v + p) % i;
+        var tmp = alphabet[j];
+        alphabet[j] = alphabet[i];
+        alphabet[i] = tmp;
+      }
+      alphabet = alphabet.join("");
+      return alphabet;
+    }
+  }, {
+    key: "_toAlphabet",
+    value: function _toAlphabet(input, alphabet) {
+      var id = '';
+      do {
+        id = alphabet.charAt(input % alphabet.length) + id;
+        input = parseInt(input / alphabet.length, 10);
+      } while (input);
+      return id;
+    }
+  }, {
+    key: "_fromAlphabet",
+    value: function _fromAlphabet(input, alphabet) {
+      return input.split("").map(function (item) {
+        return alphabet.indexOf(item);
+      }).reduce(function (carry, item) {
+        return carry * alphabet.length + item;
+      }, 0);
+    }
+  }]);
+  return Hashids;
+export { Hashids as default };
+//# sourceMappingURL=hashids.mjs.map

+ 6 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+"use strict";
+// this file here is for backwards compatibility with an earlier CommonJS version
+const Hashids = require("./index").default;
+Object.defineProperty(Hashids, "__esModule", {value: true});
+module.exports = Hashids;
+Hashids.default = module.exports;

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

+ 318 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
+function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
+function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
+var Hashids =
+function () {
+  function Hashids() {
+    var salt = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : '';
+    var minLength = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;
+    var alphabet = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890';
+    _classCallCheck(this, Hashids);
+    var minAlphabetLength = 16;
+    var sepDiv = 3.5;
+    var guardDiv = 12;
+    var errorAlphabetLength = 'error: alphabet must contain at least X unique characters';
+    var errorAlphabetSpace = 'error: alphabet cannot contain spaces';
+    var uniqueAlphabet = '',
+        sepsLength,
+        diff;
+    /* funcs */
+    this.escapeRegExp = function (s) {
+      return s.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&');
+    };
+    this.parseInt = function (v, radix) {
+      return /^(-|\+)?([0-9]+|Infinity)$/.test(v) ? parseInt(v, radix) : NaN;
+    };
+    /* alphabet vars */
+    this.seps = 'cfhistuCFHISTU';
+    this.minLength = parseInt(minLength, 10) > 0 ? minLength : 0;
+    this.salt = typeof salt === 'string' ? salt : '';
+    if (typeof alphabet === 'string') {
+      this.alphabet = alphabet;
+    }
+    for (var i = 0; i !== this.alphabet.length; i++) {
+      if (uniqueAlphabet.indexOf(this.alphabet.charAt(i)) === -1) {
+        uniqueAlphabet += this.alphabet.charAt(i);
+      }
+    }
+    this.alphabet = uniqueAlphabet;
+    if (this.alphabet.length < minAlphabetLength) {
+      throw errorAlphabetLength.replace('X', minAlphabetLength);
+    }
+    if (this.alphabet.search(' ') !== -1) {
+      throw errorAlphabetSpace;
+    }
+    /*
+    	`this.seps` should contain only characters present in `this.alphabet`
+    	`this.alphabet` should not contains `this.seps`
+    */
+    for (var _i = 0; _i !== this.seps.length; _i++) {
+      var j = this.alphabet.indexOf(this.seps.charAt(_i));
+      if (j === -1) {
+        this.seps = this.seps.substr(0, _i) + ' ' + this.seps.substr(_i + 1);
+      } else {
+        this.alphabet = this.alphabet.substr(0, j) + ' ' + this.alphabet.substr(j + 1);
+      }
+    }
+    this.alphabet = this.alphabet.replace(/ /g, '');
+    this.seps = this.seps.replace(/ /g, '');
+    this.seps = this._shuffle(this.seps, this.salt);
+    if (!this.seps.length || this.alphabet.length / this.seps.length > sepDiv) {
+      sepsLength = Math.ceil(this.alphabet.length / sepDiv);
+      if (sepsLength > this.seps.length) {
+        diff = sepsLength - this.seps.length;
+        this.seps += this.alphabet.substr(0, diff);
+        this.alphabet = this.alphabet.substr(diff);
+      }
+    }
+    this.alphabet = this._shuffle(this.alphabet, this.salt);
+    var guardCount = Math.ceil(this.alphabet.length / guardDiv);
+    if (this.alphabet.length < 3) {
+      this.guards = this.seps.substr(0, guardCount);
+      this.seps = this.seps.substr(guardCount);
+    } else {
+      this.guards = this.alphabet.substr(0, guardCount);
+      this.alphabet = this.alphabet.substr(guardCount);
+    }
+  }
+  _createClass(Hashids, [{
+    key: "encode",
+    value: function encode() {
+      for (var _len = arguments.length, numbers = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
+        numbers[_key] = arguments[_key];
+      }
+      var ret = '';
+      if (!numbers.length) {
+        return ret;
+      }
+      if (numbers[0] && numbers[0].constructor === Array) {
+        numbers = numbers[0];
+        if (!numbers.length) {
+          return ret;
+        }
+      }
+      for (var i = 0; i !== numbers.length; i++) {
+        numbers[i] = this.parseInt(numbers[i], 10);
+        if (numbers[i] >= 0) {
+          continue;
