const MonocoEditorPlugin = require('monaco-editor-webpack-plugin') module.exports = function (ctx) { return { boot: [ 'config.js' ], css: [ 'app.styl' ], extras: [ 'roboto-font', 'material-icons' ], framework: { components: [ 'QAvatar', 'QBtn', 'QCard', 'QCardSection', 'QCheckbox', 'QDialog', 'QDrawer', 'QExpansionItem', 'QFab', 'QFabAction', 'QHeader', 'QIcon', 'QImg', 'QInput', 'QItem', 'QItemLabel', 'QItemSection', 'QLayout', 'QList', 'QPage', 'QPageContainer', 'QPageSticky', 'QSelect', 'QSeparator', 'QSpace', 'QTable', 'QTabs', 'QTab', 'QTd', 'QTh', 'QToolbar', 'QToolbarTitle', 'QTooltip', 'QTr' ], directives: [ ], plugins: [ ] }, supportIE: false, build: { scopeHoisting: true, extendWebpack (cfg) { cfg.plugins.push( new MonocoEditorPlugin({ // // Include a subset of languages support // Some language extensions like typescript are so huge that may impact build performance // e.g. Build full languages support with webpack 4.0 takes over 80 seconds // Languages are loaded on demand at runtime languages: ['javascript', 'css', 'html'] }) ) cfg.module.rules.push({ enforce: 'pre', test: /\.(js|vue)$/, loader: 'eslint-loader', exclude: /node_modules/, options: { cache: true } }) } }, devServer: { open: false }, electron: { // bundler: 'builder', // or 'packager' extendWebpack (cfg) { // do something with Electron process Webpack cfg }, packager: { // // OS X / Mac App Store // appBundleId: '', // appCategoryType: '', // osxSign: '', // protocol: 'myapp://path', // Window only // win32metadata: { ... } }, builder: { // // appId: 'quasar-app' } } } }