import SERVERS from './servers.json' with { type: 'json' }; import { crypto } from "@std/crypto"; import { encodeHex } from "@std/encoding" import { red, green, yellow } from "@std/fmt/colors"; const SECRET = Deno.env.get("TINYSCALE_SECRET"); const _port = Deno.env.get("PORT"); const PORT = _port ? parseInt(_port) : undefined; const VERSION = 'v2.0.2' if (SECRET === undefined) throw "No `TINYSCALE_SECRET` set. tinyscale will exit."; if (SERVERS.length === 0) throw "There are no servers listed in `servers.json`"; const date = () => new Date().toLocaleTimeString('de'); const queue: Map> = new Map(); class Server { host: string; #secret: string; static listServer: Server[] = []; static #currentServerIndex = 0; static get currentServer() { return Server.listServer[Server.#currentServerIndex]; } constructor(host: string, secret: string) { = host; this.#secret = secret; this.test().then(_ => Server.listServer.push(this)).catch(_ => Deno.exit(1)); } static getNextServer() { Server.#currentServerIndex++; if (Server.#currentServerIndex === Server.listServer.length) Server.#currentServerIndex = 0; return Server.listServer[Server.#currentServerIndex]; } static async hashCreate(params: string) { const hash = await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-1", new TextEncoder().encode(params)); return encodeHex(hash); } static splitURL(url: URL) { // entferne `/bigbluebutton/api/` const call = url.pathname.slice(19); const params ='?', '').replace(/[?&]?checksum.*$/, ''); return { call, params }; } static async checkAuthenticated(url: URL) { const checksum = url.searchParams.get('checksum'); if (checksum === null) return false; const { call, params } = Server.splitURL(url); const hash = await Server.hashCreate(`${call}${params}${SECRET}`); return hash === checksum; } async urlCreate(call: string, params = "") { const hash = await Server.hashCreate(`${call}${params}${this.#secret}`); return new URL(`${}/${call}?${params}${params === '' ? '' : '&'}checksum=${hash}`); } async getResponse(query: string, params = "") { const url = await this.urlCreate(query, params); const res = await fetch(url); if (!res.ok) throw "Connection error. Please check your host configuration"; const body = await res.text(); return body; } async test() { try { const res = await this.getResponse('getMeetings'); const ok = res.includes('SUCCESS'); if (!ok) throw Error; console.log(`${} is ${green('ok')}`); } catch (e) { console.log(`${} is ${red('misconfigured. Please check your secret in servers.json')}`); throw e; } } } SERVERS.forEach(server => new Server(, server.secret)); Deno.serve({ port: PORT, onListen({ port, hostname }) { console.log(green(`Starting tinyscale ${VERSION} on Deno ${Deno.version.deno}`)); console.log(`Your secret is set to ${green(SECRET)}`); console.log(`API available at ${green(`http://${hostname}:${port}/bigbluebutton/api/`)}`); console.log(); console.log(`Running tests on ${SERVERS.length} host${SERVERS.length === 1 ? '':'s'}:`); }}, async (req) => { const url = new URL(req.url); const { call, params } = Server.splitURL(url); const { promise, resolve } = Promise.withResolvers(); let log = `${date()} `; // voicemail if just looking for a life sign from the server if (url.pathname === '/bigbluebutton/api/' || url.pathname === '/bigbluebutton/') return new Response("SUCCESS2.0", { headers: { "content-type": "text/xml" } }); // check the checksum and fail if not true const authenticated = await Server.checkAuthenticated(url); if (!authenticated) { log = log + red(`401: ${url.pathname}`); return new Response("FAILEDchecksumErrorChecksums do not match", { status: 401, headers: { "content-type": "text/xml" } }); } // if there's a meeting/recording id, find the server which has it let selectedServer: Server | undefined; const meetingID = url.searchParams.get('meetingID'); const recordingID = url.searchParams.get('recordingID'); if (meetingID !== null) { if (call === 'create') { // if there's a request for the same room creation, wait for it if (queue.has(meetingID)) { console.log(`Race pending for meeting-ID: ${red(meetingID)}`); await queue.get(meetingID); } queue.set(meetingID, promise); } for (const server of Server.listServer) { const meetings = await server.getResponse('getMeetings'); if (meetings.includes(meetingID)) { selectedServer = server; break; } } } else if (recordingID !== null) for (const server of Server.listServer) { const recordings = await server.getResponse('getRecordings'); if (recordings.includes(recordingID)) { selectedServer = server; break } } log = log + `${green(`${call}`)} found, reply with`; if (call === 'create' && selectedServer === undefined && meetingID !== null) { selectedServer = Server.getNextServer(); console.log(date()+' '+green('create')+' '+yellow('not found')+", opening a new room on "+green(; const body = await selectedServer.getResponse('create', params); resolve(meetingID); queue.delete(meetingID); return new Response(body, { headers: { "content-type": "text/xml" } }); } else if (call === 'create' && meetingID !== null) { resolve(meetingID); queue.delete(meetingID); } if (selectedServer === undefined) selectedServer = Server.currentServer; log = log + ' ' +; console.log(log); // return the new URL to the real BBB server const newURL = await selectedServer.urlCreate(call, params); return Response.redirect(newURL); })