+        } else {
+          return ret;
+        }
+      }
+      return this._encode(numbers);
+    }
+  }, {
+    key: "decode",
+    value: function decode(id) {
+      var ret = [];
+      if (!id || !id.length || typeof id !== 'string') {
+        return ret;
+      }
+      return this._decode(id, this.alphabet);
+    }
+  }, {
+    key: "encodeHex",
+    value: function encodeHex(hex) {
+      hex = hex.toString();
+      if (!/^[0-9a-fA-F]+$/.test(hex)) {
+        return '';
+      }
+      var numbers = hex.match(/[\w\W]{1,12}/g);
+      for (var i = 0; i !== numbers.length; i++) {
+        numbers[i] = parseInt('1' + numbers[i], 16);
+      }
+      return this.encode.apply(this, numbers);
+    }
+  }, {
+    key: "decodeHex",
+    value: function decodeHex(id) {
+      var ret = [];
+      var numbers = this.decode(id);
+      for (var i = 0; i !== numbers.length; i++) {
+        ret += numbers[i].toString(16).substr(1);
+      }
+      return ret;
+    }
+  }, {
+    key: "_encode",
+    value: function _encode(numbers) {
+      var ret,
+          alphabet = this.alphabet,
+          numbersIdInt = 0;
+      for (var i = 0; i !== numbers.length; i++) {
+        numbersIdInt += numbers[i] % (i + 100);
+      }
+      ret = alphabet.charAt(numbersIdInt % alphabet.length);
+      var lottery = ret;
+      for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 !== numbers.length; _i2++) {
+        var number = numbers[_i2];
+        var buffer = lottery + this.salt + alphabet;
+        alphabet = this._shuffle(alphabet, buffer.substr(0, alphabet.length));
+        var last = this._toAlphabet(number, alphabet);
+        ret += last;
+        if (_i2 + 1 < numbers.length) {
+          number %= last.charCodeAt(0) + _i2;
+          var sepsIndex = number % this.seps.length;
+          ret += this.seps.charAt(sepsIndex);
+        }
+      }
+      if (ret.length < this.minLength) {
+        var guardIndex = (numbersIdInt + ret[0].charCodeAt(0)) % this.guards.length;
+        var guard = this.guards[guardIndex];
+        ret = guard + ret;
+        if (ret.length < this.minLength) {
+          guardIndex = (numbersIdInt + ret[2].charCodeAt(0)) % this.guards.length;
+          guard = this.guards[guardIndex];
+          ret += guard;
+        }
+      }
+      var halfLength = parseInt(alphabet.length / 2, 10);
+      while (ret.length < this.minLength) {
+        alphabet = this._shuffle(alphabet, alphabet);
+        ret = alphabet.substr(halfLength) + ret + alphabet.substr(0, halfLength);
+        var excess = ret.length - this.minLength;
+        if (excess > 0) {
+          ret = ret.substr(excess / 2, this.minLength);
+        }
+      }
+      return ret;
+    }
+  }, {
+    key: "_decode",
+    value: function _decode(id, alphabet) {
+      var ret = [],
+          i = 0,
+          r = new RegExp("[".concat(this.escapeRegExp(this.guards), "]"), 'g'),
+          idBreakdown = id.replace(r, ' '),
+          idArray = idBreakdown.split(' ');
+      if (idArray.length === 3 || idArray.length === 2) {
+        i = 1;
+      }
+      idBreakdown = idArray[i];
+      if (typeof idBreakdown[0] !== 'undefined') {
+        var lottery = idBreakdown[0];
+        idBreakdown = idBreakdown.substr(1);
+        r = new RegExp("[".concat(this.escapeRegExp(this.seps), "]"), 'g');
+        idBreakdown = idBreakdown.replace(r, ' ');
+        idArray = idBreakdown.split(' ');
+        for (var j = 0; j !== idArray.length; j++) {
+          var subId = idArray[j];
+          var buffer = lottery + this.salt + alphabet;
+          alphabet = this._shuffle(alphabet, buffer.substr(0, alphabet.length));
+          ret.push(this._fromAlphabet(subId, alphabet));
+        }
+        if (this.encode(ret) !== id) {
+          ret = [];
+        }
+      }
+      return ret;
+    }
+  }, {
+    key: "_shuffle",
+    value: function _shuffle(alphabet, salt) {
+      var integer;
+      if (!salt.length) {
+        return alphabet;
+      }
+      alphabet = alphabet.split("");
+      for (var i = alphabet.length - 1, v = 0, p = 0, j = 0; i > 0; i--, v++) {
+        v %= salt.length;
+        p += integer = salt.charCodeAt(v);
+        j = (integer + v + p) % i;
+        var tmp = alphabet[j];
+        alphabet[j] = alphabet[i];
+        alphabet[i] = tmp;
+      }
+      alphabet = alphabet.join("");
+      return alphabet;
+    }
+  }, {
+    key: "_toAlphabet",
+    value: function _toAlphabet(input, alphabet) {
+      var id = '';
+      do {
+        id = alphabet.charAt(input % alphabet.length) + id;
+        input = parseInt(input / alphabet.length, 10);
+      } while (input);
+      return id;
+    }
+  }, {
+    key: "_fromAlphabet",
+    value: function _fromAlphabet(input, alphabet) {
+      return input.split("").map(function (item) {
+        return alphabet.indexOf(item);
+      }).reduce(function (carry, item) {
+        return carry * alphabet.length + item;
+      }, 0);
+    }
+  }]);
+  return Hashids;
+export { Hashids as default };
+//# sourceMappingURL=hashids.mjs.map

