import { opine, ErrorRequestHandler, Router, secret, HttpError, Color, deferred, Deferred } from "./deps.ts"; import { BBB } from './bbb.ts'; import { Servers } from './servers.ts' import type { server } from './deps.ts' const date = () => new Date().toLocaleTimeString('de') const S = new Servers() await S.init() let queue: Record> = {} const router = Router() router.use((req, res, next)=> { res.set('Content-Type', 'text/xml') next() }); // check authentication via checksum router.use("/:call", (req, res, next) => { const handler = new BBB(req) const authenticated = handler.authenticated(secret) res.locals.log = [`${date()} ${}${authenticated ? ''' Rejected')}`] if (authenticated) { res.locals.handler = handler next() } else { next(new HttpError(401)); } }) // if the param is call, check for races router.all('/create', async (req, res, next) => { const meeting_id = req.query.meetingID const existing_id = queue[meeting_id] if (existing_id) { console.log(`Race pending for meeting-ID: ${}`) await existing_id } queue[meeting_id] = deferred(); next() }) // the api itself answering to every call router.all("/:call", async (req, res, next) => { const handler = res.locals.handler let server: server try { server = await handler.find_meeting_id(S.servers) res.locals.log.push(`found, ${'join'?'redirect to':'reply with'} ${}`) } catch (e) { res.locals.log.push(`${Color.yellow("not found")},`) if ( === 'create') { S.get_available_server() res.locals.log.push(`open new room on ${}`); } else res.locals.log.push(`reply with ${}`) server = S.current_server } const redirect = handler.rewritten_query(server) if ( === 'join') { res.redirect(redirect) } else { try { const data = await fetch(redirect) const body = await data.text() if ( === 'create') { queue[handler.meeting_id]?.resolve(body); delete queue[handler.meeting_id] } res.send(body) } catch (e) { if ( === 'create') { queue[handler.meeting_id]?.resolve(e); delete queue[handler.meeting_id] } next(new HttpError(500)); } } console.log(res.locals.log.join(' ')); }); // the fake answering machine to make sure we are recognized as a proper api router.get("/", (req, res, next) => { res.send(`SUCCESS2.0`); }) const errorHandler: ErrorRequestHandler = (err, req, res, next) => { res.setStatus(err.status ?? 500); res.end(); console.log(`${`${res.status}`)} ${req.originalUrl}`) }; const app = opine() .use("/bigbluebutton/api", router) .use((req, res, next) => next(new HttpError(404))) .use(errorHandler); export default app;