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

+ 339 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+(function (global, factory) {
+  if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
+    define(["exports"], factory);
+  } else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") {
+    factory(exports);
+  } else {
+    var mod = {
+      exports: {}
+    };
+    factory(mod.exports);
+    global.Hashids = mod.exports;
+  }
+})(this, function (_exports) {
+  "use strict";
+  Object.defineProperty(_exports, "__esModule", {
+    value: true
+  });
+  _exports.default = void 0;
+  function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }
+  function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } }
+  function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }
+  var Hashids =
+  /*#__PURE__*/
+  function () {
+    function Hashids() {
+      var salt = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : '';
+      var minLength = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;
+      var alphabet = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890';
+      _classCallCheck(this, Hashids);
+      var minAlphabetLength = 16;
+      var sepDiv = 3.5;
+      var guardDiv = 12;
+      var errorAlphabetLength = 'error: alphabet must contain at least X unique characters';
+      var errorAlphabetSpace = 'error: alphabet cannot contain spaces';
+      var uniqueAlphabet = '',
+          sepsLength,
+          diff;
+      /* funcs */
+      this.escapeRegExp = function (s) {
+        return s.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&');
+      };
+      this.parseInt = function (v, radix) {
+        return /^(-|\+)?([0-9]+|Infinity)$/.test(v) ? parseInt(v, radix) : NaN;
+      };
+      /* alphabet vars */
+      this.seps = 'cfhistuCFHISTU';
+      this.minLength = parseInt(minLength, 10) > 0 ? minLength : 0;
+      this.salt = typeof salt === 'string' ? salt : '';
+      if (typeof alphabet === 'string') {
+        this.alphabet = alphabet;
+      }
+      for (var i = 0; i !== this.alphabet.length; i++) {
+        if (uniqueAlphabet.indexOf(this.alphabet.charAt(i)) === -1) {
+          uniqueAlphabet += this.alphabet.charAt(i);
+        }
+      }
+      this.alphabet = uniqueAlphabet;
+      if (this.alphabet.length < minAlphabetLength) {
+        throw errorAlphabetLength.replace('X', minAlphabetLength);
+      }
+      if (this.alphabet.search(' ') !== -1) {
+        throw errorAlphabetSpace;
+      }
+      /*
+      	`this.seps` should contain only characters present in `this.alphabet`
+      	`this.alphabet` should not contains `this.seps`
+      */
+      for (var _i = 0; _i !== this.seps.length; _i++) {
+        var j = this.alphabet.indexOf(this.seps.charAt(_i));
+        if (j === -1) {
+          this.seps = this.seps.substr(0, _i) + ' ' + this.seps.substr(_i + 1);
+        } else {
+          this.alphabet = this.alphabet.substr(0, j) + ' ' + this.alphabet.substr(j + 1);
+        }
+      }
+      this.alphabet = this.alphabet.replace(/ /g, '');
+      this.seps = this.seps.replace(/ /g, '');
+      this.seps = this._shuffle(this.seps, this.salt);
+      if (!this.seps.length || this.alphabet.length / this.seps.length > sepDiv) {
+        sepsLength = Math.ceil(this.alphabet.length / sepDiv);
+        if (sepsLength > this.seps.length) {
+          diff = sepsLength - this.seps.length;
+          this.seps += this.alphabet.substr(0, diff);
+          this.alphabet = this.alphabet.substr(diff);
+        }
+      }
+      this.alphabet = this._shuffle(this.alphabet, this.salt);
+      var guardCount = Math.ceil(this.alphabet.length / guardDiv);
+      if (this.alphabet.length < 3) {
+        this.guards = this.seps.substr(0, guardCount);
+        this.seps = this.seps.substr(guardCount);
+      } else {
+        this.guards = this.alphabet.substr(0, guardCount);
+        this.alphabet = this.alphabet.substr(guardCount);
+      }
+    }
+    _createClass(Hashids, [{
+      key: "encode",
+      value: function encode() {
+        for (var _len = arguments.length, numbers = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
+          numbers[_key] = arguments[_key];
+        }
+        var ret = '';
+        if (!numbers.length) {
+          return ret;
+        }
+        if (numbers[0] && numbers[0].constructor === Array) {
+          numbers = numbers[0];
+          if (!numbers.length) {
+            return ret;
+          }
+        }
+        for (var i = 0; i !== numbers.length; i++) {
+          numbers[i] = this.parseInt(numbers[i], 10);
+          if (numbers[i] >= 0) {
+            continue;
+          } else {
+            return ret;
+          }
+        }
+        return this._encode(numbers);
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "decode",
+      value: function decode(id) {
+        var ret = [];
+        if (!id || !id.length || typeof id !== 'string') {
+          return ret;
+        }
+        return this._decode(id, this.alphabet);
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "encodeHex",
+      value: function encodeHex(hex) {
+        hex = hex.toString();
+        if (!/^[0-9a-fA-F]+$/.test(hex)) {
+          return '';
+        }
+        var numbers = hex.match(/[\w\W]{1,12}/g);
+        for (var i = 0; i !== numbers.length; i++) {
+          numbers[i] = parseInt('1' + numbers[i], 16);
+        }
+        return this.encode.apply(this, numbers);
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "decodeHex",
+      value: function decodeHex(id) {
+        var ret = [];
+        var numbers = this.decode(id);
+        for (var i = 0; i !== numbers.length; i++) {
+          ret += numbers[i].toString(16).substr(1);
+        }
+        return ret;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "_encode",
+      value: function _encode(numbers) {
+        var ret,
+            alphabet = this.alphabet,
+            numbersIdInt = 0;
+        for (var i = 0; i !== numbers.length; i++) {
+          numbersIdInt += numbers[i] % (i + 100);
+        }
+        ret = alphabet.charAt(numbersIdInt % alphabet.length);
+        var lottery = ret;
+        for (var _i2 = 0; _i2 !== numbers.length; _i2++) {
+          var number = numbers[_i2];
+          var buffer = lottery + this.salt + alphabet;
+          alphabet = this._shuffle(alphabet, buffer.substr(0, alphabet.length));
+          var last = this._toAlphabet(number, alphabet);
+          ret += last;
+          if (_i2 + 1 < numbers.length) {
+            number %= last.charCodeAt(0) + _i2;
+            var sepsIndex = number % this.seps.length;
+            ret += this.seps.charAt(sepsIndex);
+          }
+        }
+        if (ret.length < this.minLength) {
+          var guardIndex = (numbersIdInt + ret[0].charCodeAt(0)) % this.guards.length;
+          var guard = this.guards[guardIndex];
+          ret = guard + ret;
+          if (ret.length < this.minLength) {
+            guardIndex = (numbersIdInt + ret[2].charCodeAt(0)) % this.guards.length;
+            guard = this.guards[guardIndex];
+            ret += guard;
+          }
+        }
+        var halfLength = parseInt(alphabet.length / 2, 10);
+        while (ret.length < this.minLength) {
+          alphabet = this._shuffle(alphabet, alphabet);
+          ret = alphabet.substr(halfLength) + ret + alphabet.substr(0, halfLength);
+          var excess = ret.length - this.minLength;
+          if (excess > 0) {
+            ret = ret.substr(excess / 2, this.minLength);
+          }
+        }
+        return ret;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "_decode",
+      value: function _decode(id, alphabet) {
+        var ret = [],
+            i = 0,
+            r = new RegExp("[".concat(this.escapeRegExp(this.guards), "]"), 'g'),
+            idBreakdown = id.replace(r, ' '),
+            idArray = idBreakdown.split(' ');
+        if (idArray.length === 3 || idArray.length === 2) {
+          i = 1;
+        }
+        idBreakdown = idArray[i];
+        if (typeof idBreakdown[0] !== 'undefined') {
+          var lottery = idBreakdown[0];
+          idBreakdown = idBreakdown.substr(1);
+          r = new RegExp("[".concat(this.escapeRegExp(this.seps), "]"), 'g');
+          idBreakdown = idBreakdown.replace(r, ' ');
+          idArray = idBreakdown.split(' ');
+          for (var j = 0; j !== idArray.length; j++) {
+            var subId = idArray[j];
+            var buffer = lottery + this.salt + alphabet;
+            alphabet = this._shuffle(alphabet, buffer.substr(0, alphabet.length));
+            ret.push(this._fromAlphabet(subId, alphabet));
+          }
+          if (this.encode(ret) !== id) {
+            ret = [];
+          }
+        }
+        return ret;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "_shuffle",
+      value: function _shuffle(alphabet, salt) {
+        var integer;
+        if (!salt.length) {
+          return alphabet;
+        }
+        alphabet = alphabet.split("");
+        for (var i = alphabet.length - 1, v = 0, p = 0, j = 0; i > 0; i--, v++) {
+          v %= salt.length;
+          p += integer = salt.charCodeAt(v);
+          j = (integer + v + p) % i;
+          var tmp = alphabet[j];
+          alphabet[j] = alphabet[i];
+          alphabet[i] = tmp;
+        }
+        alphabet = alphabet.join("");
+        return alphabet;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "_toAlphabet",
+      value: function _toAlphabet(input, alphabet) {
+        var id = '';
+        do {
+          id = alphabet.charAt(input % alphabet.length) + id;
+          input = parseInt(input / alphabet.length, 10);
+        } while (input);
+        return id;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "_fromAlphabet",
+      value: function _fromAlphabet(input, alphabet) {
+        return input.split("").map(function (item) {
+          return alphabet.indexOf(item);
+        }).reduce(function (carry, item) {
+          return carry * alphabet.length + item;
+        }, 0);
+      }
+    }]);
+    return Hashids;
+  }();
+  _exports.default = Hashids;
+//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map

Failā izmaiņas netiks attēlotas, jo tās ir par lielu
+ 0 - 0

+ 324 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+export default class Hashids {
+	constructor(salt = '', minLength = 0, alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890') {
+		const minAlphabetLength = 16;
+		const sepDiv = 3.5;
+		const guardDiv = 12;
+		const errorAlphabetLength = 'error: alphabet must contain at least X unique characters';
+		const errorAlphabetSpace = 'error: alphabet cannot contain spaces';
+		let uniqueAlphabet = '', sepsLength, diff;
+		/* funcs */
+		this.escapeRegExp = (s) => s.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, '\\$&');
+		this.parseInt = (v, radix) => (/^(-|\+)?([0-9]+|Infinity)$/.test(v)) ? parseInt(v, radix) : NaN;
+		/* alphabet vars */
+		this.seps = 'cfhistuCFHISTU';
+		this.minLength = parseInt(minLength, 10) > 0 ? minLength : 0;
+		this.salt = (typeof salt === 'string') ? salt : '';
+		if (typeof alphabet === 'string') {
+			this.alphabet = alphabet;
+		}
+		for (let i = 0; i !== this.alphabet.length; i++) {
+			if (uniqueAlphabet.indexOf(this.alphabet.charAt(i)) === -1) {
+				uniqueAlphabet += this.alphabet.charAt(i);
+			}
+		}
+		this.alphabet = uniqueAlphabet;
+		if (this.alphabet.length < minAlphabetLength) {
+			throw errorAlphabetLength.replace('X', minAlphabetLength);
+		}
+		if (this.alphabet.search(' ') !== -1) {
+			throw errorAlphabetSpace;
+		}
+		/*
+			`this.seps` should contain only characters present in `this.alphabet`
+			`this.alphabet` should not contains `this.seps`
+		*/
+		for (let i = 0; i !== this.seps.length; i++) {
+			const j = this.alphabet.indexOf(this.seps.charAt(i));
+			if (j === -1) {
+				this.seps = this.seps.substr(0, i) + ' ' + this.seps.substr(i + 1);
+			} else {
+				this.alphabet = this.alphabet.substr(0, j) + ' ' + this.alphabet.substr(j + 1);
+			}
+		}
+		this.alphabet = this.alphabet.replace(/ /g, '');
+		this.seps = this.seps.replace(/ /g, '');
+		this.seps = this._shuffle(this.seps, this.salt);
+		if (!this.seps.length || (this.alphabet.length / this.seps.length) > sepDiv) {
+			sepsLength = Math.ceil(this.alphabet.length / sepDiv);
+			if (sepsLength > this.seps.length) {
+				diff = sepsLength - this.seps.length;
+				this.seps += this.alphabet.substr(0, diff);
+				this.alphabet = this.alphabet.substr(diff);
+			}
+		}
+		this.alphabet = this._shuffle(this.alphabet, this.salt);
+		const guardCount = Math.ceil(this.alphabet.length / guardDiv);
+		if (this.alphabet.length < 3) {
+			this.guards = this.seps.substr(0, guardCount);
+			this.seps = this.seps.substr(guardCount);
+		} else {
+			this.guards = this.alphabet.substr(0, guardCount);
+			this.alphabet = this.alphabet.substr(guardCount);
+		}
+	}
+	encode(...numbers) {
+		const ret = '';
+		if (!numbers.length) {
+			return ret;
+		}
+		if (numbers[0] && numbers[0].constructor === Array) {
+			numbers = numbers[0];
+			if (!numbers.length) {
+				return ret;
+			}
+		}
+		for (let i = 0; i !== numbers.length; i++) {
+			numbers[i] = this.parseInt(numbers[i], 10);
+			if (numbers[i] >= 0) {
+				continue;
+			} else {
+				return ret;
+			}
+		}
+		return this._encode(numbers);
+	}
+	decode(id) {
+		const ret = [];
+		if (!id || !id.length || typeof id !== 'string') {
+			return ret;
+		}
+		return this._decode(id, this.alphabet);
+	}
+	encodeHex(hex) {
+		hex = hex.toString();
+		if (!/^[0-9a-fA-F]+$/.test(hex)) {
+			return '';
+		}
+		const numbers = hex.match(/[\w\W]{1,12}/g);
+		for (let i = 0; i !== numbers.length; i++) {
+			numbers[i] = parseInt('1' + numbers[i], 16);
+		}
+		return this.encode.apply(this, numbers);
+	}
+	decodeHex(id) {
+		let ret = [];
+		const numbers = this.decode(id);
+		for (let i = 0; i !== numbers.length; i++) {
+			ret += (numbers[i]).toString(16).substr(1);
+		}
+		return ret;
+	}
+	_encode(numbers) {
+		let ret,
+			alphabet = this.alphabet,
+			numbersIdInt = 0;
+		for (let i = 0; i !== numbers.length; i++) {
+			numbersIdInt += (numbers[i] % (i + 100));
+		}
+		ret = alphabet.charAt(numbersIdInt % alphabet.length);
+		const lottery = ret;
+		for (let i = 0; i !== numbers.length; i++) {
+			let number = numbers[i];
+			const buffer = lottery + this.salt + alphabet;
+			alphabet = this._shuffle(alphabet, buffer.substr(0, alphabet.length));
+			const last = this._toAlphabet(number, alphabet);
+			ret += last;
+			if (i + 1 < numbers.length) {
+				number %= (last.charCodeAt(0) + i);
+				const sepsIndex = number % this.seps.length;
+				ret += this.seps.charAt(sepsIndex);
+			}
+		}
+		if (ret.length < this.minLength) {
+			let guardIndex = (numbersIdInt + ret[0].charCodeAt(0)) % this.guards.length;
+			let guard = this.guards[guardIndex];
+			ret = guard + ret;
+			if (ret.length < this.minLength) {
+				guardIndex = (numbersIdInt + ret[2].charCodeAt(0)) % this.guards.length;
+				guard = this.guards[guardIndex];
+				ret += guard;
+			}
+		}
+		const halfLength = parseInt(alphabet.length / 2, 10);
+		while (ret.length < this.minLength) {
+			alphabet = this._shuffle(alphabet, alphabet);
+			ret = alphabet.substr(halfLength) + ret + alphabet.substr(0, halfLength);
+			const excess = ret.length - this.minLength;
+			if (excess > 0) {
+				ret = ret.substr(excess / 2, this.minLength);
+			}
+		}
+		return ret;
+	}
+	_decode(id, alphabet) {
+		let ret = [], i = 0,
+			r = new RegExp(`[${this.escapeRegExp(this.guards)}]`, 'g'),
+			idBreakdown = id.replace(r, ' '),
+			idArray = idBreakdown.split(' ');
+		if (idArray.length === 3 || idArray.length === 2) {
+			i = 1;
+		}
+		idBreakdown = idArray[i];
+		if (typeof idBreakdown[0] !== 'undefined') {
+			const lottery = idBreakdown[0];
+			idBreakdown = idBreakdown.substr(1);
+			r = new RegExp(`[${this.escapeRegExp(this.seps)}]`, 'g');
+			idBreakdown = idBreakdown.replace(r, ' ');
+			idArray = idBreakdown.split(' ');
+			for (let j = 0; j !== idArray.length; j++) {
+				const subId = idArray[j];
+				const buffer = lottery + this.salt + alphabet;
+				alphabet = this._shuffle(alphabet, buffer.substr(0, alphabet.length));
+				ret.push(this._fromAlphabet(subId, alphabet));
+			}
+			if (this.encode(ret) !== id) {
+				ret = [];
+			}
+		}
+		return ret;
+	}
+	_shuffle(alphabet, salt) {
+		let integer;
+		if (!salt.length) {
+			return alphabet;
+		}
+		alphabet = alphabet.split("");
+		for (let i = alphabet.length - 1, v = 0, p = 0, j = 0; i > 0; i--, v++) {
+			v %= salt.length;
+			p += integer = salt.charCodeAt(v);
+			j = (integer + v + p) % i;
+			const tmp = alphabet[j];
+			alphabet[j] = alphabet[i];
+			alphabet[i] = tmp;
+		}
+		alphabet = alphabet.join("");
+		return alphabet;
+	}
+	_toAlphabet(input, alphabet) {
+		let id = '';
+		do {
+			id = alphabet.charAt(input % alphabet.length) + id;
+			input = parseInt(input / alphabet.length, 10);
+		} while (input);
+		return id;
+	}
+	_fromAlphabet(input, alphabet) {
+		return input.split("").map(
+			(item) => alphabet.indexOf(item)
+		).reduce(
+			(carry, item) => carry * alphabet.length + item,
+			0
+		);
+	}

+ 97 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+  "_from": "hashids",
+  "_id": "hashids@1.2.2",
+  "_inBundle": false,
+  "_integrity": "sha512-dEHCG2LraR6PNvSGxosZHIRgxF5sNLOIBFEHbj8lfP9WWmu/PWPMzsip1drdVSOFi51N2pU7gZavrgn7sbGFuw==",
+  "_location": "/hashids",
+  "_phantomChildren": {},
+  "_requested": {
+    "type": "tag",
+    "registry": true,
+    "raw": "hashids",
+    "name": "hashids",
+    "escapedName": "hashids",
+    "rawSpec": "",
+    "saveSpec": null,
+    "fetchSpec": "latest"
+  },
+  "_requiredBy": [
+    "#USER",
+    "/"
+  ],
+  "_resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/hashids/-/hashids-1.2.2.tgz",
+  "_shasum": "28635c7f2f7360ba463686078eee837479e8eafb",
+  "_spec": "hashids",
+  "_where": "/home/zorro/Documents/schild.report/reports/mein-bk",
+  "author": {
+    "name": "Ivan Akimov",
+    "email": "ivan@barreleye.com",
+    "url": "https://twitter.com/IvanAkimov"
+  },
+  "browser": "dist/hashids.min",
+  "browserslist": [
+    "last 2 version",
+    "> 0.5%",
+    "maintained node versions",
+    "not dead"
+  ],
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": "https://github.com/ivanakimov/hashids.js/issues"
+  },
+  "bundleDependencies": false,
+  "dependencies": {},
+  "deprecated": false,
+  "description": "Generate YouTube-like ids from numbers. Use Hashids when you do not want to expose your database ids to the user.",
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "@babel/cli": "^7.0.0",
+    "@babel/core": "^7.0.0",
+    "@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import": "7.0.0",
+    "@babel/preset-env": "^7.0.0",
+    "@babel/register": "^7.0.0",
+    "babel-eslint": "9.0.0",
+    "chai": "^4.1.2",
+    "coveralls": "^3.0.2",
+    "eslint": "^5.4.0",
+    "husky": "^0.14.3",
+    "mocha": "^5.2.0",
+    "nyc": "^13.0.1",
+    "uglify-js": "^3.4.8"
+  },
+  "homepage": "http://hashids.org/javascript",
+  "keywords": [
+    "hashids",
+    "hashid",
+    "hash",
+    "ids",
+    "youtube",
+    "bitly",
+    "obfuscate",
+    "encode",
+    "decode",
+    "encrypt",
+    "decrypt"
+  ],
+  "license": "MIT",
+  "main": "dist/hashids",
+  "module": "dist/hashids-esm",
+  "name": "hashids",
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+https://github.com/ivanakimov/hashids.js.git"
+  },
+  "scripts": {
+    "all": "npm run lint && npm run coverage && npm run build && npm run clean",
+    "build": "npm run test && npm run build:node && npm run build:modules && npm run rename:global && npm run minify",
+    "build:modules": "BABEL_MODULES=1 babel lib/hashids.js --source-maps -o dist/hashids.mjs && cp dist/hashids.mjs dist/hashids-esm.js",
+    "build:node": "babel lib/hashids.js --source-maps -o dist/index.js",
+    "clean": "rm -rf coverage .nyc_output npm-debug.log",
+    "coverage": "nyc npm test && nyc report --reporter=text-lcov | coveralls",
+    "lint": "eslint lib tests",
+    "minify": "cd dist && uglifyjs index.js -o hashids.min.js --source-map \"url=hashids.min.js.map\" --compress --mangle",
+    "precommit": "npm run lint && npm run test",
+    "rename:global": "sed -i '' 's/global.hashids/global.Hashids/g' dist/index.js",
+    "test": "mocha tests --require @babel/register",
+    "test-modules": "node --experimental-modules node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha tests-mjs"
+  },
+  "version": "1.2.2"

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// this will only parse and run if you're using node >= 10 with the --experimental-modules flag
+// alternatively, if you use something like webpack
+// that's why it is in a separate file
+describe('importing', () => {
+	it('loads via .mjs', () => {
+		return import('./importing.mjs');
+	});

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import Hashids from '../';
+import chai from 'chai';
+const {assert} = chai;
+const instance = new Hashids('Not Real', 5, 'ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRTWXY234689');
+assert.instanceOf(instance, Hashids);

+ 91 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+import Hashids from '../lib/hashids';
+import { assert } from 'chai';
+const hashids = new Hashids();
+describe('bad input', () => {
+	it(`should throw an error when small alphabet`, () => {
+		assert.throws(() => {
+			const hashidsIgnored = new Hashids('', 0, '1234567890');
+		});
+	});
+	it(`should throw an error when alphabet has spaces`, () => {
+		assert.throws(() => {
+			const hashidsIgnored = new Hashids('', 0, 'a cdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz');
+		});
+	});
+	it(`should return an empty string when encoding nothing`, () => {
+		const id = hashids.encode();
+		assert.equal(id, '');
+	});
+	it(`should return an empty string when encoding an empty array`, () => {
+		const id = hashids.encode([]);
+		assert.equal(id, '');
+	});
+	it(`should return an empty string when encoding a negative number`, () => {
+		const id = hashids.encode(-1);
+		assert.equal(id, '');
+	});
+	it(`should return an empty string when encoding a string with non-numeric characters`, () => {
+		assert.equal(hashids.encode('6B'), '');
+		assert.equal(hashids.encode('123a'), '');
+	});
+	it(`should return an empty string when encoding infinity`, () => {
+		const id = hashids.encode(Infinity);
+		assert.equal(id, '');
+	});
+	it(`should return an empty string when encoding a null`, () => {
+		const id = hashids.encode(null);
+		assert.equal(id, '');
+	});
+	it(`should return an empty string when encoding a NaN`, () => {
+		const id = hashids.encode(NaN);
+		assert.equal(id, '');
+	});
+	it(`should return an empty string when encoding an undefined`, () => {
+		const id = hashids.encode(undefined);
+		assert.equal(id, '');
+	});
+	it(`should return an empty string when encoding an array with non-numeric input`, () => {
+		const id = hashids.encode(['z']);
+		assert.equal(id, '');
+	});
+	it(`should return an empty array when decoding nothing`, () => {
+		const numbers = hashids.decode();
+		assert.deepEqual(numbers, []);
+	});
+	it(`should return an empty string when encoding non-numeric input`, () => {
+		const id = hashids.encode('z');
+		assert.equal(id, '');
+	});
+	it(`should return an empty array when decoding invalid id`, () => {
+		const numbers = hashids.decode('f');
+		assert.deepEqual(numbers, []);
+	});
+	it(`should return an empty string when encoding non-hex input`, () => {
+		const id = hashids.encodeHex('z');
+		assert.equal(id, '');
+	});
+	it(`should return an empty array when hex-decoding invalid id`, () => {
+		const numbers = hashids.decodeHex('f');
+		assert.deepEqual(numbers, []);
+	});

+ 43 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+import Hashids from '../lib/hashids';
+import { assert } from 'chai';
+describe('custom alphabet', () => {
+	const testAlphabet = (alphabet) => {
+		const hashids = new Hashids('', 0, alphabet);
+		const numbers = [1, 2, 3];
+		const id = hashids.encode(numbers);
+		const decodedNumbers = hashids.decode(id);
+		assert.deepEqual(decodedNumbers, numbers);
+	};
+	it(`should work with the worst alphabet`, () => {
+		testAlphabet('cCsSfFhHuUiItT01');
+	});
+	it(`should work with half the alphabet being separators`, () => {
+		testAlphabet('abdegjklCFHISTUc');
+	});
+	it(`should work with exactly 2 separators`, () => {
+		testAlphabet('abdegjklmnopqrSF');
+	});
+	it(`should work with no separators`, () => {
+		testAlphabet('abdegjklmnopqrvwxyzABDEGJKLMNOPQRVWXYZ1234567890');
+	});
+	it(`should work with super long alphabet`, () => {
+		testAlphabet('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+\\|\'";:/?.>,<{[}]');
+	});
+	it(`should work with a weird alphabet`, () => {
+		testAlphabet('`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+\\|\'";:/?.>,<{[}]');
+	});

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+import Hashids from '../lib/hashids';
+import { assert } from 'chai';
+const minLength = 30;
+const hashids = new Hashids('this is my salt', minLength, 'xzal86grmb4jhysfoqp3we7291kuct5iv0nd');
+const map = {
+	'0dbq3jwa8p4b3gk6gb8bv21goerm96': 'deadbeef',
+	'190obdnk4j02pajjdande7aqj628mr': 'abcdef123456',
+	'a1nvl5d9m3yo8pj1fqag8p9pqw4dyl': 'ABCDDD6666DDEEEEEEEEE',
+	'1nvlml93k3066oas3l9lr1wn1k67dy': '507f1f77bcf86cd799439011',
+	'mgyband33ye3c6jj16yq1jayh6krqjbo': 'f00000fddddddeeeee4444444ababab',
+	'9mnwgllqg1q2tdo63yya35a9ukgl6bbn6qn8': 'abcdef123456abcdef123456abcdef123456',
+	'edjrkn9m6o69s0ewnq5lqanqsmk6loayorlohwd963r53e63xmml29': 'f000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f',
+	'grekpy53r2pjxwyjkl9aw0k3t5la1b8d5r1ex9bgeqmy93eata0eq0': 'fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff'
+describe('encodeHex/decodeHex using default params', () => {
+	for (const id in map) {
+		const hex = map[id];
+		it(`should encode '0x${hex.toUpperCase()}' to '${id}'`, () => {
+			assert.equal(id, hashids.encodeHex(hex));
+		});
+		it(`should encode '0x${hex.toUpperCase()}' to '${id}' and decode back correctly`, () => {
+			const encodedId = hashids.encodeHex(hex);
+			const decodedHex = hashids.decodeHex(encodedId);
+			assert.deepEqual(hex.toLowerCase(), decodedHex);
+		});
+		it(`id length should be at least ${minLength}`, () => {
+			assert.isAtLeast(hashids.encodeHex(hex).length, minLength);
+		});
+	}

+ 54 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import Hashids from '../lib/hashids';
+import { assert } from 'chai';
+const minLength = 30;
+const hashids = new Hashids('this is my salt', minLength, 'xzal86grmb4jhysfoqp3we7291kuct5iv0nd');
+const map = {
+	'nej1m3d5a6yn875e7gr9kbwpqol02q': [0],
+	'dw1nqdp92yrajvl9v6k3gl5mb0o8ea': [1],
+	'onqr0bk58p642wldq14djmw21ygl39': [928728],
+	'18apy3wlqkjvd5h1id7mn5ore2d06b': [1, 2, 3],
+	'o60edky1ng3vl9hbfavwr5pa2q8mb9': [1, 0, 0],
+	'o60edky1ng3vlqfbfp4wr5pa2q8mb9': [0, 0, 1],
+	'qek2a08gpl575efrfd7yomj9dwbr63': [0, 0, 0],
+	'm3d5a6yn875rae8y81a94gr9kbwpqo': [1000000000000],
+	'1q3y98ln48w96kpo0wgk314w5mak2d': [9007199254740991],
+	'op7qrcdc3cgc2c0cbcrcoc5clce4d6': [5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5],
+	'5430bd2jo0lxyfkfjfyojej5adqdy4': [10000000000, 0, 0, 0, 999999999999999],
+	'aa5kow86ano1pt3e1aqm239awkt9pk380w9l3q6': [9007199254740991, 9007199254740991, 9007199254740991],
+	'mmmykr5nuaabgwnohmml6dakt00jmo3ainnpy2mk': [1000000001, 1000000002, 1000000003, 1000000004, 1000000005],
+	'w1hwinuwt1cbs6xwzafmhdinuotpcosrxaz0fahl': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]
+describe('encode/decode using custom params', () => {
+	for (const id in map) {
+		const numbers = map[id];
+		it(`should encode [${numbers}] to '${id}' (passing array of numbers)`, () => {
+			assert.equal(id, hashids.encode(numbers));
+		});
+		it(`should encode [${numbers}] to '${id}' (passing numbers)`, () => {
+			assert.equal(id, hashids.encode.apply(hashids, numbers));
+		});
+		it(`should encode [${numbers}] to '${id}' and decode back correctly`, () => {
+			const encodedId = hashids.encode(numbers);
+			const decodedNumbers = hashids.decode(encodedId);
+			assert.deepEqual(numbers, decodedNumbers);
+		});
+		it(`id length should be at least ${minLength}`, () => {
+			assert.isAtLeast(hashids.encode(numbers).length, minLength);
+		});
+	}

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import Hashids from '../lib/hashids';
+import { assert } from 'chai';
+describe('custom salt', () => {
+	const testSalt = (salt) => {
+		const hashids = new Hashids(salt);
+		const numbers = [1, 2, 3];
+		const id = hashids.encode(numbers);
+		const decodedNumbers = hashids.decode(id);
+		assert.deepEqual(decodedNumbers, numbers);
+	};
+	it(`should work with ''`, () => {
+		testSalt('');
+	});
+	it(`should work with '   '`, () => {
+		testSalt('   ');
+	});
+	it(`should work with 'this is my salt'`, () => {
+		testSalt('this is my salt');
+	});
+	it(`should work with a really long salt`, () => {
+		testSalt('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+\\|\'";:/?.>,<{[}]');
+	});
+	it(`should work with a weird salt`, () => {
+		testSalt('`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+\\|\'";:/?.>,<{[}]');
+	});

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import Hashids from '../lib/hashids';
+import { assert } from 'chai';
+const hashids = new Hashids();
+const map = {
+	'wpVL4j9g': 'deadbeef',
+	'kmP69lB3xv': 'abcdef123456',
+	'y42LW46J9luq3Xq9XMly': '507f1f77bcf86cd799439011',
+	'm1rO8xBQNquXmLvmO65BUO9KQmj': 'f00000fddddddeeeee4444444ababab',
+	'wBlnMA23NLIQDgw7XxErc2mlNyAjpw': 'abcdef123456abcdef123456abcdef123456',
+	'VwLAoD9BqlT7xn4ZnBXJFmGZ51ZqrBhqrymEyvYLIP199': 'f000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f',
+	'nBrz1rYyV0C0XKNXxB54fWN0yNvVjlip7127Jo3ri0Pqw': 'fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff'
+describe('encodeHex/decodeHex using default params', () => {
+	for (const id in map) {
+		const hex = map[id];
+		it(`should encode '0x${hex.toUpperCase()}' to '${id}'`, () => {
+			assert.equal(id, hashids.encodeHex(hex));
+		});
+		it(`should encode '0x${hex.toUpperCase()}' to '${id}' and decode back correctly`, () => {
+			const encodedId = hashids.encodeHex(hex);
+			const decodedHex = hashids.decodeHex(encodedId);
+			assert.deepEqual(hex.toLowerCase(), decodedHex);
+		});
+	}

+ 49 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+import Hashids from '../lib/hashids';
+import { assert } from 'chai';
+const hashids = new Hashids();
+const map = {
+	'gY': [0],
+	'jR': [1],
+	'R8ZN0': [928728],
+	'o2fXhV': [1, 2, 3],
+	'jRfMcP': [1, 0, 0],
+	'jQcMcW': [0, 0, 1],
+	'gYcxcr': [0, 0, 0],
+	'gLpmopgO6': [1000000000000],
+	'lEW77X7g527': [9007199254740991],
+	'BrtltWt2tyt1tvt7tJt2t1tD': [5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5],
+	'G6XOnGQgIpcVcXcqZ4B8Q8B9y': [10000000000, 0, 0, 0, 999999999999999],
+	'5KoLLVL49RLhYkppOplM6piwWNNANny8N': [9007199254740991, 9007199254740991, 9007199254740991],
+	'BPg3Qx5f8VrvQkS16wpmwIgj9Q4Jsr93gqx': [1000000001, 1000000002, 1000000003, 1000000004, 1000000005],
+	'1wfphpilsMtNumCRFRHXIDSqT2UPcWf1hZi3s7tN': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]
+describe('encode/decode using default params', () => {
+	for (const id in map) {
+		const numbers = map[id];
+		it(`should encode [${numbers}] to '${id}' (passing array of numbers)`, () => {
+			assert.equal(id, hashids.encode(numbers));
+		});
+		it(`should encode [${numbers}] to '${id}' (passing numbers)`, () => {
+			assert.equal(id, hashids.encode.apply(hashids, numbers));
+		});
+		it(`should encode [${numbers}] to '${id}' and decode back correctly`, () => {
+			const encodedId = hashids.encode(numbers);
+			const decodedNumbers = hashids.decode(encodedId);
+			assert.deepEqual(numbers, decodedNumbers);
+		});
+	}

+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import Hashids from '../lib/hashids';
+import { assert } from 'chai';
+describe('encode types', () => {
+	const testParams = (...numbers) => {
+		const hashids = new Hashids();
+		const id = hashids.encode.apply(hashids, numbers);
+		const decodedNumbers = hashids.decode(id);
+		const encodedId = hashids.encode(decodedNumbers);
+		assert.isOk(id);
+		assert.equal(id, encodedId);
+	};
+	it(`should encode 1, 2, 3`, () => {
+		testParams(1, 2, 3);
+	});
+	it(`should encode [1, 2, 3]`, () => {
+		testParams('1', '2', '3');
+	});
+	it(`should encode '1', '2', '3'`, () => {
+		testParams([1, 2, 3]);
+	});
+	it(`should encode ['1', '2', '3']`, () => {
+		testParams(['1', '2', '3']);
+	});

+ 40 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import Hashids from '../lib/hashids';
+import { assert } from 'chai';
+describe('min length', () => {
+	const testMinLength = (minLength) => {
+		const hashids = new Hashids('', minLength);
+		const numbers = [1, 2, 3];
+		const id = hashids.encode(numbers);
+		const decodedNumbers = hashids.decode(id);
+		assert.deepEqual(decodedNumbers, numbers);
+		assert.isAtLeast(id.length, minLength);
+	};
+	it(`should work when 0`, () => {
+		testMinLength(0);
+	});
+	it(`should work when 1`, () => {
+		testMinLength(1);
+	});
+	it(`should work when 10`, () => {
+		testMinLength(10);
+	});
+	it(`should work when 999`, () => {
+		testMinLength(999);
+	});
+	it(`should work when 1000`, () => {
+		testMinLength(1000);
+	});

+ 36 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+import ImportedHashids from '../';
+import * as AsteriskImportedHashids from '../';
+import { assert } from 'chai';
+describe('requiring', () => {
+	it('via node', () => {
+		const Hashids = require('../');
+		assert.isFunction(Hashids);
+		const instance = new Hashids('Not Real', 5, 'ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRTWXY234689');
+		assert.instanceOf(instance, Hashids);
+	});
+	it('via babel-es interop', () => {
+		function _interopRequireDefault(obj) {
+			return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj };
+		}
+		const _hashids = require('../');
+		const _hashids2 = _interopRequireDefault(_hashids);
+		assert.isFunction(_hashids2.default);
+		const Hashids = _hashids2.default;
+		const instance = new Hashids('Not Real', 5, 'ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRTWXY234689');
+		assert.instanceOf(instance, Hashids);
+	});
+	it('via babel default import', () => {
+		assert.isFunction(ImportedHashids);
+		const instance = new ImportedHashids('Not Real', 5, 'ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRTWXY234689');
+		assert.instanceOf(instance, ImportedHashids);
+	});
+	it('via babel asterisk import', () => {
+		assert.isFunction(AsteriskImportedHashids);
+		const instance = new AsteriskImportedHashids('Not Real', 5, 'ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRTWXY234689');
+		assert.instanceOf(instance, AsteriskImportedHashids);
+	});

+ 18 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+  "name": "mein-bk",
+  "version": "1.0.0",
+  "lockfileVersion": 1,
+  "requires": true,
+  "dependencies": {
+    "bulma": {
+      "version": "0.7.5",
+      "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/bulma/-/bulma-0.7.5.tgz",
+      "integrity": "sha512-cX98TIn0I6sKba/DhW0FBjtaDpxTelU166pf7ICXpCCuplHWyu6C9LYZmL5PEsnePIeJaiorsTEzzNk3Tsm1hw=="
+    },
+    "hashids": {
+      "version": "1.2.2",
+      "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/hashids/-/hashids-1.2.2.tgz",
+      "integrity": "sha512-dEHCG2LraR6PNvSGxosZHIRgxF5sNLOIBFEHbj8lfP9WWmu/PWPMzsip1drdVSOFi51N2pU7gZavrgn7sbGFuw=="
+    }
+  }

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+  "name": "mein-bk",
+  "version": "1.0.0",
+  "description": "",
+  "main": "index.js",
+  "scripts": {
+    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
+  },
+  "author": "",
+  "license": "ISC",
+  "dependencies": {
+    "bulma": "^0.7.5",
+    "hashids": "^1.2.2"
+  }

+ 70 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+{#await gruppe}Warte auf Daten…
+{:then schueler_lokal}
+  <section class="section">
+    <div class="container">
+      <h1 class="title">Mein BK</h1>
+      <span class="tag is-success" class:is-danger={!diff(schueler_lokal, schueler_entfernt)} on:click={update_db}>
+        {diff(schueler_lokal, schueler_entfernt) ? `${schueler_lokal.length} Schüler in der Datenbank` : 'Schülerdaten müssen aktualisiert werden'}
+      </span><button on:click={query}>Neu laden</button>
+    </div>
+    <div class="container">
+      <div class="tabs">
+        <ul>
+          <li class:is-active={active === Vouchers}><a on:click={() => active=Vouchers}>WLAN</a></li>
+          <li class:is-active={active === Projektwoche}><a on:click={() => active=Projektwoche}>Projektwoche</a></li>
+          <li class:is-active={active === Svwahl}><a on:click={() => active=Svwahl}>SV-Wahl</a></li>
+        </ul>
+      </div>
+      <svelte:component this={active} schueler={_.groupBy(mergeById(schueler_lokal, schueler_entfernt), 'Klasse')} {privat}/>
+    </div>
+  </section>
+{:catch error}Fehler
+  @import 'node_modules/bulma/css/bulma.css';
+  import Hashids from 'hashids'
+  import Vouchers from './components/vouchers.svelte'
+  import Projektwoche from './components/projektwoche.svelte'
+  import Svwahl from './components/svwahl.svelte'
+  export let schueler, knexConfig, privat
+  let active = Vouchers
+  const { Pool } = R('pg')
+  const _ = R('lodash')
+  const Schueler = R('schild').Schueler
+  Schueler.knex(R('knex')(knexConfig))
+  const hashids = new Hashids(privat.salt, 5, 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnpqrstuvwxyz23456789')
+  const h = (id) => hashids.encode(id)
+  let schueler_entfernt = []
+  const pool = new Pool({ connectionString: privat.mein_bk_db})
+  function query () {
+  pool.query(`SELECT schueler.hashid, wlan.voucher, wahlen.* FROM schueler
+                LEFT JOIN wlan ON schueler.hashid = wlan.schueler_hashid
+                LEFT JOIN wahlen ON schueler.hashid = wahlen.schueler_hashid`,
+    (err, resp) => schueler_entfernt = resp.rows)
+  }
+  query()
+  const gruppe = Schueler.query()
+          .where('Status', '2')
+          .andWhere('Geloescht', '-')
+          .andWhere('Gesperrt', '-')
+          .select('ID', 'Name', 'Vorname', 'Klasse')
+          .orderBy('Klasse')
+          .orderBy('Name')
+  function diff (eins, zwei) {
+    let a = new Set(eins);
+    let b = new Set(zwei);
+    return new Set(
+      [...a].filter(x => !b.has(x)));
+  }
+  const mergeById = (a1, a2) =>
+    a1.map(itm => ({
+        ...a2.find((item) => (item.hashid === h(itm.ID)) && item),
+        ...itm
+    }));
+  function update_db () {}

Daži faili netika attēloti, jo izmaiņu fails ir pārāk liels